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Nigel Robertson

Turnitin: 10 types of unoriginal work #Turnitin #edtech - eLearning Blog Dont Waste Your Time - 0 views

    "How about this infographic from Turnitin to start the week? From a survey of nearly 900 educators (Plagiarism Today) Turnitin are trying to "understand what kinds of plagiarism were the most common in academia and, equally importantly, which were viewed as being the most problematic"."
Nigel Robertson

Some turn away from Turnitin over price and reliability | News | Times Higher Education - 0 views

    "Increases in the licensing cost of the plagiarism detection service Turnitin is causing concern at a number of UK universities"
Nigel Robertson

The Role of Turnitin within the Formative Process of Academic Writing - 0 views

    A study of the formative use of Turnitin in a writing class.
Stephen Harlow

EnhancED Student, Heal Thyself with Turnitin - 0 views

    "Columbia's Turnitin subscription, managed by CUIT, is used primarily by students to check and repair their own work prior to handing it in to the instructor."
Nigel Robertson

WriteCheck ™ powered by Turnitin - Sign up Now! - 0 views

    Online checking tool for students developed by Turnitin makers.
Nigel Robertson

Floored by flaws? | Honesty, honestly… - 0 views

    How accurate are iThenticate (Turnitin etc) press releases? 
Nigel Robertson

The assessment challenge - an end-to-end solution - E-learning team blog - 1 views

    Connecting the LMS, the SMS and Turnitin in a workflow.
Nigel Robertson

Deterrents don't deter? « Rowin's Blog - 1 views

    A logical fallacy that students plagiarise because of a desire to cheat and deceive and therefore why we should use plagiarism detection tools such as Turnitin in formative ways.
Nigel Robertson

Future of Moodle Turnitin plugins « - 1 views

    Merging the Tii plugins for Moodle to one official version. Dan Marsden
Dean Stringer

Turnitin and Moodle « - 0 views

    waikato gets a mention
Nigel Robertson

Turnitin Survey - Student Access to Originality Reports - 0 views

    57 UK universities responded to this survey on their position to allowing student access to Tii reports.
Nigel Robertson

Encouraging International and Dyslexic Students to Develop Better Learning Strategies | BROOKES eJOURNAL OF LEARNING AND TEACHING - 0 views

    Article on using Turnitin to support the development of writing skills with international and dyslexic students.
Nigel Robertson

Remix, Mashups, Aggregation, Plagiarism oh my | - 0 views

    Excellent take down of a new Turnitin resource which suggests everything is a plagiarism.
Nigel Robertson

Bloom | ULCC Coursework Module - 0 views

    Plug in for Moodle that allows double marking and blind marking. Includes access to Turnitin reports.
Nigel Robertson

Originality Checking/Turnitin | Assessment Essentials - 0 views

    Sheffield Hallam resource on using Tii for academic Integrity and good writing.
Stephen Harlow

Times Higher Education - Use of Turnitin software does not deter cheating, study finds - 0 views

    "One explanation is that students who plagiarized did not have high confidence that the system would detect the plagiarism in their writing," he says. "A second explanation is that the students who plagiarized were, for lack of a better word, desperate." n=bugger all (via @Dakvid)
Nigel Robertson

Wikipedia Tops List of Plagiarized Sources -- Campus Technology - 2 views

  • Where are students finding the materials they plagiarize in their papers? According to a new study, WIkipedia tops the list for both secondary and college students. But as a category, encyclopedia sites are among the least popular sources, coming in behind four other types of information outlets, including both academic sites and paper mills.
    Article about some work by Turnitin on sources used by plagiarised submissions.  It says 'plagiarised' but in the text says 'matched sources'. The Tii report is available on a link to check out details more fully.
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