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Stephen Bright

The Real Reason Coffee Shops Boost Productivity | The Creativity Post - 0 views

    coffee shop meetings boost productivity and creativeness because of moderate level of background noise. More meetings in coffee shops to enhance WCEL team performance!
Stephen Bright

Picture Stories / Social Media explained (with coffee). - 0 views

    Fun infographic which highlights in a single sentence for each tool how different social media address the subject of coffee drinking
Stephen Harlow

ADU Online Coffeecourses | Online professional development, recaffeinated - 1 views

    "Coffeecourses can be done at your own pace at any time that suits you... Each course is made up of quick (~10 minutes) tasks that can be completed whenever you have time, sitting down with a good cup of coffee..." Nice idea! Application for digital literacy?
Stephen Harlow

Office Blogs - Free Office webinars every Tuesday - 2 views

    Terrible time for us, unless you're an insomniac (or ds106 DJ), but a format we could copy: 15 minute hangouts (BYO coffee).
Nigel Robertson

The Technium: What Books Will Become - 0 views

    Fold out and projected ebooks suggested in this future looking article on the book. Remember you heard it first walking to coffee with me!
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