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Stephen Harlow

20+ Awesome & Unique Uses Of Google Reader You Probably Didn't Know About - 2 views

    "Google Reader, a tool which can do wonders, is still unused by people. We all know Google Reader as a Web-based aggregator, capable of reading Atom and RSS feeds online or offline, but it can also perform various other useful tasks."
Nigel Robertson

Be Smarter Than Your Boss: Use Google Reader « Reid All About It - 1 views

    Post about using Google Reader. Basic but some handy tips.
Derek White

MobileRead Wiki - E-book Reader Matrix - 3 views

    This page compares e-book reader devices that use e-paper. If you prefer Devices that use an LCD (TFT) display See: LCD E-Book Reader Matrix. For a general introduction to all e-book devices see: E-book devices. See also Web Tablets, PDA devices and Smartphones that may be used as e-book readers.
Nigel Robertson

The Complete Educator's Guide to Using Google Reader : The Edublogger - 0 views

    Resource from Sue Waters on using the new Google Reader.
Nigel Robertson

News: Highlighting E-Readers - Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

    Report on the findings of a trial at 3 unis of students using e-book readers. Main comment are that they are ok but rubbish for taking notes in the flexible way we do with paper.
Stephen Harlow

Blended approach extends reach - - - 0 views

    "What a difference a year makes. Twelve months ago the most adventurous business schools were experimenting with e-readers - Kindles - to replace paper case studies and textbooks, and Facebook to boost student recruitment. Today, e-readers are passé; Facebook ubiquitous." --Someone tell WMS!
Nigel Robertson

The Great Content Wars Of 2011 - 0 views

  • Look around the next time you’re sat on a crowded city bus during commuting hours. Most people’s headphones are now plugged into their phones. If by some chance they’re not listening to music then they’re reading the paper, a book, checking twitter, posing on facebook, writing an email, updating their diary or taking a photo and sticking a vintage filter on it while on their phone, or tablet, or e-reader. And they probably are listening to music while doing all the above.
    Excellent piece on the changing digital landscape and what it means for content. "Look around the next time you're sat on a crowded city bus during commuting hours. Most people's headphones are now plugged into their phones. If by some chance they're not listening to music then they're reading the paper, a book, checking twitter, posing on facebook, writing an email, updating their diary or taking a photo and sticking a vintage filter on it while on their phone, or tablet, or e-reader. And they probably are listening to music while doing all the above."
Stephen Harlow

AppleInsider | Amazon Kindle 'rapidly' losing e-reader market share to Apple's iPad - 1 views

    "As Apple's iPad continues its strong sales pace, the touchscreen tablet has narrowed the gap with Amazon's Kindle in terms of e-reader hardware market share."
Nigel Robertson

Undead Tech: E-Ink and Readers | TechWatch | Fast Company - 1 views

    Good background and short history of e-ink with limited review of Sony's current ebook reader.
Tracey Morgan

iPads Make Better Readers, Writers -- THE Journal - 1 views

    Here's the primary source. Self-published by an Apple fanboy err I mean distinguished educator ;-)
Stephen Harlow

Shareable: Microtouch: An Open Source, DIY eBook Reader and Mobile Media Device - 0 views

    "'s encouraging to see that enterprising hardware hackers are building DIY, open source mobile devices that could potentially replace those tightly-controlled eReaders and mobile media and Internet devices that we clutch so tightly."
Nigel Robertson

The Public Domain Review | - 0 views

    "The Public Domain Review is a not-for-profit project dedicated to showcasing the most interesting and unusual out-of-copyright works available online.  All works eventually fall out of copyright - from classic works of art, music and literature, to abandoned drafts, tentative plans, and overlooked fragments. In doing so they enter the public domain, a vast commons of material that everyone is free to enjoy, share and build upon without restriction.  We believe the public domain is an invaluable and indispensable good, which - like our natural environment and our physical heritage - deserves to be explicitly recognised, protected and appreciated.  The Public Domain Review aims to help its readers to explore this rich terrain - like a small exhibition gallery at the entrance of an immense network of archives and storage rooms that lie beyond. "
Nigel Robertson

ChromeVox Accessibility ScreenReader - 0 views

    New screen reader from Google. This looks important as it saves on licenses for JAWS and apparently works better in Docs than JAWS.
Nigel Robertson

Book Talk: Peter Suber on Open Access - YouTube - 0 views

    "The internet lets us share perfect copies of our work with a worldwide audience at virtually no cost. We take advantage of this revolutionary opportunity when we make our work "open access": digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. In this talk, Peter Suber - Director of the Harvard Open Access Project - shares insights from his new concise introduction to open access - what open access is and isn't, how it benefits authors and readers of research, how we pay for it, how it avoids copyright problems, how it has moved from the periphery to the mainstream, and what its future may hold. This event includes questions and responses from Stuart Shieber (School of Engineering and Applied Sciences), Robert Darnton (Harvard University Library), June Casey (Harvard Law School Library), David Weinberger (Berkman Center / Harvard Library Innovation Lab) and more."
Nigel Robertson

A Basic Guide to Open Educational Resources (OER) - Commonwealth of Learning - 0 views

    This Guide comprises three sections. The first - a summary of the key issues - is presented in the form of a set of 'Frequently Asked Questions'. Its purpose is to provide readers with a quick and user-friendly introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER) and some of the key issues to think about when exploring how to use OER most effectively. The second section is a more comprehensive analysis of these issues, presented in the form of a traditional research paper. For those who have a deeper interest in OER, this section will assist with making the case for OER more substantively. The third section is a set of appendices, containing more detailed information about specific areas of relevance to OER. These are aimed at people who are looking for substantive information regarding a specific area of interest.
Tracey Morgan

ideas @ - 0 views

    Links to various articles:   "The German tradition of social pedagogy has become associated with social work. This tends to obscure its educational credentials as 'education for sociality', particularly to English-language readers. Here we explore its history and current status."
Nigel Robertson

The Future Of Learning Content - 0 views

    It's inevitable-technology changes education. In the first book of the "Next is Now" series, Rob Reynolds, Ph.D., analyzes the meaningful impact new e-reader and tablet technology is having on the education industry, and how these devices are making publishing, teaching-and learning-easier.
Nigel Robertson

Challenging the Politics of the Teacher Accountability Movement: Toward a More Hopeful ... - 0 views

    Guest editors Gail Boldt and Bill Ayers have asked 14 leading educators to address the politics of the teacher accountability movement in America. Who benefits and who is hurt? What is gained and what is lost? How can we move forward with a more hopeful and inclusive vision of our educational future? >>> All of the contributors are motivated by an abiding commitment to democratic ideals and respect for the complex work of teachers even as they encourage the reader to take back the conversation about school reform in America.
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