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Nigel Robertson

calibre - Open books - 0 views

    "calibre  introduces Open Books, a site for easy browsing of DRM-free e-books (e-books without DRM) that are not in the public domain. calibre has a cornucopia of features including library management, e-book conversion, syncing with devices, news download, e-book viewing etc, but to make the most of these features with your e-books you need to ensure your e-books do not carry DRM"
Derek White

MobileRead Wiki - E-book Reader Matrix - 3 views

    This page compares e-book reader devices that use e-paper. If you prefer Devices that use an LCD (TFT) display See: LCD E-Book Reader Matrix. For a general introduction to all e-book devices see: E-book devices. See also Web Tablets, PDA devices and Smartphones that may be used as e-book readers.
Tracey Morgan

Why Aren't Students Using E-Books? | MindShift - 0 views

    Though we keep hearing about a huge increase in sales of e-books, a recent survey shows that, for students, that needle has not really moved much.
Nigel Robertson

New Social E-Reading Platform Allows Real-Time Discussions, Right On the E-Book's Pages - 2 views

    Social e-books - what will they think of next :)
Nigel Robertson

display - 1 views

    "The Higher Education Academy published the book Transforming Higher Education Through Technology Enhanced Learning in December 2009. Although the book has its genesis in the e-learning Benchmarking & Pathfinder Programme led by the Higher Education Academy from 2005-2008 readers will find that the book contains a thought-provoking edited collection which offers far more than a straightforward account of outcomes of one national programme; you will find that it is both broad in scope and reflective in tone"
Nigel Robertson

Books vs. E-Books - 2 views

    Poster summary of figures for books and ebooks.
Stephen Harlow

Format shifting dead trees: can e-book piracy be ethical? - 1 views

    "So you buy the hardcover and then pirate a homebrew e-book ...the interesting question isn't one of law, it's one of ethics"
Stephen Harlow

CSU System Shares E-book Pilot Results - 0 views

    "After piloting a digital textbook rental program in fall 2010, the California State University system learned a few lessons about how the e-books worked for students."
Nigel Robertson

Read an e-book week March 6-12 - 0 views

    It's read an ebook week - but nearly finished. E-books are 40 years old - who knew that?
Nigel Robertson

AcademicPub - Custom Books for Higher Education - 1 views

    THE ACADEMICPUB APPLICATION GIVES EDUCATORS THE ABILITY TO CREATE THEIR OWN CUSTOM BOOKS - IN PRINT AND E-BOOK FORMAT. Our application provides real-time copyright clearance and an ever-expanding content library along with the ability to add your own materials and articles from the web. And - peer recommendations from colleagues in your discipline can present new possibilities to enrich your courses.
Nigel Robertson

Undead Tech: E-Ink and Readers | TechWatch | Fast Company - 1 views

    Good background and short history of e-ink with limited review of Sony's current ebook reader.
Nigel Robertson

News: Highlighting E-Readers - Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

    Report on the findings of a trial at 3 unis of students using e-book readers. Main comment are that they are ok but rubbish for taking notes in the flexible way we do with paper.
Nigel Robertson

The Great Content Wars Of 2011 - 0 views

  • Look around the next time you’re sat on a crowded city bus during commuting hours. Most people’s headphones are now plugged into their phones. If by some chance they’re not listening to music then they’re reading the paper, a book, checking twitter, posing on facebook, writing an email, updating their diary or taking a photo and sticking a vintage filter on it while on their phone, or tablet, or e-reader. And they probably are listening to music while doing all the above.
    Excellent piece on the changing digital landscape and what it means for content. "Look around the next time you're sat on a crowded city bus during commuting hours. Most people's headphones are now plugged into their phones. If by some chance they're not listening to music then they're reading the paper, a book, checking twitter, posing on facebook, writing an email, updating their diary or taking a photo and sticking a vintage filter on it while on their phone, or tablet, or e-reader. And they probably are listening to music while doing all the above."
Stephen Harlow

Three-quarters of students prefer a bound book over digital, by John Miedema | TeleRead... - 1 views

    "Three-quarters of students prefer a bound book over the digital equivalent"
Nigel Robertson

Kapp Notes: Want to Write an Electronic Book? Check Out Sony - 0 views

    "Over at Wired I found a great article on the ability of authors to self-publish their own books directly to the Sony eReader."
Nigel Robertson

Electronic textbooks: set to take over? | University Affairs - 1 views

    Good article on the emergence of e-textbooks in education and the affordances they offer.
Nigel Robertson

Ebooks in the 'e-filling station'? | The Auricle - 2 views

    Derek Morrison blogs about e-books and their place in Higher Ed.
Nigel Robertson

Steal This Book! | TechCrunch - 1 views

    Jon Evans releases two novels as free ebooks. Both had previously been paid print releases. As a side note, both are thrillers - Invisible Armies is about hackers, anti-corporate protestors, globalization, and the surveillance society; Swarm is about fleets of UAVs in The Wrong Hands
Nigel Robertson

Go To Hellman: Internet Archive Sets Fair-Use Bait With Open Library Lending - 0 views

    Post on Open Library starting to loan in copyright digital books. Very interesting.
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