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John Pearce - 2 views

  • is a Twitter service that can provide you with the most detailed information about a specific Twitter user in the least amount of time! Here's how it works. You input a Twitter name into the searchbox and hit enter. gets access to the profile of that user via the Twitter API, scans all the public info and the latest 200 tweets! In general, you'd read those 200 messages to get to know what that specific user is all about, right? Well you don't have to! has done that for you already, and provides you only with the most significant parts of those 200 tweets. It builds up three tag clouds: topics, #hashtags and @mentions, all based on the user's recent activity, AND excluding all stop words! Isn't that great?
John Pearce

How Twitter is Changing: A new study reveals Twitter's new direction - 0 views

    "2010 will be forever commemorated as the year Twitter matured from a cool but undecided teenager into a more confident and assertive young adult. While there's still much room to mature and develop, Twitter's new direction is crystallizing. With a new look, Dick Costolo as the new CEO, and an oversold new advertising platform, Twitter is growing into something not yet fully identifiable, but formidable nonetheless."
Roland Gesthuizen

Who to Follow on Twitter | lordfolland - 0 views

    "I was out to dinner in Adelaide with some amazing educators on the weekend. While there Shaileigh Page asked me for five educators I thought teachers to twitter should follow. I had a few names that came to mind quickly, then I thought of more (going past my original target of 5). Building their twitter network can help Australian teachers to develop their Professional Engagement (one of the new National Professional Standards for Teachers)."
Roland Gesthuizen

Think twice before using Twitter as a data source » Nieman Journalism Lab - 0 views

  • All that’s not to say that Twitter’s not incredibly useful as a data source
  • Just be aware of its limits and be careful about assuming what it produces represents any larger reality
  • different versions of Twitter data can return different — sometimes even mutually contradictory — results
    "At Source, Jacob Harris notes that, as appealing as the Twitter API may be as a source of what-people-are-thinking data, it's hardly perfect. Twitter's demographics aren't representative of either Internet users as a whole or the broader population, and geocoding data is sparse and inconsistent. "
Roland Gesthuizen

Twitter, Accuracy & Journalism: Qantas QF32 Example - 0 views

    "Just as newsrooms were starting to stir with the rumoured explosion of a Qantas plane off Indonesia, and journalists began making calls to hotels on the island of Batam, Twitter was recording thousands of versions of what might have happened. "
    Some fascinating things to consider in this media article between informal twitter users and formal journalists as the social networking tide sweeps across the story to lift it gently onto the beach. What really happened, when and where is the real news?
Roland Gesthuizen

How To Download Your Twitter Archive - 0 views

    Twitter is available for you to back up all your tweets through its website, and the following will show you how to do that in 3 steps:
John Pearce

BlastFollow! - 0 views

    "BlastFollow enables you to follow Twitter users who share your interests en masse. This web site is a production of Triangle Information Solutions. To use BlastFollow, simply enter a favorite hashtag (for example, "americanidol") in the box below. Then, click the "Get Users!" button. After a few seconds, you will see the number of users who tweeted with that hashtag recently. Then, you need only enter your Twitter name and password and click "Blast!" You will start following all of those users. You can usually see the progress on a user-by-user basis."
Roland Gesthuizen

Course: Twitter - Making the most of Tweets - 0 views

    Moodle course that explores using Twitter for Educators
    Here is an interesting Moodle course for Twitter users.
John Pearce

Facebook vs Twitter Infographic - - 1 views

    This is an interesting breakdown of the 2010 stats related to Facebook vs Twitter.
Roland Gesthuizen

YouTube - Graeme Anthony C.V.I.V - Intro - 0 views

    "Graeme Anthony C.V.I.V - Intro Email - Twitter - Created by Graeme Anthony, brought to life by Dan Burdett -"
    Amazing way to promote yourself with an interactive video CV on YouTube. I hope that this chap can get a job from this CVIV.
John Pearce

ManageFlitter - Fast & Easy Unfollowing for Twitter - 3 views

    "ManageFlitter enables you to # Clean up and manage who you follow. # Find out who isn't following you back. # Find out which inactive accounts you follow. # Easily search inside your Twitter stream."
John Pearce

Twittercure: Kathy Shrock's Twitter Presentation - 0 views

    This presentation provides an in-depth overview of the micro-blogging tool, Twitter. The links to the tips, tricks, tools, research, and other items included in the presentation are listed below.
Roland Gesthuizen

True believer keen on spreading the social media word - 0 views

  • ''Trying to take all of what is happening on Twitter in is like drinking from a fire hydrant,'' he says. ''So you end up thinking of it as a stream that's flowing past you; you throw your hook in and pull out an idea and if it's good then you let it go and let other people share in it.''
    "ROLAND Gesthuizen describes himself as a social media evangelist. His passion for social media and Twitter in particular extends beyond the global power of tapping into and sharing ideas. For his students it has brought the outside world to his classroom in a way that could never be imagined."
John Pearce

twtrland - 0 views

    Twitter has become so much more than the "I'm hungry" kind of service. It contains 140's of what we are. This content is hidden somewhere behind the small avatar and last tweets in a user's timeline. We are here to make it visible.  We take a bag of tweets, analyze them, and create a profile page which show-casts the person behind them. Currently we focus on behavior patterns, Famous words, Top Followers, Links, Replies, Songs, Pictures and Check-ins. 
Roland Gesthuizen

Send Your Google+ Posts To Facebook and Twitter #Extension - 0 views

    Google+ does not have a quick way sharing your posts to Twitter and Facebook, this extension will add a link "Send to …" to each post. Once clicked, it will bring up an internal dialog asking you where to share your post.
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