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John Pearce - 2 views

  • is a Twitter service that can provide you with the most detailed information about a specific Twitter user in the least amount of time! Here's how it works. You input a Twitter name into the searchbox and hit enter. gets access to the profile of that user via the Twitter API, scans all the public info and the latest 200 tweets! In general, you'd read those 200 messages to get to know what that specific user is all about, right? Well you don't have to! has done that for you already, and provides you only with the most significant parts of those 200 tweets. It builds up three tag clouds: topics, #hashtags and @mentions, all based on the user's recent activity, AND excluding all stop words! Isn't that great?
John Pearce

Twittercure: Kathy Shrock's Twitter Presentation - 0 views

    This presentation provides an in-depth overview of the micro-blogging tool, Twitter. The links to the tips, tricks, tools, research, and other items included in the presentation are listed below.
John Pearce

BlastFollow! - 0 views

    "BlastFollow enables you to follow Twitter users who share your interests en masse. This web site is a production of Triangle Information Solutions. To use BlastFollow, simply enter a favorite hashtag (for example, "americanidol") in the box below. Then, click the "Get Users!" button. After a few seconds, you will see the number of users who tweeted with that hashtag recently. Then, you need only enter your Twitter name and password and click "Blast!" You will start following all of those users. You can usually see the progress on a user-by-user basis."
John Pearce

ManageFlitter - Fast & Easy Unfollowing for Twitter - 3 views

    "ManageFlitter enables you to # Clean up and manage who you follow. # Find out who isn't following you back. # Find out which inactive accounts you follow. # Easily search inside your Twitter stream."
Roland Gesthuizen

Thursdays with ICTEV Webinar Series: Building CoP using social media | ICTEV - 0 views

    "This webinar will examine the social networks that have become established by educators. It will examine their scope, audience and the different tools that can be used to connect with these online learning communities. It will look at how teachers can connect to these communities with mobile phones, tablet devices and computers, online behaviour, how information is shared, how to control your content, how to find material and how to leverage this to best advantage. It will also consider some of the ethical issues and dilemmas that must be considered. "
John Pearce

Screenr - Create screencasts and screen recordings the easy way - 0 views

    Screenr is a free web-based tool from Articulate that lets you create screencasts without installing any software. There is nothing to download, it plays on everything including iPhones and it is free.
John Pearce

Learning is life.: Evernote as a 1-on-1 Reading Conferencing Tool - 1 views

    "One of the essentials in Reading this year is one-on-one conferencing with students. When I saw that The CAFE suggested using three-ring binders with tons of copies for each student, I went mentally-fetal. It wouldn't just be one three-ring binder I'd need to organize. I have three classes! Knowing that much paperwork would overwhelm me, I set about devising a system. I settled on Evernote with an iPad I've borrowed from my district's IT department. I want to lay out a few screenshots of how it works and why I like it."
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