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John Pearce

Phil Bradley's weblog: Google Plus; an overview - 1 views

    "Google Plus or Google+ or G+ has now been out and about for roughly a week, and I was fortunate enough to get to play with it quite early on. I know that lots of people haven't as yet, so this is an overview post so that when you DO, you'll have some idea of what you're looking at. (Please note: I don't have any invites to give out and I've tried several different ways to share access already. If/when I do, I'll be sure to let people know via my Twitter feed.)"
Roland Gesthuizen

Why ICT should still be taught in schools and a way to do it properly : Just an IT Teacher - 0 views

  • As educators, we have to realise that much of the criticism of ICT is to be expected if the subject is not taught properly. The reasons for it not being taught properly I am not going to elaborate on here. What is most important is that we redress the balance  by becoming the most dynamic, forward-thinking subject in the school you teach at.
    "I have embarked on a completely new approach to teaching three Year 10 classes the dreaded and much maligned OCR Nationals ICT course .. Here is a step-by-step outline of the approach to teaching of this. In my opinion, with the right approach, ICT can and will be an essential part of your students' learning."
Roland Gesthuizen

Thursdays with ICTEV Webinar Series: Building CoP using social media | ICTEV - 0 views

    "This webinar will examine the social networks that have become established by educators. It will examine their scope, audience and the different tools that can be used to connect with these online learning communities. It will look at how teachers can connect to these communities with mobile phones, tablet devices and computers, online behaviour, how information is shared, how to control your content, how to find material and how to leverage this to best advantage. It will also consider some of the ethical issues and dilemmas that must be considered. "
Roland Gesthuizen

The Ultranet July 2012 (with tweets) · rgesthuizen · Storify - 0 views

    "The Ultranet is a secure Internet portal for students, parents and teachers at State Schools in Victoria. This is a brief summary capturing some of the buzz on social networks about the Ultranet during July 2012, spanning the term break and very start of term 3."
Roland Gesthuizen

How do I cite a tweet? - 1 views

    How do I cite a tweet?
VITTA Professional Learning

ShowMeBlog.Com: Topsy beta - 0 views

    There is a plugin integrates the Topsy Retweet Button with WordPress blogs.
John Pearce

Screenr - Create screencasts and screen recordings the easy way - 0 views

    Screenr is a free web-based tool from Articulate that lets you create screencasts without installing any software. There is nothing to download, it plays on everything including iPhones and it is free.
John Pearce

Group discussion made easy | micromobs - 0 views

    micromobs is a group messaging service and is the easiest way to manage and communicate with multiple groups. micromobs presents your group messages as a stream of content which means you can chose which messages to respond to and which messages to skim over or ignore. This means your group messages will no longer clutter your inbox, and you wont need to go to different websites to interact with your various social groups.
John Pearce

Learning is life.: Evernote as a 1-on-1 Reading Conferencing Tool - 1 views

    "One of the essentials in Reading this year is one-on-one conferencing with students. When I saw that The CAFE suggested using three-ring binders with tons of copies for each student, I went mentally-fetal. It wouldn't just be one three-ring binder I'd need to organize. I have three classes! Knowing that much paperwork would overwhelm me, I set about devising a system. I settled on Evernote with an iPad I've borrowed from my district's IT department. I want to lay out a few screenshots of how it works and why I like it."
John Pearce

Free Technology for Teachers: 11 Good Digital Storytelling Resources - 0 views

    "Digital storytelling comes in many forms. Digital storytelling could refer to creating podcasts, creating videos, or creating multimedia ebooks to name of few of its forms. If you're considering developing your first digital storytelling project for your class, here some resources that can help you get started."
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