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Roger Chen

Paul Buchheit: The power of links and the value of global knowledge - 0 views

  • With Pagerank, Google took a very different approach. Instead of considering each page in isolation, they examined the link structure of the entire web and computed a global evaluation of that structure. In other words, they began looking at the entire forest instead of just the individual trees.
Jing Lai

PyQt4 - PythonInfo Wiki - 0 views

    python GUI 程式設計必備良藥
Roger Chen

中国不和谐的最根本原因在哪里?_追寻失去的传统.傅国涌_新浪博客 - 0 views

  • 林毅夫有一个说法:“当前,中国不和谐现象的最根本原因在于穷人在经济增长过程中仍然较穷,或者说收入增加较慢”。
  • 造成当前中国不和谐的最根本原因不在于穷人问题,而在于严重的社会不公,这种不公并不是个别的、局部的、暂时的,而是体制性的,现有的体制框架实际上已经没有能力保障基本的社会公正,因为这种体制本身就是依靠不公而赖以运转的,这是一个建立在社会不公基础之上的秩序,一小部分人被赋予了无限的特权,对绝大部分人的权利进行肆无忌惮的剥夺,对社会资源进行竭泽而渔式的瓜分和掳掠。
  • 和谐,从字面上看也包括两个方面,“和”是有饭吃,“谐”是有话说,不允许人说话的和谐绝对算不得和谐。从这个意义上说,和谐首先是个体制问题,有了一个能保障全体人说话权利的体制,一个可以救济社会缺陷的体制,社会才有可能和谐。
Roger Chen

Leigh's Blitherings: Have We Crossed The Chasm? - 0 views

  • Geoffrey Moore wrote Crossing the Chasm over 15 years ago and it's still probably the foremost framework used for launching new technology products.
  • Moore's key insight is that the groups adopt innovations for different reasons. Early adopters are technology enthusiasts looking for a radical shift, where the early majority want a "productivity improvement
  • One of the key foundations of the model is how they define usage by groups which brings a key question to the forefront of our current marketing reality. Has the definition of an early adopter changed?
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  • The way I have come to see the chasm: there's ALWAYS a chasm.
  • I agree that there is and will always be a chasm. However, I guess the real question in my mind is, is it a marketing chasm (or awareness/usage chasm) or is it a technology adoption chasm.
Roger Chen

科学网-关于想法、写作和演讲 - 0 views

  • 有个好想法、写篇好论文和做个好讲座是科学研究过程中三件完全不同但是一样重要的事。
  • 这个世界到处都是和你一样聪明的人,大多数你的想法,不管你觉得多么伟大,都必须和别人成千上万同样绝妙的想法竞争。况且你自己认为绝妙的想法科学界未必也这么认为。
  • 首先,尽管从长远来说,不管论文写得好不好,演讲做得好不好,真正的好想法的确早晚会得到承认。问题是,著名经济学家约翰·凯恩斯(Maynard Keynes)曾经说过,“从长远来说,我们都会死的。”
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  • 每年出版的数以百万计的学术论文中只有很少的一部分有十个以上读者看过和被引用过。5年以后还能够被大家记住、阅读和引用的论文就更少了。
  • 绝对不要低估了在科学研究过程中写作和演讲的重要性,除非你真的认为你是十亿个人里最聪明的那一个!
Roger Chen

How to Make Your Blog Posts More Readable | Blogging Tips from Blogsessive - 0 views

  • Write a short introductory paragraph and tell me exactly what I’m about to read.
  • Make use of paragraphs
  • Make use of paragraphs and line breaks. Huge blocks of text are very hard to scan
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  • Whenever you talk about numbers and statistics, use graphics.
  • Give me more things to read. In your posts, sometimes you mention things that are related to the topic, but you don’t want to develop more. Link them to a place where I can read more about them,
  • Whenever you link to another blog post or website, use strong, descriptive text anchors.
  • Create blog post sections and use subheadings so that I can jump between paragraphs of interest.
Roger Chen

只有同情并不足够_文道非常道-梁文道的BLOG_新浪博客 - 0 views

  • 廉價的憐憫只不過是自私的最佳盾牌
  • 亞當.斯密的《道德情感論》裏有一個出名的「中國地震」比喻,說一個普通的英國人由於距離遙遠、情感陌生,因此不會對遠在中國的地震災民生起太大而持久的同情心。對那些認為道德建立在情感之上,而情感又決定於關係親近與否的人而言,這是個經典比喻
  • 我們每一個個人的行為都可能會影響到地球另一端陌生人的生命。例如我們的消費行為就不再只是衡量個人消費能力然後購買滿足感這麼簡單了,它們可能還會影響到世界某個角落居民的生活環境。因此香港這一刻對於鄰邦史無前例的同情心,有必要轉化成一種真正具有全球公民意識的道德情感,而這種道德情感需要知識去理清我們和地球上其他人的關係,需要不斷反省的韌力,還需要行動的勇氣。要做世界公民,光有一時的同情心氾濫是不夠的。 
Jing Lai

[CommunicAsia 2008]Panasonic發表TOUGHBOOK系列防水耐撞NB - 0 views

  • ▼這個系列都採用輕盈材質,雖然有14.1吋螢幕,重量卻只有1.55公斤。可承受76公分高度的下墜衝擊,100公斤的重壓,不過這是官方提供的數據,大家參考就好。
    • Jing Lai
      為什麼他們都做得出那麼輕的機子 Panasonic在國內也只有水貨可以買 殘念...
Roger Chen

科学网-致青年学者--如何撰写学术论文 - 0 views

  • 记住,你有三个相互独立的、完全不同的但是同等重要的任务需要完成:   1.     想出个好主意,做好分析、实验和验证。 2.     设计一份能给听众留下深刻印象、把你的想法“推销”出去的PPT。 3.     撰写一篇能吸引别人阅读和引用的高质量论文,在极少数情况下,甚至是经得起时间考验的论文。
  • 大多数论文作者在做PPT或者写论文的时候,常常倾向于把自己的意识流记录下来,这完全是以自我为中心的。但是,如果要想成功地完成第二、第三项任务,就必须坚持以听众和读者为中心,
  • 总的说来,有三类人会读你的论文
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  • 第一类读者只想了解一下这篇论文是不是对他有用,这时候论文摘要就很重要。
  • 第二类读者,他们只对该论文的中心论点或者/和论文的历史有兴趣,而对里面的细枝末节可能没什么兴趣,这类读者愿意花些时间读文章的一两段概述。
  • 第三类读者,对整篇文章的每个细节都感兴趣
  • 关键是要记住“多替别人着想”这个原则。
  • 1.    概述部分不要夸大其辞,过于吹嘘正文的内容。这是很糟糕的形式,你早晚会后悔的。 2.    恰当地指出他人的贡献和成就,不要太吝啬了。 3.    不要把一篇论文写成大同小异的三篇论文,你可以用一份好的PPT做几次演讲,但是把本质上是一篇的论文发表几次是很糟糕的事情。 4.    不要一稿多投,以为这样就可以增加接收的可能性。这是很不道德的,浪费了评审人的宝贵时间,要知道大家的时间都非常紧张。编辑们对此恨之入骨。不幸的是,至少在我熟悉的那些领域,中国作者因为这种事情在国际上已经声名狼藉了。
Roger Chen

科学网-研究生的"九要" - 0 views

  • 在选择问题过程中,已经必须检索文献和阅读文献了。只有彻底熟悉相关文献,才能做到不“重新发明车轮”,做到站在巨人的肩膀上。
  • 尽管网络检索很方便,但不能代替跑图书馆。因为Deep Web中的东西,未必能看到;因为尚未数字化的文献中,有很多宝贝;因为对于情报学行当,灰色文献更重要,而灰色文献迄今的数字化程度较低。期刊论文、学位论文、会议论文,无论中文外文,都要查。要关注灰色文献。
  • 掌握了一个关键人物(关键机构)的发表物和研究成果,可能比阅读100篇一般文献更有收获。参与到相关学科、相关主题的学术论坛中去,能在世界范围内交到很多朋友,能获取最即时的信息,还可以锻炼英语写作
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  • 参考文献要靠平时积累。 平时不多读东西,不作规范的读书笔记,下笔需要引证时就抓瞎了
Roger Chen

柏杨之后无柏杨 :: 维舟试望故国 - 0 views

  • 近代中国遭际惨烈,有良知的知识分子无不为之椎心泣血,再三的挫败使他们在救亡的进程中日趋激进,最终达成了一种群体性的异化:即认为要实现现代化,必须放弃民族文化。
  • 这位以激烈批评“丑陋的中国人”著称的公共知识分子,多年以前已完成了他对传统文化的破坏性使命,因此他的政治生命早已终结。对柏杨来说,莫大的欣慰也许就是一个不再需要柏杨的中国。
  • 龚鹏程注意到,二十世纪哲学流派称谓常冠有一种否定性限制词,如“反”、“非”、“否”、“拒斥”、“破”、“拆”、“无”等。这是一个破坏压倒建设的时代,就像茅盾小说里的人物所愤激大呼的那样:“一切都毁了吧!一切都毁了以后,乌托邦就出现了!”
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  • 他以笔为枪,指斥“酱缸文化”,并像他的前辈一样“希望能从根本上解决这些问题”。不幸,历史证明,凡是以这种浪漫主义式的狂飙突进从根本上解决问题的,往往都挟带着非理性和暴力。柏杨属于赫尔岑一个多世纪前就批评过的那种人物:“尚未解放自己,却想要解放他人。”因此,替中国文化作病理学分析的柏杨本人,其实也是一个很好的精神分析对象。
  • 就像李普曼曾说的那样,“凡是你严重匮乏的,都是缺乏人类的权利造成的。因为这个词组越空洞,就越能指称几乎任何事情,很快就会变得能够指称差不多万事万物
  • 他的命题大多是论战式的,充满道德判断和情绪化语言,对一段乱世除了贴上“禽兽王朝”的标签外看不到其余历史价值。其否定姿态在锐意破坏的同时,也限制和误导了他的判断力。
  • 吊诡的是,柏杨激烈批判的东西,也正是其价值得以确立的东西。在一个多元权威的时代,不可能再有一个柏杨引起他当年那样的轰动;此刻反复夸张地攻击某一权威,并不能引起人们多大的兴趣
Roger Chen

Classifying research projects by depth - 0 views

  • picking the right problems is the key factor determining your success as a researcher
  • Today, I would like to propose a new, orthogonal, categorization in terms of the depth of the problem you tackle. Some problems are narrow and well-defined, you can complete them in a few months; form a set of narrow and well-defined problems, likely to keep you busy for years.
Roger Chen

State of the Music Industry - Duke Listens! - 0 views

  • Music is really long tail - in 2007, 450,344 of the 570,000 albums sold were purchased less than 100 times. 1,000 albums accounted for 50% of all album sales.
  • CD sales are down 31% since 2004, but digital music sales are up 490%.
  • Surprisingly, Vinyl sales are coming back - they grew 15% in 2007 and are up 70% in the first 3 months of this year. Mostly in indie vinyl.
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  • 80,000 albums were released in 2007
Roger Chen

竹家庄: 文科学生出国后如何"补课"? - 0 views

  • 三个关键词:用英语、看论文、做实证
Roger Chen

科学网-学历的贬值 - 0 views

  • 物以稀为贵。随着高等教育的日益普及,学位证书就显得不那么珍贵了。这是因为,虽然在某种意义上可以将教育看作投资,但经济增长与教育经费的增长并不直接成比例,因此,在高等教育迅猛发展的时期,对于毕业生的雇佣者来说,社会上的大学毕业生越多,每张学位证书所体现的经济价值便越小。这是经济意义上的学历贬值
  • 随着经济增长,人们的物质需要得到较好的满足后,社会对只有受过高等教育方能满足的高级工作的需求也会增长,于是,用于正规教育的经费得以增加。高等教育一方面对求学者提高地位有好处,另一方面替雇主筛选了人材。可是,学位证书越颁越多,其效果就像通货膨胀似的。结果,教育作为高级工作的敲门砖的保险系数越来越低,
  • 赫施认为,学位证书的“通货膨胀”效应在两方面造成了社会性浪费;第一,大量教育经费实际上是用来淘汰、筛选人的,而不是积极地培养人的。第二,获学位的人很多,就必然有一部分学位获得者不得不屈尊俯就一些不能充分用其所学的工作,因此情绪低落,满腹牢骚,工作效果也不好。但这种浪费很难避免,因为,随着劳动力的平均学历水平的提高,学历较低的人就感受到很大的压力,即使为了在职业阶梯上站稳脚跟,他们也要力图提高自己的学历水平,这就造成了对高等教育的一种虚假的需求。于是,形成了恶性循环。
Roger Chen

Data mining is not just a data recovery tool | Styx online - 0 views

  • Data Mining is a process of discovering meaningful new correlations, patterns and trends by sifting through large amounts of data stored in repositories, using statistical, data analysis and mathematical techniques
  • Data mining is the crucial process that helps companies better comprehend their customers. Data mining can be defined as ‘the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data’ and also as ‘the science of extracting useful information from large sets or databases’.
Roger Chen

Write good papers - 0 views

  • be ambitious.
  • Most papers should make a single point.
  • How is your contribution different from what has been said a thousand times before?
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  • A sexy start: tell the reader early why he should read your paper. Don’t summarize, sell! A good abstract answers the question why should I read this paper?,
  • 5. What a good paper should not contain Weak unnecessary results: if you derived ten theorems but only one is necessary, throw the rest of them in your drawers. I do not want to know about useless results! Technical details: technical papers made of several small ideas are usually not interesting.
Roger Chen

QWERTY: When is it just too much? - 0 views

    There seems to be several stages of social media:
Roger Chen

Are You Spending Your Time the Right Way? - Harvard Business Online's Conversation Starter - 0 views

  • Break your responsibilities into categories
  • Ask yourself what percentage of your time you should be spending in each category
  • Check for alignment with your superiors and colleagues
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  • Managing your time
  • Audit your time.
  • Practice time-boxing.
  • Pay attention to the areas where you’re weakest.
    Though most managers understand intellectually that time is their scarcest resource, few make the effort to gain a strategic perspective on how they spend their hours each week. Still fewer make a regular practice of keeping track of how the priorities they say are most important jibe with the way they actually spend their time. "Those we label natural born leaders know how to leverage their time," writes Warren Blank in The 108 Skills of Natural Born Leaders (Amacom, 2001). For those in whom this talent is not innate, here's how to do it.
Roger Chen

Faster - Why Constant Stress is Part of Our Future « Alex Iskold Technology Blog - 0 views

  • Any human being that has to make decisions in real-time will be under a lot of stress.
  • Capitalism is about opportunities. Whenever there is a gap, there is an opportunity to bridge it.
  • Lets face it, we are obsessed with real-time. We want more, and faster. It is not enough for me to have you tell me what you did yesterday. I want to know what you did 5 minutes ago.
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  • Love and passion help them stay on top of the rapidly moving river of news
    • Roger Chen
      Lova and passion help us on top of whatever you name it.
  • The bad news is that real-time is not going away. We are not going to settle for less than right now.
  • Real-time is not only stressful, it is addictive.
  • So for better or worse, we are rushing forward through the sea of information towards more stress.
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