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GameMaker Manual - - 4 views

    'Sup everyone! Okay, so I provided this website for GameMaker! Inside, there's tons of links that teach you the basics, and of course, the advanced use, polishing your game, and GameMaker "Language". It's ordered pretty neatly, and is very easy to understand. Please use this website to your heart's content!
Sharon Jin

Gamemaker Tips - 1 views

    This website is the Gamemaker Community. You can share your games with other players, get tips and tricks from other game makers, learn how to make your game better, and chat with other players on this forum. This website also has a FAQ page that can help you with your game.
Jason Resnick

GameMaker Tutorial - 2 views

    This is a tutorial on Youtube about GameMaker. This resource could definitely help a beginner who is new to GameMaker, and needs to no the basics about programming, rooms, sprites, sounds, etc.
rohab somar

GameMaker: Studio™ | YoYo Games - 1 views

    Multi-format Export When combined with additional export modules, GameMaker: Studio™ can take your game's single codebase and produce ready-to-run executables and store-ready apps for multiple platforms with a single click. it iS A GREAT tool into exploring game maker and has turtrials and alot of cool games to play so if you are struggiling this is for you.
Steven Isaacs

Sir Click's a Lot: Level 1 Complete in GameMaker Studio - 1 views

    Similar to YoYo Game's beginner tutorial, this video shows how to create a simple click-the-dragon level that advances to level 2 when all dragons have been clicked. GameMaker Studio video tutorial play list with links to associated source files. Great way to learn the GameMaker basics!
Matthew Perillo

GameMaker Tutorials - YouTube - 4 views

    Best GameMaker Tutorials ever!
Jeremy Fields

Gamemaker Tutorials - 2 views

Link to Gamemaker Tutorials, it has many different helpful guides to how to do different things in Gamemaker.

game maker tutorials game maker tutorials game design

started by Jeremy Fields on 25 Oct 13 no follow-up yet

Game Maker Sources - 2 views

Game Maker - Pop-up messages and questions - This is an obvious one (it's the gamemaker website) but I used it and found it very helpful when I was...

started by dftbashe on 02 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
Steven Isaacs

GameMaker Studio Community on Steam - 2 views

    This is the site where the GameMaker community resides. Publish your games here to share them with the rest of the community. Play and rate games created by other GameMaker users.
Shankar K

Sprite Resources - 2 views

    This sprite resource provides hundreds of sprite sheets that can be used for gamemaker. It has topics relating to games, and has topics in alphabetical order. This website is really useful for gamemaker games as it can be used for the adventure games
Andrew Willson

Helpful Gamemaker stuff - 1 views

Here is a great link for more sprites and such to be used in gamemaker! These are from GameMaker's website and are quite cool!

video game development game design game maker development

started by Andrew Willson on 05 Dec 11 no follow-up yet
Timmy M.

Game Maker 8: Image and Sprite Editor - 2 views

    Yes this site is part blog, but on this site you can download a game maker sprite editor. This is valuable because it can do everything listed on the info part of the site. You can make better games with more sprites because you can have more graphics then just the bunch that came with game maker.
Napster hacker

Gamemaker help - 1 views

    This could very well help you through some problems in gamemaker. Little problems in the game itself and user tips!
Sid TheKid

Gamemaker Background Sound Errors - 0 views

Hi guys! I found out that Game Maker seems to like .wav files. I tried using MP3's for both background, and sound effects, but it didn't work. Use WAV files for anything you can, it helps Gamemaker...

game maker tutorials

started by Sid TheKid on 17 Oct 13 no follow-up yet
Sara D'Angelos

How To Learn Gamemaker Studio - 0 views

    This is a useful resource for beginners in Game Maker, showing all the different things the program is capable of. It's also good for people who aren't sure whether they want to buy it or not, because it describes the program very well and gives a review of it before the tutorial starts.

GameMaker User Guide - 9 views

    This site is really helpful if you are a beginner that doesn't know what to do first. This website also includes a schedule that you can follow as you get better at designing games. You can use this site to find new tricks and tips as well as features and audios to add into your game. Furthermore, this site includes FAQs if you're still confused. Finally, this page shows you how you can enter your game in competitions and contests if you believe that your game truly is one of a kind.
    This is a very good guide for how to use gamemaker
    This is a great beginner guide to game maker. It has all different levels of difficulty.
Steven Isaacs

Piskel - Free online sprite editor - 3 views

    Piskel is a great site to make and or edit sprites. It is very useful and easy to use. It is one of the best sprite editors out there.
  • ...3 more comments...
    Piskel, free online sprite editor. A simple web-based tool for Spriting and Pixel art. Create pixel art, game sprites and animated GIFs. Free and open-source. It is a great free sprite creator, and is easily used.
    This will help you make your own sprite for your own game. You can create any character for your game and than use it for the game that you created.
    Piskel, free online sprite editor. A simple web-based tool for Spriting and Pixel art. Create pixel art, game sprites and animated GIFs. Free and open-source.
    Piskel, free online sprite editor. A simple web-based tool for Spriting and Pixel art. Create pixel art, game sprites and animated GIFs. Free and open-source.
    Piskel is an easy to use and very effective tool for creating pixel graphics for GameMaker: Studio and other programs. Animations can be made right in the web based app!
Sharon Jin

Game Maker: Optimizing For Speed/Memory - 3 views

    This post contains many useful tricks you can use when creating your game. For example, it gives you tips on how to make your game quicker and more efficient to run. It also helps you on what sprites you should use to make your game better.
Henry Monk

Game Maker Tutorial - 2 views

    To change things up, this isn't a sprite page. This is a tutorial page for gamemaker that shows many different step/code relevant things.

Introduction to Computer Games Programming Using Game Maker - 0 views

    This is a tutorial website for gamemaker! It is very helpful and can teach the basics quickly but thoroughly.
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