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Jason Gilow

A sign of the times - 1 views

After reflecting on this article, I wonder what it would have been like if two legendary stations of my youth had merged. How would that have changed the lsitenership and the market itself??? Weird!

radio New York major market economics

Ryan Morin

British vs. American Journalism - 1 views

    Interesting! I would have thought that British journalism was more stuffy!
Jason Gilow

More about the shrinking job market in the radio business - 2 views

This guy has lots of other great articles about what happens in radio behind the scenes. Very scarily accurate!!! Lots of it is true! Take it from a guy who used to be in the business!

Heather Williams

The Professional Hobo - 0 views

    By theprofessionalhobo ~ This woman is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to traveling cheap and ways to get the most out of your travel experiences. She is a travel journalist and has countless resources of homestead and volunteer websites to not only volunteer for free but also get room and board for free for other travel journalist.
Jason Gilow

Advantages for satellite radio in business practices over terrestrial radio - 2 views

This was an interesting look at why satellite might have an advantage over "free" commercial radio.

radio economics

Jason Gilow

A cure for the radio industry??? - 2 views

And entertaining! I never would have realized that talking about such a new product could be so hilarious! Totally on the mark!

radio cure dying industry

Jason Gilow

Converage of the election, new media vs old. - 2 views

Interesting to see how media coverage of something like elections has changed recently. We can easily compare elections, seeing as how they have been a part of our culture for over two centuries, ...

election media

Fiona Ferguson

Online Education Resources: 150 Resources to Help You Write Better - 3 views

    This site has tons of online resources for writing. It includes lot of other links to writing sites and is a great jumping-off place if you are looking for information. Check it out!
Douglas Sharp

Communication Skills Start Here! - Online Communication Skills Training from - 3 views

    The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others clearly and unambiguously. Doing this involves effort from both the sender of the message and the receiver. And it's a process that can be fraught with error, with messages often misinterpreted by the recipient.
Jason Gilow

Embracing social media for radio stations - 1 views

This was a crucial idea as social media was developing when I was in radio years ago. I'd say it's even more crucial now to stay connected to listeners as audiences shrink and splinter!

radio social media marketing

Doug Pratt

Finding the truth? - 2 views We all know about Snopes, But while I was checking other sites I came across I saw the .org and thought 'probably reliable.' Turned out to be a conservative pr...

started by Doug Pratt on 07 Mar 12 no follow-up yet
Jason Gilow

Some great techonology-related topics posted here! - 2 views Scroll about halfway down to read "Great minds, but some of the worst predictions about science and technology! "

predictions impact

started by Jason Gilow on 27 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
Jason Gilow

The changing face of commercial radio . . . and the influence of online radio on audiences - 2 views This is how other media is effecting commercial "free" radio.

radio online statistics

started by Jason Gilow on 27 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
Fiona Ferguson

encyclopedic entries and articles - 2 views

shared by Fiona Ferguson on 18 Mar 12 - Cached
    This is a great reference site for looking up just about anything related to words and writing. It includes a Thesaurus and a Translator.
Ian Burton

The Journalist's Toolbox - 2 views

shared by Ian Burton on 22 Feb 12 - Cached
    I know I posted this before but...
    Thanks for posting The Journalist's Toolbox Ian! I think it is a must have for all writers and journalist! Douglas
    This looks great Ian! I can't wait to look through it. Fiona
Fiona Ferguson

10 Internet Technologies Educators Should Be Informed About - 2011 Update | Emerging Ed... - 2 views

    This is an interesting site which gives an overview on technology in education. Thought you might find it interesting too. It contains lot of links and articles regarding technology tools.
Fiona Ferguson

Grammar Girl :: Quick and Dirty Tips ™ - 2 views

    I posted this tool because it is a great way to look up not only correct grammar, but many other things related to writing. My favorite part of this site is it's quick education videos - they are very informative.
Fiona Ferguson

The Writer's Technology Companion - 2 views

    Lots of technology ideas for writing! This is another site which is a resource within a resource for writers. It has alot to read and has many suggestions for technology that will help make a writer's life easier.
Fiona Ferguson

MindMeister - 2 views

shared by Fiona Ferguson on 18 Mar 12 - Cached
    This site was one that I found by accident and it looks very interesting. It is a tool for visually mapping out projects and ideas as well as a collaboration tool (it integrates with Google docs). I haven't used it yet, but the video overview looks fantastic - check out the video! Create, share and collaboratively work on mind maps with MindMeister, the leading online mind mapping tool.
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