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Tiffany Joyce

Creative Commons - 0 views

    Creative Commons licenses provide a flexible range of protections and freedoms for authors, artists, and educators. Acquire a Creative Commons license for your blogs, books, photos, or anything else that you share on-line.
Tiffany Joyce

Flickr: Creative Commons - 0 views

    Photos under "Creative Commons" licenses that can be used in articles and essays (with attribution).
Fiona Ferguson

OpenOffice - 0 views

    This post is for the person, like me who has used the same program (Word) for years and is looking to expand their horizons! 3 is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more. It is available in many languages and works on all common computers. It stores all your data in an international open standard format and can also read and write files from other common office software packages.
    I am using this in place of the power point template that Sherri posted for one of our final projects. It is a greaat place. Easy to use, lots of choices. I have an old computer and don't have power point so this was a great option.
Heather Williams

LiveJournal: Discover global communities of friends who share your unique passions and ... - 0 views

    The best way to enhance your writing is by practice, practice and more practice. Blogs follow a theme usually and journals are ways to put our random thoughts on paper (or in text). Having an online journal with personalized security settings allows us to write whatever our hearts desire without worrying about what our audience might think. I found this site a great blend of personalized journaling and social networking. Below is their description of the site: LiveJournal is a vibrant global social media platform where users share common passions and interests. With hundreds of communities built around popular interests, like entertainment, celebrity gossip, music, food, travel, fashion, parenting, pets, and more, LiveJournal users express themselves through creative journaling and lively commentary.
Douglas Sharp

sketchyTech: Writer's Block: Three OS X apps to help you concentrate - 0 views

    If you suffer or deal with ADD or the common inability to focus while writing; this app may be for you...I know I could use it!
Douglas Sharp

Do You Make These 7 Mistakes When You Write? | Copyblogger - 0 views

    I found this web site to be an informative tool to avoid common mistakes while writing.
Tamara Sturm

Blogger: Create your free Blog - 0 views

shared by Tamara Sturm on 24 Mar 12 - Cached
    A lot of people love to blog. This site is a common site to get started.
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