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Heather Williams

Content marketing software for WordPress | Copyblogger - 0 views

    A systematic, simple way to understand and implement effective online marketing. A clear tutorial approach to the "Copyblogger method" of creating a profitable online business or marketing your offline business online. An organized reference guide to the "best of the best". I have found numerous articles on successfully marketing your writing and ways to use social networking as well. One of my favoritie articles is a Mad Men spin on blogging.
Jason Gilow

A sign of the times - 1 views

After reflecting on this article, I wonder what it would have been like if two legendary stations of my youth had merged. How would that have changed the lsitenership and the market itself??? Weird!

radio New York major market economics

Jason Gilow

More about the shrinking job market in the radio business - 2 views

This guy has lots of other great articles about what happens in radio behind the scenes. Very scarily accurate!!! Lots of it is true! Take it from a guy who used to be in the business!

Jason Gilow

Embracing social media for radio stations - 1 views

This was a crucial idea as social media was developing when I was in radio years ago. I'd say it's even more crucial now to stay connected to listeners as audiences shrink and splinter!

radio social media marketing

Tiffany Joyce

Writers Write -- Writer's Blog and Writing and Publishing Resource - 0 views

    Writers Write(R) is a professional resource for editors, journalists and writers which provides information, markets, job listings, writing news, events and discussion. A little ad-heavy but there's some good information here.
Fiona Ferguson - 1 views

shared by Fiona Ferguson on 18 Mar 12 - Cached
    I posted this because it is a great writer's site. The site itself includes even more links for writer's: see site description: This is a full purpose writers site with resources on markets, agents, writers groups, writer conferences and forums for discussing the writing life and workshops where writers can have their works critiqued
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