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Home/ UWW310Spring2012JournalismCommunication/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Douglas Sharp

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Douglas Sharp

Douglas Sharp

Journalism Internships - 0 views

    "If you're interested in working in the media, doing an internship while you're in college is an absolute must. You can likely get academic credit for it. You may even get paid for it. Most importantly, you will gain valuable hands-on experience that will impress prospective employers and give you an edge over other applicants when you're applying for your first job."[]
    If you wish to start out in the trenches of journalism, this may be a helpful site.
Douglas Sharp

Ethics of social media for journalists | Save the Media - 0 views

    "A friend, Glenn Coin, has asked me to guest lecture about the ethics of social media for his Utica College journalism class, so I figured I'd blog my lesson plan to save time - and spread the message." [Gina Masullo Chen, a 20-year veteran newspaper journalist who is a Ph.D. candidate in mass communications]
    Often I find myself questioning why journalist choose to write articles knowing that the information will bring harm to those currently in the military. My belief on this vacillates with each story.
Douglas Sharp

sketchyTech: Writer's Block: Three OS X apps to help you concentrate - 0 views

    If you suffer or deal with ADD or the common inability to focus while writing; this app may be for you...I know I could use it!
Douglas Sharp

What is Effective Communication? - 0 views

    This link provides wonderful insight on effective communication including an excellent definition of communication. "Communication is the process of sharing information, thoughts and feelings between people through speaking, writing or body language." Douglas
Douglas Sharp

Do You Make These 7 Mistakes When You Write? | Copyblogger - 0 views

    I found this web site to be an informative tool to avoid common mistakes while writing.
Douglas Sharp

The Official Web site for Diana Hacker - 0 views

    Diana Hacker's book "A Writers Reference" is used in the UMASS Frameworks of Understanding course. The link will allow students to view exercises that are great for writing.
Douglas Sharp

Communication Skills Start Here! - Online Communication Skills Training from - 3 views

    The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others clearly and unambiguously. Doing this involves effort from both the sender of the message and the receiver. And it's a process that can be fraught with error, with messages often misinterpreted by the recipient.
Douglas Sharp

Why social media is a massively important tool for any journalist - 1 views

    "Journalism is changing in front of our very eyes and social media is responsible for a large part of that change and most people within the industry see it as a bad thing as print media and traditional advertising models come under pressure." []
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