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Marius S

List of ongoing conflicts- Wikipedia - 2 views

  • Before 1000 · 1000–1499 · 1500–1799 · 1800–1899 · 1900–1944 · 1945–1989 · 1990–2002 · 2003–Current
Morgan V

Sustainable community - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • Sustainable communities are communities planned, built, or modified to promote sustainable living. They tend to focus on environmental sustainability (including development and agriculture) and economic sustainability. Sustainable communities can focus on sustainable urban infrastructure and/or sustainable municipal infrastructure.
Katie Day

javafeedingthemillions / wiki for Grade 5 students at JIS (Jakarta Int'l School) - 1 views

    a wiki dedicated to a research project on hunger and aid agencies
    see the resources for both students and teachers
Katherine G

Afghanistan Web Site - Afghanistan Education - 1 views

    • Katherine G
      Very good website, holds alot of information about education in Afghanistan.
    A Afghanies point of view about education in Afghanistan.
Marius S

2004 French-Ivorian Clashes- Wikipedia - 1 views

    • Marius S
      Map of the conflict
Thomas C

War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

shared by Thomas C on 06 Nov 09 - Cached
  • List of wars by death toll
    • Thomas C
      The top number for world war ii is 72,000,000? seventy two million! Thats a huge number!
    This list has some weird wars. Football war? Second Congo war? Never heard of them!
Hugues M

Land mine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

    "A land mine is a target (person or vehicle) triggered explosive weapon . Their non-explosive predecessors (caltrops, stakes and spikes) have been used on the battlefield since ancient times. Landmines were designed to be used to deter, channel, delay and kill an enemy. They have been used in various formats, for centuries and have featured in all major conflicts. Land mines are force multipliers , meaning that they may increase the efficiency of a force without requiring more personnel. The name originates from the practice of mining , where tunnels were dug under enemy fortifications or forces. These tunnels ("mines") were first collapsed to destroy fortifications above, and later filled with explosives and detonated. Land mines generally refer to devices specifically manufactured for this purpose, as distinguished from improvised explosive devices ("IEDs"). The use of land mines is controversial because they are indiscriminate weapons, harming soldier and civilian alike. They remain dangerous after the conflict in which they were deployed has ended, killing and injuring civilians and rendering land impassable and unusable for decades. To make matters worse, many factions have not kept accurate records (or any at all) of the exact locations of their minefields, making removal efforts painstakingly slow. These facts pose serious difficulties in many developing nations where the presence of mines hampers resettlement, agriculture, and tourism. The International Campaign to Ban Landmines campaigned successfully to prohibit their use, culminating in the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction, known informally as the Ottawa Treaty . As of 2007, a total of 158 nations have agreed to the treaty. Thirty-seven countries have not agreed to the ban, including China , India , Israel , Pakistan
Avinash X

The Fibonacci Numbers and Golden section in Nature - 1 - 1 views

    • Avinash X
      Fibbonacci is so cool
    Fibonacci numbers
Thomas C

20th Century Atlas - Alphabetical List of War, Massacre, Tyranny and Genocide - 1 views

    What a lot of wars!
pstudent 1

Return to Education Supplement ContentsRainforest Information Centre Educational Supple... - 1 views

  • More than 1,000 rainforest cultures still exist, but nearly all of them face a grim future due to the development plans of the ruling elites in their countries and international development agencies. Their lands are being taken, their basic rights disregarded, and often even their very existence is being ignored.
Avinash X

War - MSN Encarta - 1 views

  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
    • Marius S
      Interesting start...
    • Avinash X
      conflicts are not necesserily war
  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
  • War, in international law, armed conflict between two or more governments or states. When such conflicts assume global proportions, they are known as world wars. War between different parts or factions of the same nation is called civil war.
  • s worl
  • Conflicts or wars in which major powers purposely refrain from employing all their armed strength are often known as limited wars.
  • A rebellion is not legally considered a war; to entitle the armed forces of the rebels to the rights and privileges of belligerents, the government they serve must be organized so as to be in a position to meet the duties resting on belligerents, that is, they must have the power to maintain law and order within the regions occupied by them and to carry on war on a large scale by land, sea, or air. International hostilities sometimes continue for long periods of time without being acknowledged as wars. The Korean War was regarded by the U.S. government as a police action. Conflicts or wars in which major powers purposely refrain from employing all their armed strength are often known as limited wars. International wars are generally terminated by treaty, and civil wars by a peace proclamation. The usages, customs, and treaties of nations have formed a system of laws of war.
Katherine G

History of Afghanistan - Wikipedia - 1 views

  • the Afghans in the 1729 Battle of Damghan. Ashraf was killed the next year trying to flee back to Afghanistan. In 1739, Nadir Shah conquered K
  • ndahar, and occupied Ghazni, Kabul and Lahore. After his death in 1747, the Durrani Pashtuns became the principal Afghan rulers. [12]
  • the Afghans in the 1729 Battle of Damghan. Ashraf was killed the next year trying to flee back to Afghanistan. In 1739, Nadir Shah conquered K
    This web page tell you all about the history of Afghanistan from the prehistoric times all the way to 2009. 
Victoria B

Tropical rainforest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • tropical rainforests are considered a type of tropical wet forest (or tropical moist broadleaf forest) and may also be referred to as lowland equatorial evergreen rainforest
    • Gurupranav G
      Intro for report.
  • and may also be referred to as lowland equatorial evergreen rainforest
  • Rainforests are home to half of all the living animal and plant species on the planet.[2] Tropical rain forests are called the "world's largest pharmacy" because over one-quarter of modern medicines originate from its plants.
    • Gurupranav G
      Intro for report.
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • The rainforest is divided into five different layers, each with different plants and animals, adapted for life in the particular area. These are: the floor layer, the shrub layer, the undercanopy layer, the canopy layer and the emergent layer. Only the emergent layer is unique to tropical rainforests, while the others are also found in temperate rainforests.
    • Gurupranav G
      Useful for my Q2.
  • The emergent layer contains a small number of very large trees which grow above the general canopy, reaching heights of 45-55 m, although on occasion a few species will grow to 70 m or 80 m tall.
    • Gurupranav G
      Useful for my Q2.
  • Eagles, butterflies, bats and certain monkeys inhabit this layer
    • Gurupranav G
      Useful for my Q2.
  • Those animals include: snakes, toucans and tree frogs.
    • Gurupranav G
      Useful for my Q2.
  • Many animals live here including jaguars, red-eyed tree frogs and leopards. There is a large concentration of insects here.
    • Gurupranav G
      Useful for my Q2.
  • Giant anteaters live in this layer
    • Gurupranav G
      Useful for my Q2.
  • A tropical rainforest is an ecosystem usually found around the equator. They are common in Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and on many of the Pacific Islands. Within the World Wildlife Fund's biome classification,
    • Gurupranav G
      Intro for report.
  • Minimum normal annual rainfall between 1,750 millimetres (69 in) and 2,000 millimetres (79 in) occurs in this climate region. Mean monthly temperatures exceed 18 °C (64 °F) during all months of the year.[1]
    • Gurupranav G
      Intro for report
    • Gurupranav G
      Intro for report.
  • The undergrowth in a rainforest is restricted in many areas by the lack of sunlight at ground level.[4] This makes it possible for people and other animals to walk through the forest. If the leaf canopy is destroyed or thinned for any reason, the ground beneath is soon colonized by a dense tangled growth of vines, shrubs and small trees called a jungle.[5]
    • Gurupranav G
      Intro for report.
  • able to withstand the hot temperatures and strong winds.
    • Gurupranav G
      Useful for my Q2.
  • Canopy - This is the primary layer of the forest and forms a roof over the two remaining layers. Most canopy trees have smooth, oval leaves that come to a point. It's a maze of leaves and branches. Many animals live in this area since food is abundant.
    • Gurupranav G
      Useful for my Q2.
  • Under canopy - Little sunshine reaches this area so the plants have to grow larger leaves to reach the sunlight. The plants in this area seldom grow to 12 feet
    • Gurupranav G
      Useful for my Q2.
  • Shrub layer/forest floor - This layer is very dark. Almost no plants grow in this area, as a result. Since hardly any sun reaches the forest floor things begin to decay quickly. A leaf that might take one year to decompose in a regular climate will disappear in 6 weeks
    • Gurupranav G
      Useful for my Q2.
  • An increase in tourism has increased economic support, allowing more revenue to go into the protection of the habitat. Tourism can contribute directly to the conservation of sensitive areas and habitat. Revenue from park-entrance fees and similar sources can be utilised specifically to pay for the protection and management of environmentally sensitive areas. Revenue from taxation and tourism provides an additional incentive for governments to contribute revenue to the protection of the forest. Tourism also has the potential to increase public appreciation of the environment and to spread awareness of environmental problems when it brings people into closer contact with the environment. Such increased awareness can induce more environmentally conscious behavior. Tourism has had a positive effect on wildlife preservation and protection efforts, notably in Africa but also in South America, Asia, Australia, and the South Pacific.[14]
    • Gurupranav G
      Useful for my Q4.
    • Victoria B
      HAve to use for project
  • Tall, broad-leaved evergreen trees are the dominant plants, forming a leafy canopy over the forest floor. Taller trees,
    • Victoria B
      Must use for project
Katherine G

Kites in Afghanistan - The New York Times - 1 views

  • KABUL — The kites appear suddenly, whimsical flashes of color that kick above this beige landscape of relentless dust and desperation. They reveal themselves, like dragonflies, at the most unexpected moments: through the window of a grim government office, beyond the smoke curling from the debris left by a suicide bomb, above the demoralizing gridlock of traffic and poverty. To a new arrival in this chaotic city of three million, they are unexpected and wonderfully incongruous.
    This is a great website for kites in Afghanistan and how for boys and men its a way of life.
Katherine G

Snake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

    Very good website on tropical snakes. Do use.
Satvik S

Invasion of Goa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • The Invasion of Goa also known as the Liberation of Goa[1] or Portuguese-Indian War, codenamed Operation Vijay by the Government of India, was the Indian armed forces action that ended Portuguese rule in its Indian enclaves in 1961. The armed action, involving air, sea and land strikes for over 36 hours, ended 451 years of Portuguese colonial rule in Goa. 14 Indians and 31 Portuguese were killed in the fighting. The brief war drew a mixture of worldwide praise and condemnation. In India, the action was seen as a liberation while Portugal viewed it as aggression.
    • Satvik S
      I never knew about this till today. now I also know why so many goans are christians .
    The Invasion of Goa also known as the Liberation of Goa[1] or Portuguese-Indian War, codenamed Operation Vijay by the Government of India, was the Indian armed forces action that ended Portuguese rule in its Indian enclaves in 1961. The armed action, involving air, sea and land strikes for over 36 hours, ended 451 years of Portuguese colonial rule in Goa. 14 Indians and 31 Portuguese were killed in the fighting. The brief war drew a mixture of worldwide praise and condemnation. In India, the action was seen as a liberation while Portugal viewed it as aggression.
    The Invasion of Goa also known as the Liberation of Goa[1] or Portuguese-Indian War, codenamed Operation Vijay by the Government of India, was the Indian armed forces action that ended Portuguese rule in its Indian enclaves in 1961. The armed action, involving air, sea and land strikes for over 36 hours, ended 451 years of Portuguese colonial rule in Goa. 14 Indians and 31 Portuguese were killed in the fighting. The brief war drew a mixture of worldwide praise and condemnation. In India, the action was seen as a liberation while Portugal viewed it as aggression.
Luke Whitehouse

Inquiry Learning and Information Literacy Models - 1 views

    • Luke Whitehouse
      Another way of breaking down research skills and information location and retrieval
    Page with about 20 models on it, some with links, some with great diagrams.
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