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Jeffrey Plaman

Overview of Google Apps Script - Google Apps Script - Google Developers - 1 views

    If you ever wished Google Apps could just do "x"... you can write your own apps scripts.
Katie Day

youpd: take hold of student projects in Google Docs with the doctopus script - 0 views

    " Written by an educator for educators, the free doctopus script gives teachers the ability to auto-generate, pre-share, and manage grading and feedback on templated Docs for group and individual projects. "
Katie Day

Google Scripts: Booking Calendars - Getting sand everywhere - 0 views

    Jay Atwood's example of how to use forms/scripts to enhance a booking system
Jeffrey Plaman

Creating Custom Learning Assessment and Student Feedback Applications with Google Apps ... - 0 views

    "Creating Custom Learning Assessment and Student Feedback Applications with Google Apps Script"
Katie Day

Readers' Theater | Literacy Connections - 1 views

    includes information on how-to do reader's theatre with students, recommended books of scripts, and online websites where you can find readers' theatre scripts
Louise Phinney

Script Central - Getting Sand Everywhere - 0 views

    great tools to automate from Jay Atwood at SAS
Katie Day

Google Apps Script - Contact Us Form - E-mail - Google Sites & Google Apps Help - steeg... - 1 views

    from Jay Atwood
Jeffrey Plaman

Coding - Google Slides - 1 views

    John Macgowan's slides on intro to Google Apps scripts
Louise Phinney

8 Steps To Great Digital Storytelling | Edudemic - 0 views

    Great digital stories: Are personal Begin with the story/script Are concise Use readily-available source materials Include universal story elements Involve collaboration at a variety of levels
    Thanks Louise!
Jeffrey Plaman

Tools - Mozilla Webmaker - 1 views

    Tools for remixing the web and learning CSS, HTML5, and Java Script.
Katie Day

Science Lesson Plans « Scientist in Residence Program - Helping children and ... - 0 views

    from Canada:  "Scientists and teachers work together to develop and deliver science units comprised of hands-on lessons on specific themes. There is a major focus on the experimental process of science. The lesson plans fit the BC Ministry of Education guidelines for Science K to 7. Opportunities are created to link lessons to other areas of the curriculum, such as math, fine arts, English and French language arts, and First Nations. Some lessons focus on issues facing society such as marine pollution, climate change, soil erosion, biodiversity, and the importance of protecting the environment and ecosystems. Thirty-three science units have been developed during the Scientist in Residence Program and are organized within four curriculum areas. More than 200 science lesson plans are available for download as PDF documents. These include lesson plans for field trips, thereby extending learning in natural environments. Please scroll down to view the titles of science units for each curriculum area, and click on science unit titles to view and download individual science lesson plans. If required by your browser, please enable Scripts to download documents from this web site. New science lesson plans will be posted on this website as they become available."
Keri-Lee Beasley

"Reel" Literacies: Student Selfie Videos as Literacy Engagement Tools - 1 views

  • As many of us know, “literacy” is more than just reading text on a page. Communicating in today’s world includes multisensory, multimodal, and interactive experiences to engage audiences. What does this mean for teachers and students? Together, we must learn to think critically about new media and how to use it effectively to share ideas globally. Liv is one example of a student connecting with wider audiences using digital platforms, which reflects the evolving nature of communication today. Mentor texts in literacy teaching are not new. We, as educators, often use them to teach craft or techniques in writing and hope our students will use these tools to enrich their own writing. Similarly, Liv’s videos act as “mentor tech” and provide models that Pana’s students use to create their own videos. Pana’s students begin drafting a script before filming their first video and then revising their work. Throughout this process, students watch several versions of Liv’s videos, noting craft techniques they might borrow—from what they might say to how ideas are presented on camera.
    "..."Literacy" is more than just reading text on a page.Communicating in today's world includes multisensory, multimodal, and interactive experiences to engage audiences. What does this mean for teachers and students?"
Jeffrey Plaman

youpd - 0 views

    On this site, you can see the ways fellow teachers are solving problems, leave a comment, recommend an idea, share inventive things you've done, and take on meaningful professional learning challenges.  We want to visualize and applaud how teachers can help each other develop as Learners, Sharers, Collaborators, and Influencers.  Watch your credibility amongst your peers grow while helping to build this shared professional resource.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Google Sites How-tos - Google Apps Reseller & Google Sites Help - - 0 views

    This was one of the resources Jay Atwood recommended - especially for playing with scripts
    This site is the shazam for Google Sites!
Katie Day

Student-created book trailers -- School Library Journal competition - 1 views

    examples of good book trailers made by students
Keri-Lee Beasley

Flickr CC Attribution Helper for Greasemonkey - 1 views

    AWESOME extension for Flickr CC images - makes acknowledging sources a breeze. Wish I'd known about this earlier!
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