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Jeffrey Plaman

Ten Reasons People Resist Change| The Committed Sardine - 0 views

    What holds us back and causes us to resist? The following article is from the Harvard Business review, written by Rosabeth Moss Kanter. She explains ten solid reasons why we we fear the face of change.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Change and challenge: tips on moving forward in the face of resistance | Granted, and... - 0 views

    Great tips for coaches on moving forward in the face of resistance. 
Katie Day

Battle For Singapore for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G ... - 0 views

    "The National Heritage Board of Singapore is proud to present the "Battle for Singapore" application for self-guided trails. Embark on a journey to experience the Battle for Singapore during World War II, learn more about our local war heroes and relive the painful experience of the Prisoners of War (PoWs) and civilians alike during the Japanese Occupation. Through the incorporation of GPS tracking technology, the "Battle for Singapore" application will offer four different trails and provide a companion guide to 32 different historical World War II sites in Singapore. As you progress through each hotspot, you will discover weapons used by the resistance fighters of Force 136 and get promoted in rank at the completion of each trail. Kindly note that this application will require GPS tracking and internet connection for the downloading of content and the transmission of pictures. Please also note that continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life so remember to turn-off the Location Services function when you have completed each trail."
Keri-Lee Beasley

Connected coach - my conncected coaching journey « Teaching English using web... - 1 views

    "When I listen to my colleagues in this connected coaches course, I think one area we have in common is that we see the urgent need for change and we are impatient. I read the article "What can we do about teacher resistance" by Jim Knight. Teachers are unlikely to implement a new practice successfully, if they implement at all, if they have had only workshops without coaching or other forms of follow-up support."
Louise Phinney

Beyond Technology, How to Spark Kids' Passions | MindShift - 1 views

    "The problem now is resisting the notion that technology is the answer to everything - it's clearly not," Robinson said. "But what part of the equation does technology best speak to?"
Sean McHugh

How Does Multitasking Change the Way Kids Learn? | MindShift - 2 views

  • “We were amazed at how frequently they multitasked, even though they knew someone was watching,” Rosen says. “It really seems that they could not go for 15 minutes without engaging their devices,” adding, “It was kind of scary, actually.”
  • media multitasking while learning. Attending to multiple streams of information and entertainment while studying, doing homework, or even sitting in class has become common behavior among young people—so common that many of them rarely write a paper or complete a problem set any other way.
  • But evidence from psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience suggests that when students multitask while doing schoolwork, their learning is far spottier and shallower than if the work had their full attention. They understand and remember less, and they have greater difficulty transferring their learning to new contexts.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Under most conditions, the brain simply cannot do two complex tasks at the same time. It can happen only when the two tasks are both very simple and when they don’t compete with each other for the same mental resources. An example would be folding laundry and listening to the weather report on the radio. That’s fine. But listening to a lecture while texting, or doing homework and being on Facebook—each of these tasks is very demanding, and each of them uses the same area of the brain, the prefrontal cortex.”
  • Young people think they can perform two challenging tasks at once, Meyer acknowledges, but “they are deluded,
  • This ability to resist the lure of technology can be consciously cultivated
  • “The good thing about this phenomenon is that it’s a relatively discrete behavior that parents actually can do something about,” she says. “It would be hard to enforce a total ban on media multitasking, but parents can draw a line when it comes to homework and studying—telling their kids, ‘This is a time when you will concentrate on just one thing.’ ”
  • Stop fretting about how much they’re on Facebook. Don’t harass them about how much they play video games. The digital native boosters are right that this is the social and emotional world in which young people live. Just make sure when they’re doing schoolwork, the cell phones are silent, the video screens are dark, and that every last window is closed but one.
Katie Day

Teaching Document Design, Not Formatting Requirements - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of H... - 0 views

  • I teach document design. When I teach composition, I spend a significant amount of the semester on visual design. I’m also a scholar of visual design. Obviously, then, I care about design, perhaps unhealthily so. And I want everyone else to care, too. But, even if you can’t bring yourself to care about visual design, then you should still care about formatting requirements on assignment prompts and/or syllabi. Everything we put on these documents tells our students something about us, about what we value, and about what they should value
  • while the ability to follow conventions of all stripes is certainly important, the ability to understand, historicize, negotiate, and even resist those conventions is far more important. Formatting conventions do not exist in a vacuum, and while they are solidified in style guides and other texts, they are often fluid and change depending on technologies and rhetorical situations. For instance, the gold standard of student paper formatting exists for several reasons, not the least of which involves Microsoft’s push to use Times as the default font in word processors and web browsers. A knowledge of why those conventions exist, how to negotiate them, and the consequences for following and/or breaking them is far more useful for students than simply being forced to follow them blindly.
    An argument for encouraging the positive criteria/skill of designing a document rather than prescriptive formatting requirements
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