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Katie Day

YouTube - Univ. of Bergen funny take on plagiarism....Et Plagieringseventyr - 0 views

    aimed at university students, but still great for secondary  -- acts out Dickens' Christmas Carol as showing what will happen if you plagiarize
Katie Day

Christmas Related - List | Diigo - 0 views

    Colin Gallagher's fun Xmas list of online creativity and fun.... e.g. ElfYourself, Make your own gingerbread, Snowflake Maker.....
Keri-Lee Beasley

YouTube - A Creative Commons Christmas Carol - 0 views

    Not suitable for kids (small bit of dodgy language), but good to see what is possible with CC.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree, With iPads - 0 views

    The Apps used by the NorthPoint band to make their iPad Band
Keri-Lee Beasley

Portable North Pole - PNP Communication Console - 0 views

    Best video thing for little guys - you upload a photo of your child and it has Santa talking about being a good girl/boy etc etc
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