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Robin Galloway

National Educational Technology Plan: Your Questions Answered | Edutopia - 2 views

  • An Internet-enabled device for every teacher and student in the country. Universal broadband access for homes and schools. Those, along with an embrace of cloud computing, openly-licensed educational materials and open source technologies are part of the new education technology recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education.
  • An Internet-enabled device for every teacher and student in the country. Universal broadband access for homes and schools. Those, along with an embrace of cloud computing, openly-licensed educational materials and open source technologies are part of the new education technology recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education.
  • The 124-page document lays out an ambitious agenda for transforming teaching and learning through technology. Much of the plan emphasizes "21st century learning," and competencies that, according to the Department of Education, include critical thinking, complex problem solving, collaboration, and multimedia communication.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • a world of digital knowledge, "always on"0- learning resources, and online communities for both educators and students
  • At least one Internet-enabled device for every student and educator
  • Use of Creative Commons and open licenses in course content
  • Changes to CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act) to open access to the Internet and rethink how filtering works in schools
  • Transform the print-based classroom into a digital learning environment.
  • Encourage online learning
  • As good as the NETP may sound, it may be a bit disconcerting that here we are, two years into the Obama Administration, and we've only just now agreed on the plan for education technology.
  • But a plan, of course, is merely that -- a plan. It remains to be seen if there is either the political willpower or the budget to enact its contents.
    "An Internet-enabled device for every teacher and student in the country. Universal broadband access for homes and schools. Those, along with an embrace of cloud computing, openly-licensed educational materials and open source technologies are part of the new education technology recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education."
Magda Galloway

Can Mobile Phones Help Teachers Manage Classroom Behavior? | MindShift - 0 views

    ClassDojo lets teachers track students' behaviors with an easy +1 or -1 system - you can reward students for good behavior (participation, helping others, creativity, insight) or you can make note of negative behaviors (disruption, disrespect, tardiness).

Using Smart Boards in the Classroom - 0 views

    • studern
      In my high school the teachers would use the smart boards very interactively. Such as in physics and math, the teacher would have lessons prepared and saved on the smart board and then have questions through out the lesson for students to come up and do. This way the teacher could see if we were understanding the lesson throughout it. It was kind of like immediate feedback for a teacher and student because the student would also get to see the correct answer immediately after they did the problem.

U.S. Department of Education - 7 views

    The main site for the United States Department of Education
    This is a great website for teachers. It gives teachers information about what is new and upcoming.

Log in | Tumblr - 0 views

    Log in to your Tumblr account to start posting to your blog. A blog is a great tool for student and teachers to share their information. This would be a great tool for teachers to use in the classroom.
Ms. Bueltel

Categories ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    This website is full of educational technology apps and resources for teachers. It is full of items that teachers can incorporate into their classrooms.
Kim McCoy-Parker

Social Media for Teachers (infographic) - EdTech Times - 0 views

    Social Media for Teachers - inforgraphic
Kim McCoy-Parker

Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: Could PBL be the Solution to Education Reform? - 0 views

  • the solution to the education reform that teachers are looking for, could quite possibly be ... Project-Based Learning.
  •  If students are engaged in PBL, they can begin creating an ePortfolio in order to demonstrate their learning and understanding of standards, rather than testing for them.
  • When teachers integrate Project-Based Teaching, they are providing the opportunity for differentiated learning, rather than differentiated instruction.  "Differentiated learning shifts the responsibility for the learning to the learner (where it belongs)"
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • With PBL, students are empowered to work at their own pace and ability level which provides them with the opportunity to challenge themselves.
  • Students can create a project using any of the Eight Multiple Intelligences.  Below are some suggestions for projects. "Students could meet standards at their own pace, in their own way and learning could be differentiated and aligned to each child’s talents, passions, interests, and abilities"
  • Having students create and share these projects will allow for the deepest understanding of the content.
  • Students will no longer have to "memorize" or try to "remember" the information ... because they will have learned it.  
  • teacher is letting go of control by allowing the students to take ownership of their learning.
Samantha Coleman

The Perfect Job For Me - 1 views

started by Samantha Coleman on 19 Dec 12 no follow-up yet
Wade Laughridge

Top Six Keys to Being a Successful Teacher - 0 views

    What does it take to be a successful teacher?
Alexis Esser

Teacher Colleges Seek to Shift to Digital Age - Education Week - 0 views

    Why EdTech? our kiddos are tech-savvy, and rote memorization isn't cutting it anymore.

Pinterest - 0 views

    I really think this would be great as a first-year teacher, both for myself, and a separate one for the class
Joe Lamp

Internet TESL Journal (For ESL/EFL Teachers) - 0 views

    A collection of articles, techniques, and lesson plans that might be helpful to ESL/EFL teachers
Magda Galloway

PRAXIS I (PPST) | Teacher Education at UNI - 15 views

    "For the fall semester 2013 UNI students will still take the Praxis I: "
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