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Mathieu Plourde

Dr. Chuck's Blog » Blog Archive » Coursera Never Ceases to Amaze Me - Communi... - 0 views

    "In terms of culture, I could not be more excited about the Community Teaching Assistant (CTA) program as led by Norian Caporale-Berkowitz. CTAs are selected from the outstanding students from previous courses who have both mastered the material solidly and shown a natural inclination to teach their fellow students. They volunteer to be in the next session of the class and help in creating the culture of the next round and to be close to the next round of the students and help them through the materials in the course. What is especially cool is that we have a special forum for the CTAs and Teaching staff for the course where we discuss and solve problems and they help make sure that things are brought to my attention quickly that are important. I still am in the class discussions and do most of the content creation for the class - but I also have a group that can review my new materials before I release them and catch problems. I spend about an equal amount of time in the course forums and TA forum."
Mathieu Plourde

CTAs - The Visibility Factor #edcmooc - 0 views

    "So as you can see, a varied view about the presence of CTA's emerges from the comment, but most seem to agree that their presence was indeed required, and people would have actually preferred if they had been informed about the presence of the CTAs. As it turns out, there was a thread on the Coursera forums introducing the CTAs, but I think there is a problem with that. I have already voiced my view on Coursera's forums - they are not very user friendly and a thread like this can easily be missed there. Honestly speaking, I prefer the social spaces as compared to the forums on Coursera."
Mathieu Plourde

Goodbye Ugly Forums! Moot Is A Flexible And Modern Platform For Online Discussion (And ... - 0 views

    "Moot, a startup offering a new take on commenting and forums, is launching today after three and a half years of development with the goal of bringing these key pieces of Internet discussion into the modern era."
Mathieu Plourde

Data Mining Exposes Embarrassing Problems For Massive Open Online Courses - 0 views

    "Christopher Brinton at Princeton University and a few pals offer their view. These guys have studied the behaviour in online discussion forums of over 100,000 students taking massive open online courses (or MOOCs). And they have depressing news. They say that participation falls precipitously and continuously throughout a course and that almost half of registered students never post more than twice to the forums. What's more, the participation of a teacher doesn't improve matters. Indeed, they say there is some evidence that a teacher's participation in an online discussion actually increases the rate of decline."
Mathieu Plourde

Esther Wojcicki: And You Thought Censorship in China Was Bad, Look at Scholastic Journa... - 1 views

    The Hazelwood vs. Kuhlmeier decision, passed in 1988, gives principals and advisors the right to prior restraint of the student press. The justices claimed that the student press was not a "public forum" for expression. Administrators argued that they need to make sure that the school environment is conducive to teaching and learning. They don't want stories that could disrupt the educational atmosphere of the school This was poor judgement on the part of the justices since the purpose of the student press is to encourage students to participate in the public forum.
Mathieu Plourde

"Would you say that to me in class?" Online Disinhibition and the Effects on Learning |... - 0 views

    "Lack of civility in online forums within learning communities is manageable in small, closed online learning communities where an instructor is in control of a class of up to thirty, or even forty students. However, as classes expand, with MOOCs, and other types of learning communities growing, in combination with platforms that allow anonymity (such as Coursera) it will become an issue for educators [and their institutions] involved in online learning at some time or another. Peers within my network have shared their experiences as students and instructors within MOOCs that involve politically charged or contentious subject matters where discussion forums are fraught with offensive, even toxic comments and vitriol discussion.  It is for this reason that I write this post; to provoke thought and discussion in order for educators to be proactive and develop appropriate strategies."
Mathieu Plourde

What are the 21st-century skills every student needs? | World Economic Forum - 0 views

    "The gap between the skills people learn and the skills people need is becoming more obvious, as traditional learning falls short of equipping students with the knowledge they need to thrive, according to the World Economic Forum report New Vision for Education: Fostering Social and Emotional Learning Through Technology."
Mathieu Plourde

MOOCs And The Future Of The Humanities: A Roundtable (Part 1) - 0 views

    IN LITTLE MORE THAN A YEAR, discussion of the role of online learning in higher education has undergone a qualitative shift. With the launch of for-profit educational start-ups such as Coursera, Udacity, and the MIT and Harvard-founded nonprofit platform edX, Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have moved from obscure experiment to major initiative. MOOCs are online classes, generally composed of short lectures, that allow for open, often free enrollments (thousands can easily enroll in a single course), assessing students through periodic quizzes and discussion forums.
Mathieu Plourde

Why c and x MOOCs are attracting different number of participants? - 0 views

    "the key reasons include: 1. branding and affiliation with elite institutions and professors, 2. well established courses with rich support on resources and assessment (grading/peer assessment), 3. granting of certificates of achievement or statements of attainment (in recognition), 4. degrees of difficulties - xMOOCs are much easier compared to cMOOCs, 5. perceptions of learners - xMOOCs are based on 1,2,3 above, and 4 - learners - cMOOCs would have to curate resources and create blog posts/join forums, 6. pedagogy, 7. assessment."
Mathieu Plourde

Introduction to Mind Amplifiers - 0 views

    "A five week course using asynchronous forums, blogs, wikis, mindmaps, social bookmarks, synchronous audio, video, chat, and Twitter Limited to 30 learners"
Mathieu Plourde

The LMS as Portal: InstructureCon Keynote - 4 views

    "still think education struggles culturally, not just technologically, with some of these very "warning message" issues. In many ways, the Internet portal of the Nineties remains a comforting model to those who don't believe that educational content like syllabi and handouts should be freely and openly available on the Web. The Internet portal of the Nineties remains a comforting model to those who believe that the Web is dangerous and there are predators and trolls just waiting to steal your intellectual property or hijack your forums. The Internet portal of the Nineties remains a comforting model to those who believe that students' work should be private, shared only with the instructor-of-record. The Internet portal of the Nineties remains a comforting model to those who believe that they are in charge of a learner's online experience - that they can dictate where learners go, what they see, what they read, and at the end of the semester, they control when access to all that goes away."
    This was such a great link - I have been reading through Audrey Watters blogs and finding information and links that are very important to my efforts with ePortfolios right now. Thank you!
Mathieu Plourde

Partnering for Transformative Teaching - 0 views

    Innovation in the curricula, including experimentation with technologies and learning spaces, is most likely to be effective when driven by faculty and student needs and served by integrated support structures. Surveys of IU faculty and graduate students have identified spaces for scholarly community as a critical need. Collaboration across university services (technology, undergraduate education, libraries) delivers a more cohesive and comprehensive experience. The IU Bloomington Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning provides a mix of consultation and workshop spaces, instructional technology facilities, and relaxed forums for exchanging ideas.
Mathieu Plourde

Digital Graphic Facilitation at BC Campus - 0 views

    I was excited and honoured to be invited by BC Campus to be a graphic facilitator at their Open Educational Resources Forum (#OERforum) last week. When they first asked for me to be a graphic facilitator, of course I immediately said yes but I also felt a bit of trepidation as I have never done graphic facilitation before.
Mathieu Plourde

What Will You Click On Next? Focusing Our Attention Online - 0 views

    "In a recent conversation on the Forum talk program, Rheingold stresses the importance of intention when it comes to managing digital noise. Knowing that every click will likely to lead to a chunk of time spent on what follows will help people decide if that's worthwhile. Every click counts."
Mathieu Plourde

MOOCs: What role do they have in higher education? - 0 views

    There's nothing particularly new about MOOCs. Most universities have offered online courses for many years and the basic technologies involved - video lectures, discussion forums, tests, and the like - are the same we have used with on-campus and distance students. The only difference is the scale.
Mathieu Plourde

Why Comics in Education? - 0 views

    "I was inspired to launch Comics in Education after the 2014 Reading for the Love of It conference at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto. I received so many wonderful inquiries from teachers that I wanted to create a forum where K-12 educators could find what they needed and be inspired to share the great things they were doing with their students to further explore visual narrative in the classroom. "
Mathieu Plourde

Harvard Business School Online Courses - 0 views

    "At Harvard Business School, we're getting disrupted by online learning," Christensen said recently at the World Business Forum in New York City. "It truly isn't as good, but does this technology, over time, get good enough to meet the needs of our customers? The answer is yes."
Mathieu Plourde

Jane Bozarth on Changing the Game - 0 views

    "Those of us in the industry get this. But now our learners are getting it, too. We're living in a world where people have figured out that if they don't know how to do something they don't have to wait 2 months and pay to take a day-long class. They are identifying their own learning needs and choosing from available options the ones they feel best suit their own situations. Not only can they do it, they are starting to expect it. And they are doing it for each other. Go look at YouTube, or Snapguide, or product discussion forums, or any number of other sites where individuals are creating and posting help just for the purpose of sharing it with others."
Mathieu Plourde

Experiences in Self-Determined Learning: Moving from Education 1.0 Through Education 2.... - 0 views

    "Self-determined learning or heutagogy is fast gaining interest from educators around the world interested in an evidence-based approach to learning. Grounded as it is on brain research and extensive research into how people learn self-determined learning is particularly popular among those interested in innovative approaches to learning. This edited book is the perfect primer on self-determined learning or heutagogy. It consists of an introductory chapter explaining the main concepts and principles of this exciting approach to educational practice. This is followed by 16 chapters describing the experience of practitioners in using the approach. These experiences come from a wide variety of interests including school education, higher education, workplace learning, consulting, lifelong learning, training, and community education. Full of links to resources, curated sites,and discussion forums, this is a valuable 'how to' book for the interested practitioner and theoretician alike."
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