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Patrick Tabatcher

USAFacts - 0 views

    A site funded by Steve Ballmer that provides federal, state and local government data.

IFAP - Dear Colleague Letters - 0 views

    he purpose of this letter is to provide guidance to address potential fraud in the Federal student aid programs at institutions of higher education that offer distance education programs. This letter provides an overview of the fraud schemes that the Department's Inspector General (IG) detected, and recommends immediate steps that institutions can take to detect and prevent fraud. In this letter, we also describe further actions that institutions can take and that the Federal government is committed to taking, including increasing technical assistance to institutions of higher education, the convening of a Department-wide task force on distance education fraud, and plans for recommending legislative and regulatory changes to address the relevant issues.

How to Improve Public Online Education: Report Offers a Model - Government - The Chroni... - 0 views

  • Public colleges and universities, which educate the bulk of all American college students, have been slower than their counterparts in the for-profit sector to embrace the potential of online learning to offer pathways to degrees.
  • continuum of organizational levels
  • low end of the spectrum, course availability, pricing, transferability of credit, and other issues are all determined at the institutional level, by colleges, departments, or individual professors, resulting in a patchwork collection of online courses that's difficult for students to navigate.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Step 2, institutions further collaborate through shared contracts on resources, like learning-management systems
  • The first step is for state institutions to collaborate to establish a searchable clearinghouse of online courses and degree
  • report identifies five cumulative steps that build toward State U Online and gives an example of a state or system at each step
  • Step 3, systems also provide shared student-support services, such as advising, that can be used by students at all institutions in the system,
  • Step 4, an entire state, or a system of public higher-education institutions within the state, achieves all the previous levels of collaboration and in addition makes it easy for students to transfer credit among institutions.
  • enroll in a program at their "home" institution, but can easily take classes at any institution within the consortium.
  • Step 5 carries that concept beyond state borders. Students can take courses at any institution in such a multistate consortium and not worry about whether their credits will transfer, because institutional agreements within the consortium make that automatic.
  • offers practical suggestions about concerns like building sustainable revenue streams that are less dependent on allocations from legislatures, and on providing incentives and support for faculty members to offer online courses.

Cengage offers new OER-based product for general education courses - 1 views

  • Cengage predicts that the use of OER -- free, adaptable educational course materials -- could triple over the next five years
  • eady to “embrace the movement” -- adding their own services and technology to create “value-added digital solutions that help institutions use OER to its best advantage.”
  • aking OER materials freely available online from sites such as OpenStax, Cengage has added its own assessments, content and technology to the materials, which will be delivered through an “intuitive, outcomes-based” platform that can be integrated into students’ learning management systems
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • psychology, American government and sociology, and more courses in science, economics and the humanities will be available this fall.
  • some materials that were previously under a Cengage copyright, will be registered under an open CC-BY license so that institutions can adapt and customize the content
  • But for those who want to use the OpenNow platform, fees start at $25 per student per course. “The $25 is for the delivery of content that’s aligned to assessment and learning objectives, the additional assessments and videos we either curated or created, and the outcomes-based platform with personalization and analytics
  • many problems faced by traditional publishers -- how to reduce prices, how to enable customers to customize content, how to ensure students have their materials on the first day of class -- were problems that OER can solve. “So why not use OER to solve them?
  • s OER has gained momentum, more and more companies want to attach themselves to the idea of being open. But for each product that’s launched, we need to keep asking questions. Is it really open, or is it just being branded as open? Open is not just a set of attributes, it’s a set of values and practices that make education better.”
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