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Patrick Tabatcher

Leara Elevate5™ eLearning Interface for Adobe Edge Animate - 0 views

    A tool to compile animations/projects from Adobe Edge Animate into an eLearning interface (like storyline).
Patrick Tabatcher

PowToon : Create Animated Presentations Online - 0 views

    A new app (coming soon), that allows you to create your own animated presentations. Watch the video to gain a better sense of what this can do.
Patrick Tabatcher

Tumult Hype - 1 views

    Looks interesting. This program seems like the "flash" app for creating HTML5 animations. Includes an export function to bring the animations into iBooks Author.
Patrick Tabatcher

Animagraffs - Animated infographics by Jacob O'Neal - 1 views

    A series of animated info graphics. Includes graphics on how speakers create sound, jet engines and several more.
Patrick Tabatcher

earth :: an animated map of global wind and weather - 0 views

    An animated map of ocean currents.
Patrick Tabatcher

An animated chart of 42 North American butterflies - 0 views

    Cool animated info graphic showing butterfly wing/flapping patterns.
Patrick Tabatcher

LOOPY: a tool for thinking in systems - 0 views

    An intersting tool for creating interactive simulations. Scroll down and look at a few of the sample. They are all animated so that you can press play and then use one of the up/down arrows on any node to kick off a simulation.
Patrick Tabatcher

MinutePhysics - YouTube - 1 views

    Short animations illustrating physics.
Stephen Allen

Organic Motion: Markerless Motion Capture - 1 views

    Markerless motion capture means none of those dots pasted all over your body. This is an expensive ($80,000) system, but apparently motion capture studio rental can be quite high. Not to suggest we run out and buy this, but Sports Science and Dance may be interested in utilizing such technology.
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