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Patrick Tabatcher

The Largest Ever Analysis of Film Dialogue by Gender: 2,000 scripts, 25,000 actors, 4 m... - 1 views

    Analysis of gender and age of 2,000 film scripts. Pretty interesting and lots of nifty little charts and info-graphics.
Patrick Tabatcher

Daring Fireball: The Final Cut Pro X Backlash - 0 views

    Last article on Final Cut X. This has some good analysis and links to some other reviews (positive and negative).

Listening to Online Education's Ombudsman - The Digital Campus 2013 - The Chronicle of ... - 0 views

  • weighty body of research suggesting that online learning can be just as good as face-to-face.
  • small sample size; inability to control for ubiquitous selection effect
  • really important is first to recognize that online learning isn't any one thing
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • lack of good estimates of likely cost savings
  • People want to simplify, and sometimes they want to oversimplify,
  • o 'disrupt' or not 'disrupt' is not the way to intelligently discuss online learning,
  • randomized experimental trials are tedious and often beside the point
  • Colleges that wait for perfect evidence risk sinking deeper into a hole
  • There can be a fine line between deliberation and inertia.
  • case for using randomized trials should itself be subject to careful cost-benefit analysis
  • best is the enemy of the good
Stephen Allen

Organic Motion: Markerless Motion Capture - 1 views

    Markerless motion capture means none of those dots pasted all over your body. This is an expensive ($80,000) system, but apparently motion capture studio rental can be quite high. Not to suggest we run out and buy this, but Sports Science and Dance may be interested in utilizing such technology.
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