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Kim Woodbridge

Twitt(url)y - Real-time Link Tracking on Twitter - 0 views

  • Ls people are talking about as they talk about them on Twitter. It operates similar to Digg where people vote on an item and it gets displayed higher up the home page, but more closely to PageRank where basically every person that links to the same final url, is considered a vote for that URL. With Each vote that the URL gets, it climbs further and further up the list. No matter whether people use, TinyURL, Snipurl (snurl), or link directly to the final URL, we always count the "votes" correctly because our spiders actually visit every single site before it gets displayed here. To keep things fresh, Twitt(url)y only shows the 100 most popular URLs over the last 24 hours. The 24 hours are constantly sliding, so you always see what people are currently talking about. If you want to help shape where Twitt(url)y is going, as well as hear about new features as they go live, contact or follow me on twitter. 59activetweets Twitter Twerp Scan  |  View More Info [ Auto Description ] Twitter Twerp Scan Twitter Twerp Scan There are too many self-proclaimed "SEO experts" and "entrepreneurs" around, clogging up the Interwebs. Your
    Twitt(url)y is a service for tracking what URLs people are talking about as they talk about them on Twitter.
Jerry Swiatek

bkkeepr - 0 views

shared by Jerry Swiatek on 04 May 08 - Cached
    Want to remember what you read? Want to share your dog-eared pages, and see what everyone else dog-eared? Love LibraryThing, but are always forgetting to add your books? bkkeepr helps you do it, wherever you are.
Thomas Ho

Twitter Charts - 0 views

    Could be very helpful for time management!
Kim Woodbridge

HelpWith: A TweetApp - 0 views

    Follow @helpwith and send tweet to @helpwith when need assistance with a question. Ex. @helpwith #ie6 hasLayout problem with ordered list:
Mark Wagner

Twellow :: Twitter Search Directory, Twitter Search Engine - 0 views

shared by Mark Wagner on 02 Jun 08 - Cached
    analyze and categorize each of the users responsible for those messages into the various categories found at By adding these people to specific categories we help you narrow your searching into specific niches where you can find who you are looking for."
    Search for people on Twitter. It seems to work.
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Friend or Follow - 0 views

    via factoryjoe: " helps you manage your Twitter contacts."
    Who are you following that's not following you back? Who's following you that you're not following back? Find out!
B Diettrich

25+ Incredibly Useful Twitter Tools and Firefox Plugins - 0 views

    Cool listing of twitter tools.
    Cool article on twitter tools and plug ins for twitter. These help us see into what can be done with twitter, the cool tool that is really a customized, unique search engine of people.
Vicki Davis

FeedFlare™ Catalog - 0 views

    These are the cool feedflares that you can add in addition to those already used in Feedflare -- for bloggers using Feedburner to RSS things. There is a new one called twit this.
    If you use feedburner, there is a twit this link you can add to your feedflare to put a link at the bottom of your blog to allow people to twitter it directly.
Ginger Lewman

Twitter - 0 views

shared by Ginger Lewman on 30 Mar 08 - Cached
Faster Dude

Your Twitter Karma - 0 views

    See Who you are following and who's folling you.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Basically, it's a Flash application that fetches your friends and followers from Twitter when you click the "Whack!" button, then displays them for you, letting you quickly paginate through them. By default, the list contains all your friends and followers and is sorted by last update, showing those who most recently updated first. You can sort the list alphabetically either ascending or descending by Twitter ID. You can filter the list in several ways: only friends or only followers, all friends or all followers, and mutual friends.
    Another site, similar to InRev TwitIn which helps you batch unfollow or batch reciprocate quickly and easily, as well as grow your network
    Get fully manageable page with all friends, followers with avatars, where You can do several bulk actions as bulk follow, bulk unfollow, bulk block. Very handy.
Michael Marlatt

How We Tweet: The Definitive List of the Top Twitter Clients - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • For all the press that FriendFeed got last week for allowing people to post replies directly to Twitter, it was still 65th on our list and registered barely a fraction of total tweeting activity. Some analysts think FriendFeed is a threat to Twitter's existence, but remember that 56% of users still interact with Twitter on the main site, and Twitter makes up 44% of activity on FriendFeed. So which service is really more reliant on the other?
  • There are a ton of Twitter clients out there. We saw 142 different ways to interact with Twitter in just 24 hours of monitoring the site's public feed. That's an amazing amount of activity on their API, and their application ecosystem is growing every day. Clearly, Twitter has struck a nerve with developers and users alike.
    Top ways to Tweet!
Maggie Tsai

Recommendation for this group setting - 148 views

Your group is being featured on diigo homepage The list will rotate. Any other good groups, Lists, Users, Site Communities, ... please kindly recommend. We would ...

admin control spam


Jeremey's Weblog: Why Twitter? - 0 views

  • Twitter is direct. I can work out lunch arrangements or a meeting about a business opportunity very quickly, with multiple people, from anywhere, as long as I have at least SMS access. This gets at the heart of what Twitter is... Twitter is another level of indirection (for you C programmers), or another layer (for you networking people), for connecting people, and that, combined with its simplicity and ease of operation, makes it very powerful. It's a big lever and a light touch is all you need
  • Finally, Twitter is a powerful tool for "grass-roots" information. All of that connectedness and genuine interaction leads to a lot of real-time information sharing, everything from restaurant criticism to traffic reports to emergencies, with real results. Real people help each other, inform each other, etc. This is what the media have picked up on and part of why they now can't speak a sentence without saying something about Twitter.
    • Iris Deters
      Good summary. At first I didn't get what all the fuss was about. Why would one want to read or even monitor someone's constant stream of 140 characters gibberish. I'm too busy as it is. Later I start to realize, hey, this is a much quicker way of checking out what your friends are up to, getting some instant Q&A response, or conducting research on practically anything or getting a real-time pulse of the latest buzz. Then I also realize this is so much easier than to write a blog - which one always needs to be so much more deliberate in composing a good post. Whereas Twitter, you just need to share whatever on your mind at the moment. Thus, another Twitter convert is born, and loving it!
    • Maggie Tsai
      You come to the right group :-)
    One guys idea of the Why's of using Twitter.
Danny Nicholson

The Whiteboard Blog » Some tips for Twitter - 0 views

    some tips to get started with Twitter
Rachid Rasheed

Matt - Multi Account Twitter Tweeter - Brought to you by Carsonified! - 0 views

    Mutli account twitter
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