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Home/ Twitter Freaks/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jerry Swiatek

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jerry Swiatek

Jerry Swiatek

BlastFollow! - 8 views

    BlastFollow enables you to follow Twitter users who share your interests en masse. This web site is a production of Triangle Information Solutions. To use BlastFollow, simply enter a favorite hashtag (for example, "americanidol") in the box below. Then, click the "Get Users!" button. After a few seconds, you will see the number of users who tweeted with that hashtag recently. Then, you need only enter your Twitter name and password and click "Blast!" You will start following all of those users. You can usually see the progress on a user-by-user basis.
Jerry Swiatek

Tweetz TV | Videos mentioned on Twitter - 2 views

shared by Jerry Swiatek on 09 Feb 10 - Cached
    "What is shows you videos mentioned on twitter. All in one playlist!"
Jerry Swiatek

Twitoria - How Many Twitter Friends Are You Really Following? - 0 views

    How many friends are you really following? Twitoria finds your friends that haven't tweeted in a long time so you can give them the boot!
Jerry Swiatek

TwitPaint - Paint graffiti on Twitter - 0 views

shared by Jerry Swiatek on 12 Jul 09 - Cached
    TwitPaint lets you paint graffiti and post it on Twitter. Make graffiti in 140 strokes or less and share with your followers.
Jerry Swiatek

Post longer tweets on Twitter | Twerbose - 0 views

shared by Jerry Swiatek on 19 Jun 09 - No Cached
    twerbose lets you post much bigger tweets to twitter. We realize that sometimes you just have more to say and 140 characters simply won't do the trick. So spew it here and let us take care of the rest.
Jerry Swiatek

Celebrity Twitter Overkill // Current - 0 views

    Twitter's blowing up, in this sequel to Twouble with Twitters, when celebrities take over the twittersphere. Starring Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Perez Hilton, and P. Diddy as themselves.
Jerry Swiatek

Twitlonger - When you talk too much for Twitter - 0 views

    Sometimes 140 characters just isn't enough
Jerry Swiatek

Twitmatic | Watch the videos being shared on Twitter right now! - 0 views

    Watch the videos being shared on Twitter right now!
Jerry Swiatek

Phweet - Public Alpha - 0 views

shared by Jerry Swiatek on 31 Jul 08 - Cached
S K Jain liked it
    Would you like to talk to your Twitter friends or set up a spontaneous conference call? Normally you'd have to agree to hook up over Skype or something else. But soon you could be making calls via Twitter. After signing in with your Twitter name and password you select how the call will be carried, either via browser, SIP ID or number/Mobile Phone. You then plug in your friend's Twitter name and generate a "Phweet" which is a unique shortURL for sharing the call with one or more people.
Jerry Swiatek

bkkeepr - 0 views

shared by Jerry Swiatek on 04 May 08 - Cached
    Want to remember what you read? Want to share your dog-eared pages, and see what everyone else dog-eared? Love LibraryThing, but are always forgetting to add your books? bkkeepr helps you do it, wherever you are.
Jerry Swiatek

Twist - see trends in twitter - 0 views

shared by Jerry Swiatek on 22 Apr 08 - Cached
    You can compare various concepts, separate them with commas ( breakfast, dinner hillary, obama microsoft, yahoo american idol, the office )
Jerry Swiatek

Twixxer - 0 views

shared by Jerry Swiatek on 17 Apr 08 - Cached
    Twixxer is a photo and video sharing component for users who are normally restricted to text-only updates that contain links to media.
Jerry Swiatek

Twitterator - 0 views

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