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Maluvia Haseltine

Welcome to - 0 views

    OH my goodness - this looks like a good example of how NOT to use Twitter. Seems to be almost as many apps to abuse Twitter as to use it. L-/
Maggie Tsai

Recommendation for this group setting - 148 views

Your group is being featured on diigo homepage The list will rotate. Any other good groups, Lists, Users, Site Communities, ... please kindly recommend. We would ...

admin control spam

B Ginther

We Skip Because We Can : Find and Convert Blog: Inbound Marketing Strategies - 2 views

  • is a non-profit with a simple idea. Skip doing just one thing for a day…a coffee, a car wash, a pack of gum and give the money you would have spent on that small luxury to help fight world hunger. Skip1 doesn't have splashy billboards, ads, commercials or any of the traditional trappings of branding campaigns. uses social media to spread their message by engaging people and building relationships. @Skip1 is on Twitter. Skip1dotorg is on YouTube. has a fan page on Facebook, an active blog, and numerous page 1 Google rankings of its web pages and of blog posts by everyday folks to celebrities about the charity's good works.
David VH

Twitter | Product Reviews | - 0 views

  • keeping up with, say, a work account and a personal account is actually easier on a device than on the web
    • David VH
      Has anyone found multiple account switching especially useful on a device vs switching between say 2 Twitter accounts on a Windows 7 web Twitter software? 1/14/12. 
  • the iPhone-only Tweetie, and turned it into this multi-platform must-have.
    • David VH
      Meaning the iPhone-only Tweetie app is the best for Twitter use of all available for smart phones?  (I am looking for the best software to use Twitter on Windows 7). 
  • Twitter’s quality varies wildly across platforms. It soars on the iPhone, cruises along nicely on the iPad, and is about as pretty as a plane crash on Android
    • David VH
      So, if I want to get a first smart phone, and use Twitter, iPhone is recommended? (I have Verizon Wireless). 
    --I am looking for a good Twitter software for PC Windows7 desktop.  This article Twitter apps review 11/1/11: 1st gen of 3rd-party Twitter clients for mobile devices made the service take off.  Twitter bought iPhone-only Tweetie, and turned it into this multi-platform must-have. 
Alice Barr

Twitter for Learning - 55 Great Articles : eLearning Technology - 8 views

    "In a recent conversation, I was asked what I thought about twitter as a learning tool. Over the course of the past few years I've moved from saying "I don't get it" - to feeling like it's a good addition to my Learning Tool Set. But I also think that there's a lot more help now around how to make effective use of Twitter as a learning tool. I thought it would be worthwhile to pull together these resources."
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Nine (9) Scientifically Proven Ways to Get Retweeted on Twitter | Popwise | Fast Company - 10 views

    Surprisingly good analysis. There are even a few surprises here!
Andrew Long

Twitter sucks, so change your friends | Steve Lawson - 0 views

  • And I’d happily debate the merits of twitter with Rachel Sylvester, or Oliver James, ‘psychologist’ and professor of fuckwittage at MissThePoint university.)
  • (And I’d happily debate the merits of twitter with Rachel Sylvester, or Oliver James, ‘psychologist’ and professor of fuckwittage at MissThePoint university.)
    A response to the Rachel Sylvester Times article that explains why Twitter is a good thing and she (and others) are wrong.
Lucy Gray

YouTube - "The Twitter Song" (Do the Twitter Dance) by Chris Thompson - 0 views

    Not as good as the Facebook song, but...
Andrew Long

Blogs vs Twitter? It's the Interactivity | Online Fandom - 0 views

    Internet research Nancy Baym discusses the supposed death of blogs thanks to Twitter. Her justifications for using Twitter a good, particularly point 5.
Andrew Long

Transcription of 'Phish My Phail Whale' | Ratafia Currant - 0 views

    A patient transcription of a podcast between Citizen Group and Twitter API guy Alex Payne. Skip the intro nonsense and jump to the good bits.
Danny Nicholson

A beginner's guide to Twitter - Times Online - 0 views

    It may be the latest thing on the internet, but at heart, Twitter is just a good old-fashioned gossip. Here's how to get started.
Lucy Gray

Twitter Acquires Summize; Launches Official Twitter Search - 0 views

    Good news!
Kim Woodbridge

A proposal for Twitter: Shut it down | Webware : Cool Web apps for everyone - 0 views

    Until the Twitter team can get the service working again for good, here's what they should strongly consider: Close the site. Take it offline. Put plywood over the doors and windows, as it were, with a big "We're remodeling!" sign on the front. Ask users if they want to be e-mailed when the site reopens for business and don't send that e-mail until the thing is fixed. Really fixed. Then have a grand reopening party.
Mark Wagner

twitter4teachers / FrontPage - 0 views

    A massive list of educators using twitter... categorized by job role... including principals and much much more. This is a good place for a beginner to add individuals to their Personal Learning Network.

100+ Remarkably Beautiful Twitter Icons And Buttons | Icons - 0 views

    Another good collection of twitter icons and badges
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