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Michelle Thompson

Social Profiles Wordpress Plugin for Social Networking - Sugarrae - 0 views

    Social Profiles is a Wordpress plugin which lets you add links to your commenters' social profiles. The links can be text links or graphical ones, but only registered users of your Wordpress site can input these, thus allowing these profiles to show in their comments on your blog posts.12 different social networks are included - Twitter, Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, being some.
avivajazz  jazzaviva

T N T - The Network Thinker: Twitter Maps - 0 views

    When choosing a map - especially a social network map - which do you prefer - pretty or useful? In an ideal world I would take pretty useful, but forced to choose between the two I'll take useful. Here are two social graphs taken from my Twitter following data. -Valdis Krebs, InFlow, Social Network Analysis Expert
qualitypoint Tech

Twitter shows 2,000,000% growth in Job Market - 1 views

    Social Media has started taking important Role in Business. Previously Social media was mostly used by non-business users just for connecting with friends and for making new friends. But now Business people are also started using Social Media especially Twitter and Facebook for doing marketing, market research and for supporting customers.
Janos Haits

Maximizing Social Media Marketing ROI | Terametric - Maximizing Social Media Marketing ... - 1 views

    Optimizer for TwitterTM is the ONLY social marketing platform that integrates real-time analysis with guidance on what to tweet, when to tweet it, and who to target on message.
avivajazz  jazzaviva

How to Use Social Media to Land the Job of your Dreams - 0 views

    As the recession looms on, more and more people are turning to social media and blogs to look for jobs. Jamie Varon (@jamievaron) has generated buzz in the Twitter community with her new website called Twitter Should Hire Me, where she blogs candidly about her attempts to get a job at Twitter. In this interview, she shares her tips on how to use social media to land the job of your dreams, even in a recession.
Tracy Viselli

A Social Interaction Design (SxD) blog on Web 2.0 and Social Media: Social Media Person... - 0 views

    social media personality types theory of communication
Sue Bride

4 Ways to Use Twitter Data to Optimize Your Social Activities | Social Media Examiner - 7 views

    4 online tools to monitor and optimize your social networking activities.
Marcus Schroefel

Top 10 Must Follow Twitter List For Social Marketers | The Web2Marketer - 0 views

    My Top 10 Must Follow Twitter List For Aspiring Social Internet Marketers.
Kerry J

25 Women That Rock Social Media - Online Marketing Blog - 8 views

    Last week Erik Qualmann posted a list of "All Star Social Media" players in his ClickZ column. Being included in such a list with the likes of Chris Brogan and Scott Monty was humbling to say the least.  Erik qualified the list by saying they were mostly people he knew and he welcomed suggestions.  I noticed few women were mentioned and knowing there are so many power players, I decided to create a list of my own featuring women that I think "rock" the social web.
Vicki Davis

Pearson & NoTosh Report: Supporting Teacher CPD with Social Media | NoTosh - 1 views

    This report "Tweeting for Teachers" says social media should be part of teacher PD. as much as I agree with that, if you just unblock social media, it doesn't mean teachers WILL use it for PD. Teach them how. Plus, expect pushback from teachers who don't want to mix personal and business. Although Facebook won't allow 2 profiles for a person, Twitter will and some teachers may want to take that route.
avivajazz  jazzaviva

Collaborative Thinking : Enterprise Twitter : Clarity Amid The Hype - 0 views

    Organizations that want benefits from social network tools will need to make some selective, deliberate and thoughtful choices that are different from the most highly restrictive "need to know" policies. For some more high-level thoughts on the relationship between social network and the org chart, see some high level thoughts on that topic, see:
Fred Delventhal

Social Ribbon Generator - Generate Click-Attracting Ribbon Ads That Invite Your Visitor... - 0 views

    This Social Ribbon Generator allows you to create ribbon ads that invite your visitors to check out your social networking profiles.
Jeff Johnson A One-Stop Shop for Social Networkers ( - 0 views

  •, a Web start-up from Brazil with some prominent backers, aims to become the portal through which people access their online social lives. It's up against no less than the world's biggest Internet companies.
David McCart / Update all of your social networks at once! - 1 views

  • is a simple service that makes updating your social networks a snap.
    Tool for updating all of your social networks at once. I know you can set up twiiter to update facebook and linkedin, and your blog to tweet your posts, this just brings an extra level
Chris Bell

Horton Hears a Tweet (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE - 6 views

  • Although there are many definitions of student engagement, we see it as the time and energy students devote to educationally purposeful activities and the extent to which the university encourages students to participate in activities that lead to their academic success.
  • With Twitter, as with all social-networking tools, the value of the experience hinges on three things: (1) who you are connected to and with; (2) how frequently you participate; and (3) how conscientious you are about contributing value to the community. Therefore, to establish relevance and to make sure students got off to a good start, we took the following steps:
    "Because social-networking tools are forums for personalized, socially focused conversations, the communities that spring from these tools are person/people-centered. As Porter explained, this person/people-centeredness results in the value of participation being opaque for anyone who is not participating. To address this problem, we made sure that students who chose not to participate (because the value of participation is opaque for them) had access to our tweets by incorporating an RSS feed-like Twitter widget in our LMS. (See Figure 5.) Many widgets like these can be found online, although we should note that this particular widget has limitations. As seen in the example in Figure 5, the widget only displays Joni's posts, not the back-and-forth exchanges between her and members of her network. Students might incorrectly assume that the interaction is one-sided and less than dynamic. Besides keeping students apprised of the resources we shared via Twitter, however, this widget allowed them to vicariously discover Twitter's value. Some students later chose to join us in Twitter because they had a better understanding of what they were getting into because its value was less opaque. Ultimately, we found that Twitter helped us achieve our student-engagement objective, but we also quickly discovered that students' Twitter participation led to other notable instructional outcomes."
Janos Haits

TwitC | Your Social Media Management Hub - 4 views

    Upload and manage your photos, videos and documents, and share them on all your favorite social networks from one location. TwitC also lets you import your favorite or personal content from YouTube, Docstoc, Slide, TED, Break, Hulu, Google Docs, Viddler, Soundcloud, Kickstarter, SlideShare,, Ustream, Vimeo, College Humor, Break, Meefedia, Funny or Die, Metacafe, Daily Motion, Livestream, The Onion, National Geographic, eHow, and dozens more sites.
Janos Haits

in2clouds Social Listener - 3 views

    in2clouds Social Listener for Twitter
George Abraham

10 Twitter Tools for You - 0 views

    Twitter is one of the most popular micro blogging and social media site, which is growing at a rapid pace. A lot of individuals and organizations are using Twitter in order to enhance their sales and marketing. It is also effective in brand building. Twitter is a social media site where you can express your views and thoughts in 140 characters. You can also share links along with your thoughts. A lot of tools are available which makes the usage of Twitter more smooth. I have been trying a lot of tools and each day many new tools emerge, which are simply superb. I would like to share some important Twitter tools that I have found useful in managing Twitter accounts.
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