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Joe Bennett

The Great Peace - The Reconciliation Project - 5 views

    From a group that is working with the Arbinger Institute. Declare you truce!
Michael Wahl

Why Your Business Should Put Values Before Greed - 2 views

    For businesses today, the most valuable asset they manage are their people--and employee engagement and satisfaction are strategic imperatives that every leadership team should understand and proactively explore. People who simply show up to work each day unengaged are not actively using their talents to pursue or connect to their true purpose and as a result are unable to operate at their full potential.
Joe Bennett

The Realization : zenhabits - 3 views

    What if this moment were already perfect, everything you needed to be happy?
Michael Wahl

Why You Should Stop Being a Boss and Start Being a Leader - 5 views

    A lot of great points here.
    Great article - thanks Mike
    Thanks for posting this Mike. Good stuff!!
Chad Ehnis

Team Leadership - Developing Your Leadership Skills Free eBook - 2 views

    Free eBook to Team Leadership - Developing Your Leadership Skills. This free eBook has been written for managers who find themselves in a team leadership role. I received this link through one of my LinkedIn groups. I've downloaded the e-Book though I can't speak to the contents as I haven't read it yet. Follow the link, fill in your contact info and download away. I hope it's a good and worthy read. Enjoy!
Joe Bennett

Forgiveness : Coaches Training Institute : Transforum - 3 views

    "To see the universal and all-pervading Spirit of Truth face to face, one must be able to love the meanest of all creation as oneself" Gandhi
    What a fantastic and heartfelt article!
Joe Bennett

Simon Sinek: Why good leaders make you feel safe | Talk Video | - 2 views

    I am posting this in the Leadership & Self-Deception group because I think it beautifully expresses the spirit of the Arbinger teachings.
    Incredible video!! Outstanding definition of leadership. I am reminded of something one of my favorite leaders used to say. "People don't follow titles. People follow people". Thank you for sharing this Joe.
Joe Bennett - 5 views

    Great Story about the Arbinger Way of Thinking and what happens when you use a good tool with a not so great intent.
    Fantastic! Well worth the read!!!
Joe Bennett

What if You Didn't Have to Worry About Yourself? : zenhabits - 1 views

shared by Joe Bennett on 24 Mar 14 - No Cached
    Nearly every moment of every day of our entire lives (more than 1.2 billion seconds for me) is spent worrying about ourselves. We are preoccupied by concern about ourselves: am I doing the right thing, will I mess this up, will I be able to meet deadline, what do other people think of me, am I good enough, why is this happening to me, how can I get better, why don't people listen to me, why don't they treat me better, why can't they get out of my way, why is my body so fat, why don't things go my way, am I missing out on things? But what if we were freed of this worry about ourselves?
Joe Bennett

If You Want to Convict Someone, Forgive Them | James Ferrell - 2 views

    When we see others as people, we see their hopes, needs and fears, and this willingness to see and understand informs everything we do with them. When we see others as objects, on the other hand, we give ourselves license to treat them inhumanely. In order to feel justified, we don't allow ourselves to consider the positive in them.
Joe Bennett

PROFILE: Chip Huth, SWAT Sergeant - 2 views

    Great series of short videos about the impact that Arbinger has had on the Kansas City SWAT Team
Joe Bennett

How to Build "The Purest Kind of Courage" - Arbinger - 1 views

    "Some people assume that because it's not combative, the life (of pure courage) I have described must be timid, weak, and ineffectual. On the contrary, I have found that all things being equal, self-absorbed people never think as clearly or act as decisively as those whose conscience is clear. Self-absorbed people see threats where none exist, often can't tell their enemies from their friends, intend to surround themselves with allies who won't overshadow them.
Joe Bennett

Reframing Our Work - 3 views

shared by Joe Bennett on 26 Nov 13 - No Cached
    "It is not good enough to tell people to do their best for others and results. It is the obligation of the leaders & organization to provide a framework, a structure that enables them to do so."
    Hmmmm.... I am intrigued. It sounds great, but it is vague enough where I cannot fully grasp what they are suggesting. How could we gather more information?
Joe Bennett

Framing Problems Through The Lens of Arbinger - Arbinger - 2 views

    I asked this skilled leader (who I would describe as an out-of-the-box person) to share with me any problem she is currently facing. What she shared was a very common problems in her industry. She then described the problem in a way that would be an in-the-box-way of framing it. Meaning that she located the problem outside of herself. Outside of the leadership team. The problem, she said, was with the frontline workers. If only they could be doing things differently, then this problem would go away!
Joe Bennett

Responsiveness, the "true talent" in organizations - Arbinger - 2 views

    Many leaders often indicate that people are their greatest asset. I want to take it one step further and say, "No, it's not necessarily the people in their companies, but the relationship/responsiveness between these people that makes the difference." You may technically employ the best people, but if the relationships between them are poor, you are more likely to have mediocre teams and produce mediocre results.
Michael Wahl

How Best to Motivate a Large Team of Workers - 0 views

shared by Michael Wahl on 20 Oct 13 - No Cached
    I completely agree team meetings are a great place to reward individual success or great work!
Michael Wahl

Nice or Tough: Which Approach Engages Employees Most? - 7 views

shared by Michael Wahl on 12 Sep 13 - No Cached
    Great article! The key may be to stay out of the box using either approach. Lou was tough!
  • ...1 more comment...
    Starting to read the article, you knew what the answer was going to be: Tough & Nice was exponentially more affective than either alone. What's more interesting is Tough alone ranked higher than Nice alone. Yeah...I can see that.
    It is not surprising, but it is better to read it for what it is. Neither strategy was even marginally effective enough to work on its own merits. I have never met a purely tough leader, but have worked with plenty that overly default in that direction. Similarly, I have never met a purely nice leader, but have worked with plenty that overly default in that direction. It is a difficult balance to strike in leadership, and it is one that cannot be explained in an article.
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