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Glycon Garcia

Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy | Video on - 0 views

  • Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy
  • What's the key to using alternative energy, like solar and wind? Storage -- so we can have power on tap even when the sun's not out and the wind's not blowing. In this accessible, inspiring talk, Donald Sadoway takes to the blackboard to show us the future of large-scale batteries that store renewable energy. As he says: "We need to think about the problem differently. We need to think big. We need to think cheap." Donald S
    "Donald Sadoway: The missing link to renewable energy Tweet this talk! (we'll add the headline and the URL) Post to: Share on Twitter Email This Favorite Download inShare Share on StumbleUpon Share on Reddit Share on Facebook TED Conversations Got an idea, question, or debate inspired by this talk? Start a TED Conversation, or join one of these: Green Home Energy=Hydrogen Generators-alternative sources Started by Kathleen Gilligan-Smith 1 Comment What is the real missing link in renewable energy? Started by Enrico Petrucco 8 Comments Comment on this Talk 60 total comments Sign in to add comments or Join (It's free and fast!) Sort By: smily raichel 0 Reply Less than 5 minutes ago: Nice smily raichel 0 Reply Less than 5 minutes ago: Good David Mackey 0 Reply 3 hours ago: Superb invention, but I would suggest one more standard mantra that they should move on from and that is the idea of power being supplied by a centralised grid. This technology seems to me to be much more beneficial on a local scale, what if every home had its own battery, then home power generation becomes economically more viable for everyone. If you could show that a system like this could pay for itself in say 5 years then every home would want one. Plus for this to be implemented on a large scale requires massive investment that could be decades away. Share the technology and lets get it in homes by next year. Great ted talk. Jon Senior 0 Reply 1 hour ago: I agree 100%. Localised energy production would also make energy consumers more conscious of their consumption and encourage efforts to reduce it. We can invent and invent all we want, but the fast solution to allowing renewable energies to take centre stage is to reduce the base energy draw. With lower baseline consumption, smaller "always on" generators are required to keep the grid operational. Town and house-l
Colin Bennett

Personal Transport Next Advance In Public Transportation - ULTRa Future Train (GALLERY) - 0 views

  • the new ULTRa is poised to be the latest advance in public transport systems.
Hans De Keulenaer

The Future of Transportation World Conference | Home - 1 views

    "We have to think again about transportation. We cannot just continue down a dead end (cul de sac) just because it's convenient and avoids disruption"
    According to this (marketing) conference, we will all be flying around in personal drones by 2025. Let's wait and see :-). One thing is sure: lots of change in the transport sector.
xxx xxx

NREL Joins with A123Systems to Improve Advanced-Vehicle Batteries - 0 views

shared by xxx xxx on 16 Jul 08 - Cached
    The U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and A123Systems have teamed up to support the battery-maker's effort to develop safe, less expensive, more powerful, and longer lasting batteries for hybrid-electric vehicles. The Laboratory and the battery-maker have signed a three-year, Cooperative Research and Development Agreement to examine and develop new techniques to improve thermal management in advanced transportation batteries. "We're pleased to be working with A123Systems on thermal management of their advanced nanophosphate-based lithium ion batteries," NREL Principal Engineer Ahmad Pesaran said. "Batteries with improved thermal behavior are critical for widespread acceptance of affordable hybrid-electric vehicles that consume less fuel and reduced harmful emissions." Hybrid electric vehicles get as much as double the fuel economy of comparable cars. Plug-in hybrids will be even more gasoline-stingy with potential of displacing significant amount of gasoline with electricity for road transportation. To achieve these goals, affordable, high-performance, safe, and long-lasting batteries need to be produced in large quantities. Propulsion batteries - batteries that power an electric motor to assist moving a car - are key components of hybrid-electric vehicles, and will be more important in the plug-in hybrid and extended range electric cars of the future. By better understanding the thermal behavior of advanced batteries, NREL researchers will help A123Systems engineers design improved thermal management systems and to optimize the design of the battery cell and develop a battery pack that's lighter, cheaper and more durable.
xxx xxx

Fuel Cells for Portable Electronics, and Beyond - 0 views

    Hydrogen fuel-cell cars have received a great deal of attention over the years as a clean alternative to petroleum-based transportation, producing only water for exhaust. Certainly the technology is known. Demonstration vehicles have been produced by several manufacturers and Honda is starting to roll out a fleet of 200 FCX Clarity fuel-cell cars, available for lease to select customers for US $600 per month. These autos are costing Honda hundreds of thousands of dollars each though, according to Honda's president Takeo Fukui (Wall Street Journal, June 16 2008), and it will take another decade before their cost falls below US $100,000. Although fuel-cell cars remain a long way from providing commercially viable transportation for the vast majority of people, cars are not the only application for fuel cells. Fuel cells are reaching commercial viability sooner in other applications such as portable electronics, including laptops, cell phones, MP3 players and games, aiming to supplement the ability of batteries to power these mobile devices for extended periods of time. There are a number of reasons why fuel cells may prove more competitive in portable electronics than in cars, including the favorable cost, lifetime requirement and easier distribution in this market. One of the companies developing fuel-cell technology for portable electronics is Polyfuel, using its proprietary hydrocarbon membrane technology for direct methanol fuel cells. The cost of power for portable electronics, according to Polyfuel president and CEO Jim Balcom, is up to US $10,000 per watt, compared with US $20-50 for autos, making portable electronics a much more attractive market than cars initially.
Colin Bennett

Energy volatility reflects lack of investment in oil industry - 0 views

    Although volatility in most assets is sharply lower than it was in November, oil price volatility has continued to climb. This rise in volatility, and resulting near $30-a-barrel oil price, is reflecting the same imbalances in the energy market that $147 oil did last summer: namely inadequate investment in basic infrastructure to produce, deliver, store and distribute energy. Last summer, attention focused on shortages in production capacity. However, present underlying shortages in storage and transportation are creating massive price distortions across the energy complex. Storage and transportation capacity provides the system with a buffer to supply-and-demand shocks by allowing it to run surpluses and deficits that smooth the normal cyclical swings in prices. As global storage capacity has failed to keep pace with growth in global demand over the past three decades, this buffer has shrunk relative to the size of the market, resulting in chronically higher than normal price volatility. Once infrastructure begins to constrain the ability of the market to run imbalances, prices have to create more of the adjustment process. Electricity markets are an extreme case of this. As power cannot be stored, supply must always equal demand, leaving price as the only mechanism to force the adjustment process. Accordingly, electricity is the most volatile of all assets. Due to inadequate infrastructure investment over the past several decades, oil is looking more like the electricity markets.
Colin Bennett

The Transportation Market for Cable Assemblies - 0 views

  • Bishop & Associates projects the worldwide market for transportation cable assemblies to grow to $5.8 billion in 2012. The majority of the growth will be in China and Asia Pacific, where the expansion will be between 8%-12% year-over-year.
Colin Bennett

Transporting large power transformers - 0 views

  • Current road, rail, and port conditions are such that transportation is taking more time and becoming more expensive.
Colin Bennett

United Kingdom will pour hundreds of billions of dollars into transport, and other infr... - 0 views

    "Over the next decade and a half , the United Kingdom will pour hundreds of billions of dollars into transport, and other infrastructure projects."
Colin Bennett

USA and China stimulus spending on water and transport - 0 views

  • Water and wastewater utilities won’t be getting any more free money, however – the new package has been directed largely at transport projects. Instead, those wanting to finance water projects will have to wait for details of the new National Infrastructure Bank that the president is backing. The American Water Works Association put out a press release to express its concern that water projects might not be eligible for finance from the new bank. * China’s economic stimulus has brought about some interesting unintended consequences. Until the stimulus was announced in 2009, municipalities relied on project finance companies known as Chengtous to raise capital for projects. These bodies have raised RMB 7.66 trillion ($1.12 trillion), but they are now discovering the municipalities don’t need the funds because they can get the money via central government grants. 23% of the capital they have raised is now regarded as “high risk”. This is going to have significant implications for the future of project finance in China.
xxx xxx

Yukon`s Carmacks copper project gets YESAB approval - 0 views

  • The Yukon Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment Board (YESAB) has recommended that the controversial Carmacks copper mine project can go ahead, providing that the Western Copper Corporation (TSX: WRN) complies with 148 conditions to mitigate potential adverse impacts. The tiny community of Carmacks with a year-round population of 500 is still considered an important service center for mining and for transportation, a century after it was a popular rest stop for the Yukon gold rush. However, members of the Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation want Western Copper to negotiate a better environmental engineering solution as part of an Impacts Benefits Agreement with the community. Located 38km northwest of the Village of Carmacks and 192 km north of Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory, the Carmacks copper project is planned to be an open-pit operation that will yield about 14,000 tonnes of copper cathode annually. Western Copper has targeted production to begin during the fourth quarter of 2010.
  • "The Executive Committee recommends...the Project be allowed to proceed without a review, subject to specified terms and conditions, since it has determined that the Project will have significant adverse environmental and socio-economic effects in the Yukon that can be mitigated by those terms and conditions." Basically, the board reported that if the operators spend enough money and devote sufficient time environmental risks can be addressed.
    The Yukon Environmental and Socio-Economic Assessment Board (YESAB) has recommended that the controversial Carmacks copper mine project can go ahead, providing that the Western Copper Corporation (TSX: WRN) complies with 148 conditions to mitigate potential adverse impacts. The tiny community of Carmacks with a year-round population of 500 is still considered an important service center for mining and for transportation, a century after it was a popular rest stop for the Yukon gold rush. However, members of the Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation want Western Copper to negotiate a better environmental engineering solution as part of an Impacts Benefits Agreement with the community. Located 38km northwest of the Village of Carmacks and 192 km north of Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory, the Carmacks copper project is planned to be an open-pit operation that will yield about 14,000 tonnes of copper cathode annually. Western Copper has targeted production to begin during the fourth quarter of 2010. Among the comments and concerns raised with the YESAB were routing of mining-related traffic, the heap leach detoxification process, sludge management, heap leach liner performance, and the estimates of closure costs. Among the comments and concerns raised with the YESAB were routing of mining-related traffic, the heap leach detoxification process, sludge management, heap leach liner performance, and the estimates of closure costs. The YESAB Executive Committee said it was satisfied that: Western Copper adequately consulted with the First Nations in whose territory, and the residents of any community in which the project will be located or might have significant or socio-economic effects; The project proponent provided sufficient information in the project proposal to allow for the assessment of potentially significant effects; Significant adverse environmental or socio-economic project and cumulative effects identified within the scope of the scre
Colin Bennett

Europe may need more cuts in transport emissions | - 0 views

  • The European Environment Agency said more rigorous measures are needed to meet greenhouse gas emission targets.
Colin Bennett

China wants to build the world a railway - 0 views

    "Much of that investment will be geared toward transportation projects like the Nigerian railway, as developing countries seek to put in place the capacity needed to keep up with increased flows of people and goods brought by economic growth."
Colin Bennett

Transportation wiring - 0 views

    "The new emission standards for Class 8 trucks will result in more cable assembly opportunities in new vehicle and possibly retrofits of existing truck assemblies. In addition, the trucks will now have diagnostic ports that will require cable assemblies to download information to the diagnostic equipment."
Matthew Wonnacott

General Cable completes move for Prestolite Wire - 1 views

    General Cable Corporation announced on 5th November that it had completed its acquisition of Prestolite Wire LLC, the wire & cable and wiring harnesses producer. Prestolite Wire, which reported revenues of US$170M in 2011, has two production sites based in the USA and Mexico and manufactures predominately for the transport sector. Commenting on the acquisition, General Cable said that the Prestolite Wire is "highly complementary to our existing transportation related businesses as approximately 90% of Prestolite's revenues are generated from products that are incremental to the Company's existing product portfolio."
Colin Bennett

Chinese consortium provides trains for Rio de Janeiro - 0 views

  • a major order from a consortium of China National Machinery Imp. & Exp. Corp. (CMC), a Chinese trading company, and Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd. (CRC), a Chinese rolling stock manufacturer, for trains operated in suburban Rio de Janeiro by Secretaria de Estado de Transportes (SETRANS), the Rio state transportation authority
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