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Jocelyn Chappell - home - 0 views

    Climate Change is happening. Peak Oil is now. Transition Town Brixton is a community-led initiative that seeks to raise awareness locally of Climate Change and Peak Oil. TTB proposes that it is better to design that change, reduce impacts & make it beneficial than wait to be surprised by it. We will vision a better low energy/carbon future for Brixton. We will design a Brixton Energy Descent Action Plan - the route-map to the future. Finally, we will make it happen. A Transition Town consider the challenges of the future as opportunities to rethink the way we do everything, to reconnect with our planet and our community and to relocalise. Themed working groups are formed to vision and plan a transition to a better low energy future in food, health, work, culture etc. Localisation is key and will require that we rediscover many lost skills. TTBrixton aims to be inclusive, imaginative, practical and fun. And to build a local community that is more interconnected, resilient and self-reliant. Vision To engage the whole community in visioning, planning and achieving Transition to a better low energy future Mission 1. To make spread awareness of Peak Oil and Climate Change 3. To motivate a significant number of people to engage in change 4. To record actions and show benefit of carbon reducing measures 5. To vision a good low energy future for Brixton and plan how to get there 6. To create the Brixton Energy Descent Action Plan 7. To put the plan into action and monitor progress, modifying as necessary
Jocelyn Chappell

Transition Brighton and Hove - 0 views

    What is TBH going to do? TBH aims to bring about changes to our city that mean we both use less energy and are more resilient to future energy shocks. These changes will, at some point, be forced upon us by reduced energy supplies and changed climate conditions, and it will be a much smoother transition to this changed future if we change now rather than in a mad scramble at the last minute. In addition, it is believed that many of the changes we need to make, more localisation, less unnecessary travel, more community interaction, will be a more pleasant way of living than at present. It is our job to demonstrate this to the population of Brighton & Hove. TBH is not really about the coordinating group initiating projects and recruiting help - it's more about people who want to be part of TBH both initiating their own projects, and providing help to others. This could just as well be a project that's part of an existing organisation as something completely new - TBH simply aims to be a network of everyone who has the same goal of energy resilience and reduction. If you have an energy-reducing project that you need help with, if you have a pie-in-the-sky dream and you want to throw ideas around about it with other people, please come to a meeting and tell us, and/or contact the website and let us know about it - requests will go out in the next monthly newsletter that goes out to all our mailing list. In the long term we will be writing and implementing an Energy Descent Action Plan (an example of this here) for Brighton and Hove, in collaboration with the many other groups in the city already doing this kind of work. We have already some preliminary research in this area, the Brighton Peak Oil Report. As soon as the first steps of the Plan become clear - we won't wait until the Plan is perfect - we will be implementing them.
Jocelyn Chappell

Transition Westcliff - 0 views

    Welcome to the home of Transition Town Westcliff, an exploration of how the people of Westcliff on Sea and the surrounding area can prepare for a carbon constrained, energy lean world. TTW is a community-led initiative which is working towards the creation of an Energy Descent Action Plan for the town. The thinking behind TTW is simply that a town using much less energy and resources than we presently consume could, if properly planned for and designed, be more resilient, more abundant and more pleasurable than the present. TTW also believe that only by involving all of us - residents, businesses, public bodies, community organisations and schools - will we come up with the most innovative, effective and practical ideas, and have the energy and skills to carry them out.
Jocelyn Chappell

Transition Bath - Home - 0 views

    Over the next few decades, oil and other carbon fuel production will decline, and prices will rocket. We have to make the transition between an oil-fuelled economy to one existing on a fraction of our current usage. The path between the two could be a gradual and well-planned transition towards a different but positive life, or oil shocks, chaos and collapse. The choice is ours. Transition Bath is part of the fast-growing Transition network - communities coming together to plan and implement their own energy descent, helping to tackle climate change as they do it. We aim to help rebuild a localised economy in Bath, to collect and develop traditional and modern skills, and re-establish local resource resilience for the wellbeing of everyone. Local businesses, schools and colleges, families, gardeners, councillors, environmentalists, craftspeople, engineers, health providers oldsters and youngsters … everyone has to make the transition, and everyone can contribute to Transition Bath.
Jocelyn Chappell

Aldermoor EarthWorks - TRANSITION ISLAND PROJECT - 0 views

    WE NEED TO PLAN FOR OIL PRICE RISES ... ASAP !!! Many years ago these rises were predicted to start between 2006 and 2012. They will dramatically affect ferry prices and therefore food and other products brought over from the mainland, AND will isolate the Island by reducing commuting and 'exporting' of our own products. Globally, they will change transport, plastics, pharmaceuticals and how we grow & distribute food. This issue is called 'Peak Oil'. Climate Change is another set of changes that will affect us all - perhaps more than Peak Oil, but probably many years later. Much needs to be done to deal with the implications for food, disease, building, heating, etc. To survive these challenges and use the opportunities, we need local plans for sustainable lifestyles that use skills rather than machines.
Yamila Gonzalez

Food Sustainability - Part 1: Food Storage | - 0 views

    By: Food storage can be used for long and short term planning. Having the right amount of food stored can provide us with enough supply in case that for some reason we are temporarily away from our regular food supply. You can buy the food already prepared for long term storing or you can do it by yourself by drying fruits, appropriate food canning, etc. Before obtaining the food that you are going to store (it does not matter if you are going to buy it already prepared for storing or are going to do it by yourself) you should follow some basic guidelines so you can have a successful plan
kevin Anderson

Hydroponics Growing: - Steps To Follow - 0 views

    Hydroponics is the method of growing plants sans soil under controlled environment. Starting a hydroponic garden is not hard, as long as you plan and prepare for the task.
Phil Slade

Transition Together - 0 views

    "In this section find out what the programme will do for you, how it works, more about the workbook and the extras... What will it do for me? Cut your household bills - with easy, helpful, practical advice: Take control of your daily costs Reduce your impact on the environment Understand better these times of change and uncertainty Act together with your friends, family and community Have fun, make friends and save money at a pace and schedule that suits you Transition Together helps you build a Practical Action Plan. It cuts through the massive amount of often confusing information that's out there, and provides you with reliable facts and practical tips from the experts. It provides local information relevant for all of us living here in Totnes and District. This programme is free and only available to local residents. So far over 280 residents in Totnes are taking part in the programme..."
Jocelyn Chappell

Home | The Peak Oil Group - 0 views

    The UK Industry Taskforce on Peak Oil and Energy Security (ITPOES) is a group of British companies concerned that threats to energy security are not receiving the attention they merit. The Industry Taskforce on Peak Oil and Energy Security The aim of our first report is to engage government more proactively on the peak oil threat, and also to alert the public to the problem. We aim to encourage collaborative contingency planning by government, industry, and communities on measures that can be taken to accelerate independent energy supply within the UK. In preparing this report, we asked ourselves three related questions: How big is the risk from peak oil? How big is the alternative-energy opportunity? How do the two conflate?
Jocelyn Chappell

Home - 0 views

Jocelyn Chappell

Marsden and Slaithwaite Transition Towns - 0 views

    Marsden & Slaithwaite Transition Towns (MASTT) is a community-led initiative which is taking proactive steps to deal with the twin threats of Peak Oil and Climate Change. The reasoning behind MASTT is simply that a community using much less energy and resources than we presently consume could more resilient. Providing it has been properly planned for and designed to be more resilient, more abundant and more pleasurable than the present. Rather than feeling guilty about Climate Change and worrying about the end of cheap oil, let's do something now to make our communities strong, prosperous and great places to live over the coming turbulent years! MASTT strives to be inclusive, imaginative, practical and fun. Want to get involved? Why not join a MASTT project or start a new one? It's fun and easy, you don't have to be an expert, you will meet lots of interesting people, strengthen your community, and learn new skills. What could be better? to get in contact please email:
Jocelyn Chappell

Transition Town West Kirby - 0 views

    Who are we? ...a group working towards a sustainable low-carbon lifestyle, based in West Kirby and elsewhere on the Wirral. We are one of dozens of Transition Town groups that have formed over the last two years throughout the UK and around the world. The global challenges of climate change and energy shortages are approaching - we feel that we may not be able to do much at a global level, but can do a lot at the level of the local community. We feel it is better to plan a local response in advance than wait until the problems become a crisis. And we feel that there will be many advantages of a low-carbon lifestyle. Membership is open to all at no charge.
Jocelyn Chappell

Portobello Energy Descent and Land Reform Group - 0 views

    We are a Portobello, Edinburgh based, community run, environmental group. We believe that Portobello can and should re-localise. This means, for example: growing more of our food; generating our own energy; creating a wider range of jobs close to home, finding ways to get to 'zero waste'… We'll all get more out of living here - and help the planet at the same time. Rather than hoping that governments might act in time, we are working now to re-localise, and to help other communities do the same. We believe that the huge wave of communities becoming Transition Towns, Going Carbon Neutral, making Community Buy Outs, kicking out plastic bags or getting more local food bought and sold, are showing that people have had enough of the way we've been doing things - and that there is another way - or lots of them! The huge challenges of Climate Change and Peak Oil have galvanised people into action, and we have huge potential to make a fundamental difference to how we live in a way that government so far has not managed, and individuals on their own often feel is beyond them. We started the process of working towards becoming a Transition Town in 2005, just as our community was celebrating its victory in a long battle against the Superstore. Inspired by Rob Hopkins' description of the work done by his permaculture students in Kinsale, Ireland, we decided that we were ready to follow their example and develop our own Energy Descent Action Plan (EDAP) and to begin to take steps to implement it. We've gone some way towards this; learned a great deal; run several public events; and have two energetic groups (Food and Land Reform) with projects on the go up and running. Clearly there's plenty more to be done, but we feel that we've made a great start, have inspired other communities in our turn, and you are welcome to join us.
Yamila Gonzalez

The Rocket Powered Shower | Permaculture Research Institute of Australia - 0 views

    Plan for our Rocket-Powered hot water system for the Basecamp shower + bath block Spending all your day gathering sticks for a hot shower is just no fun. No
Yamila Gonzalez

Understanding Soil - Part 2: Identifying Types of Soil | - 0 views

    When we are planning to plant it is good to know which type of soilwe have in order to know which improvements we need to perform. Understanding soil is very important if we want to produce healthy fruits and vegetables. The techniques shown here is simple and can utilize inexpensive materials.
Yamila Gonzalez

Tips for a Permaculture Garden | - 0 views

    f you are planning to be food sustainable a permaculture garden is an excellent idea. A permaculture gardencan be built in a rural or urban area. Just select the space you want your garden. In permaculture practices the place chosen to built the garden is often referred as "site" and the process is called "site design". Efficiency is a key in these designs, we should observe the conditions and patterns in the area so that with the minimum effort and resources we can obtain the best results or what is called "higher yields".
Yamila Gonzalez

Permaculture Design Principles | - 0 views

    Permaculture designprinciples help us to design our own environment in a self sufficient human settlement which helps to maximize efficiency and production and at the same time leads to sustainability. Since every place is different, the techniques, plants, animals, etc. may vary according to the situation but the same principles apply. Regarding to the planning, observation of the natural patterns and cycles is used; you can make a drawing of the actual area and analyze what needs to be changed. For example you can make notes regarding to the areas where there is more shade or more sun, take notes about what time the sun falls and rise, study which are the best plants to grow and in which area to plant them so you can build an efficient system.
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