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Kenneth Griswold

Primary Source Analysis Tool | Teachers - Library of Congress - 1 views

    LOVE this primary source analysis tool from the Library of Congress.  This simple tool allows students to analyze primary sources using three column Observe, Reflect, Question analysis model leading to responses for further investigation..  The tool provides more specific prompts based upon the type of document for those that need it.   Responses can then be downloaded, printed, or emailed.    
Kenneth Griswold

Core Math Tools Home - 0 views

    From the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, a suite of "Core Math Tools," digital tools that can be used by students to model math problems for algebra and functions, geometry and trigonometry, and statistics and probability. These tools can be downloaded and run on any computer, but will not work on mobile devices.
Kenneth Griswold

Free Technology for Teachers: MindMup - A Mind Mapping Tool That Saves to Google Drive - 0 views

    MindMup is a free mind mapping tool that can be used online, with Google Drive, and on your desktop. MindMup works like most mind mapping tools in that you can create a central idea and add child and sibling nodes all over a blank canvas. MindMup ...
Kenneth Griswold

Web Tools for Teachers by Type - LiveBinder - 1 views

    This livebinder is a nice collection of Web Tools for teachers organized by type.  As the curator of the binder says, it is dedicated to helping teachers find the right web tool for the task at hand.  Take a look!
Kenneth Griswold

48 Common Core Standards-aligned Teaching Tools From edshelf - 1 views

    48 Common Core Standards-Aligned Teaching Tools From edshelf via @TeachThought
    48 Common Core Standards-Aligned Teaching Tools From edshelf via @TeachThought
Kenneth Griswold

The 20 Best Education Apps And Web Tools Of The Year - Edudemic - 0 views

    via Edudemic a crowd-sourced list of the best educational apps, tools, and services online.
Kenneth Griswold

Storyboard That - An innovative and visual way to describe ideas and processes - 1 views

    A tool for creating storyboards. This is a great tool for digital storytelling, writing, and explaining.
    Would be excellent option for the students who don't have the resources at home to do the big, artistic storyboards. This way they would be able to build one online.
Anne Marie Littrell

cooltoolsforschools - Presentation Tools - 0 views

    Amazing resource! Filled with tools for tons of technological needs! Check it out!
Kenneth Griswold

Documenting Learning in Mathematics (or any other subject) using Padlet - 1 views

    A math teacher demonstrates how he and his students use the web tool, pad let, to collaborate on and assess math tasks in a lesson. Padlet is a free tool that allows users to upload notes , images, and more to a common online bulletin board or workspace.
Kenneth Griswold

35 Digital Tools That Work With Bloom's Taxonomy - Edudemic - 0 views

    via Best content in Diigo In Education | Diigo - Groups
    Another list of digital tools for the classroom organized by Bloom's taxonomy.
Kenneth Griswold

edshelf | Reviews & recommendations of tools for education - 0 views

    Another great source for reviews and recommendations of educational tools and apps.   The site is easy to use, well organized, and visually appealing.  Check it out!
Kenneth Griswold Create interactive flash tools / games for education - 0 views

    This is a collection of free web-based tools like a random name picker and a timer. These are simple to use and may help with classroom management.
Kenneth Griswold

Intel Education: Visual Ranking Tool - 0 views

    collaborative thinking tool from Intel.  Create, compare, and debate ordered lists around essential questions.
Kenneth Griswold

26 Ways to Use Comics in the Classroom and 5 Free Tools for Creating Comics - 0 views

    A nice set of ideas and tools for using comics in the classroom
Kenneth Griswold

Wolfram Demonstrations Project - 1 views

    interactive visual demonstrations of math concepts for a wide range of topics.  These are excellent tools for exploring math using your interactive whiteboard.
Kenneth Griswold

Kidblog - 1 views

  • Kidblog is built by teachers, for teachers, so students can get the most out of the writing process. Our mission is to empower teachers to embrace the benefits of the coming digital revolution in education. As students become creators - not just consumers - of information, we recognize the crucial role of teachers as discussion moderators and content curators in the classroom. With Kidblog, teachers monitor and control all activity within their classroom blogging community.
  • Kidblog provides teachers with the tools to help students safely navigate the digital – and increasingly social – online landscape. Kidblog allows students to exercise digital citizenship within a secure, private classroom blogging space. Kidblog’s security features put safety first: Teachers have administrative control over all student blogs and student accounts. Your students’ blogs are private by default – viewable only by classmates and the teacher. Teachers can elect to make posts public, while still moderating all content. Teachers can add password-protected parent and guest accounts to the community at their discretion. Comment privacy settings block unsolicited comments from outside sources. Kidblog is fully COPPA compliant and does not require any personal information from students.
    A safe FREE solution for blogging.  Perfect for the elementary school.  Haiku is missing a full fledged blogging tool, this will fill that gap for teachers.
Kenneth Griswold

22 Frames - News Videos for ESL Students - 0 views

    Online source for captioned video. Would be a good tool for ESL students.
Kenneth Griswold

Create Free Interactive Timelines - Stories Displayed on Maps | myHistro - 0 views

    "This versatile browser-based tool enables students to combine blogging, videos and photographs on interactive Google Earth and Google Maps. MyHistro's chronological timeline makes it great for collaborative tasks, multimedia projects and presentations in History, Geography and Social Science." -TeachThought This would make for an excellent writing/multimedia project for our US History students.  The projects could be embedded into Haiku for presentation, discussion, and review.  Check it out!
Kenneth Griswold

"The Most Dangerous Game" Plot Diagram by Joseph Bakhit on Prezi - 0 views

    In this student-created Prezi, the presentation takes the form of a traditional plot diagram.  This is an excellent example of how Prezi turns the traditional slide presentation on its head.  This is a powerful tool for students to demonstrate their understanding.
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