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Contents contributed and discussions participated by demetriar


Spotify Wants Listeners to Break Down Music Barriers - - 0 views

  • Their cultural acumen is entirely the product of technology — in particular, being introduced to new artists through Spotify, the world’s largest subscription music-streaming service. According to executives at Spotify, my children offer a peek at the future of music consumption.
  • On average, the company said, the service exposes each of these listeners to one new artist every day. That is making listeners less beholden to music of certain styles and eras. Instead, many of us will try anything, just because we can easily sample it online.
  • Spotify is betting that fixed musical genres will fade away. In its new version rolling out to iPhone users, the company has expanded its effort to program for moods and activities rather than merely certain kinds of musical tastes.
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  • If Spotify is right about our increasing willingness to try new stuff — and critics who follow the pop charts said it may be — the trend could upend how we think about music.
  • Until recently, because of the narrowcasting ethos of terrestrial radio, music was fiercely segregated by genre. In an era less bound by those niches and instead dominated by an online free-for-all, we may discover new artists more quickly than in the past — though, on the other side of the coin, we may also develop less fierce attachments to certain artists, flitting, as my children do, between anything and everything. For better or worse, streaming services may turn us into cultural nomads.
  • By suggesting tracks based on my activities and parts of the day, I found the service exposed me to music out of my comfort zone.
  • Programmers for radio stations also look at these services to decide what to add to their rotations.
  • “These were all songs that were different from what radio was playing, and radio tends to be a homogeneous medium,” Mr. Molanphy said.
    How online music streaming sorts music into categories other than by typical music genres, allowing people to be exposed to more types of music. Why do we categorize music by genres? How has online music streaming effected our knowledge of music?

Is 'More Efficient' Always Better? - - 0 views

  • All of these public policies have one thing in common: They create winners and losers among members of society. Therefore, an overarching question (on which economists themselves seem unable to agree) is whether economists in their role as social scientists should make recommendations on such issues at all — even if these recommendations are driven by the quest for greater efficiency. In fact, what does efficiency actually mean in economic analysis?
  • Astute readers will have figured out by now that literally every point falling on the entire solid curve in the graph must be “Pareto optimal” by the economist’s definition of that term, not only those falling on line segment Y-Z. That circumstance makes the economist’s use of the word optimal even more dubious.
  • Indeed, can it be said that a more efficient resource allocation is better than a less efficient one, given the changes in the distribution of welfare among members of society that these allocations imply?
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  • Can economists judge this to be a good thing? Indeed, how useful is efficiency as a normative guide to public policy? Can economists legitimately base their advocacy of particular policies on that criterion?
  • But when greater efficiency is accompanied by a redistribution of economic privilege in society, subjective ethical dimensions inevitably get baked into the economist’s recommendations.

The Psychology of Choking Under Pressure - - 0 views

  • When presented with potential gains, highly loss-averse participants showed intensifying activity in their ventral striatums, and their game play improved. But when they had an opportunity to win $100, their performance declined precipitously. They choked. Their counterparts with low loss aversion — who ought to have been unfazed by the prospect of losing their money — did better in all of their games, except when they were faced with losing $100. Then they choked, consistently.
  • People supposed to be strongly hostile to losing choked only when they might win; people supposed to be unfazed by losses fell apart only when faced with losing.
  • But the results indicate that how someone frames a high-pressure situation, and whether winning or losing is emphasized, affect performance.
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  • so we regard that opportunity to win $100 not as a chance for gain but as an outsize opportunity to fail.
  • He and his colleagues hope that experiments already underway will produce more and clearer explanations.

Teenagers Seek Health Information Online, but Don't Always Trust It - - 0 views

  • Four out of five teenagers turn to the Internet for health information, but they don’t always put much stock in what they find, according to a national survey released on Tuesday.
  • The source they really trust with questions about health? Surprise: their parents.
  • One in three teenagers said they changed their behavior because of what they had learned from online sites or apps.
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  • Still, most teenagers said they read the first few sites that popped up in an online search, rather than delving further. The information often did not directly address their concerns or was densely written, they said.
  • When asked where they got “a lot” of health information, 55 percent of the teenagers cited their parents. School health classes and medical providers also ranked higher than the Internet as preferred sources.
  • teenagers do not search online the way adults do, which contributes to the uneven quality of the information they receive.
  • “We should be able to provide kids with better, independent online health resources.”

Amnesia researchers use light to restore 'lost' memories in mice | Science | The Guardian - 0 views

  • Amnesia remains a controversial subject in the field of neuroscience, with some researchers arguing that it occurs when cells are damaged and memory cannot be stored, while others believe that the memories are simply blocked and cannot be recalled.
  • The study, published in the US journal Science, indicated that memories do in fact remain, but are simply unable to be recollected.
  • The study allowed scientists to separate memory storage mechanisms from those allowing an organism to form and recover the memory, said MIT researcher Tomas Ryan, who co-authored the study.
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  • “The strengthening of engram synapses is crucial for the brain’s ability to access or retrieve those specific memories,” Ryan said.
  • “past memories may not be erased, but could simply be lost and inaccessible for recall”.

What Faces Can't Tell Us - - 0 views

  • Research subjects were asked to look at photographs of facial expressions (smiling, scowling and so on) and match them to a limited set of emotion words (happiness, anger and so on) or to stories with phrases
  • In recent years, however, at my laboratory we began to worry that this research method was flawed. In particular, we suspected that by providing subjects with a preselected set of emotion words, these experiments had inadvertently “primed” the subjects — in effect, hinting at the answers — and thus skewed the results.
  • preliminary studies, some of which were later published in the journal Emotion, in which subjects were not given any clues and instead were asked to freely describe the emotion on a face (or to view two faces and answer yes or no as to whether they expressed the same emotion). The subjects’ performance plummeted.
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  • If the emotional content of facial expressions were in fact universal, the Himba subjects would have sorted the photographs into six piles by expression, but they did not.
  • These findings strongly suggest that emotions are not universally recognized in facial expressions, challenging the theory, attributed to Charles Darwin, that facial movements might be evolved behaviors for expressing emotion.
  • The answer is that we don’t passively recognize emotions but actively perceive them, drawing heavily (if unwittingly) on a wide variety of contextual clues — a body position, a hand gesture, a vocalization, the social setting and so on.

Instagram account of University of Pennsylvania runner showed only part of story - 0 views

  • THE LIFE MADISON projected on her own Instagram feed was filled with shots that seemed to confirm everyone's expectations: Of course she was loving her first year of college. Of course she enjoyed running. Her mom remembers looking at a photo on her feed and saying, "Madison, you look like you're so happy at this party.""Mom," Madison said. "It's just a picture."
  • She seemed acutely aware that the life she was curating online was distinctly different from the one she was actually living. Yet she could not apply that same logic when she looked at the projected lives of others.
  • Everyone presents an edited version of life on social media. People share moments that reflect an ideal life, an ideal self. Hundreds of years ago, we sent letters by horseback, containing only what we wanted the recipient to read. Fifty years ago, we spoke via the telephone, sharing only the details that constructed the self we wanted reflected.
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  • Madison's high school friends had told her they were also struggling. Emma Sullivan was running track at Boston College and having a hard time. Another friend, Jackie Reyneke, was playing basketball at Princeton and feeling overwhelmed. They had all shared some form of their struggles with Madison, yet in her mind, the lives her friends were projecting on social media trumped the reality they were privately sharing.

How Many of Your Memories Are Fake? - The Atlantic - 3 views

  • Special K for breakfast. Liverwurst and cheese for lunch. And I remember the song ‘You've Got Personality’ was playing as on the radio as I pulled up for work,” said Healy, one of 50 confirmed people in the United States with Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory, an uncanny ability to remember dates and events.
  • New research released this week has found that even people with phenomenal memory are susceptible to having “false memories,” suggesting that “memory distortions are basic and widespread in humans, and it may be unlikely that anyone is immune,” according to the authors of the study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
  • Professor Elizabeth Loftus, who has spent decades researching how memories can become contaminated with people remembering—sometimes quite vividly and confidently—events that never happened. Loftus has found that memories can be planted in someone’s mind if they are exposed to misinformation after an event, or if they are asked suggestive questions about the past
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  • Loftus’s research has already rattled our justice system, which relies so heavily on eyewitness testimonies.
  • “It’s so powerful when somebody tells you something and they have a lot of detail,” Loftus said. “Especially when they express emotion. To just say, ‘Oh my god it must be true.’ But all those characteristics are also true of false memories, particularly the heavily rehearsed ones that you ruminate over. They can be very detailed. You can be confident. You can be emotional. So you need independent corroboration.”
  • When later asked about the events, the superior memory subjects indicated the erroneous facts as truth at about the same rate as people with normal memory.
  • been able to successfully convince ordinary people that they were lost in a mall in their childhood, pointed out that false memory recollections also occur among high profile people.
  • All memory, as McGaugh explained, is colored with bits of life experiences. When people recall, “they are reconstructing,” he said. “It doesn't mean it’s totally false. It means that they’re telling a story about themselves and they’re integrating things they really do remember in detail, with things that are generally true.”
  • “puzzling why (Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory) individuals remember some trivial details, such as what they had for lunch 10 years ago, but not others, such as words on a word list or photographs in a slideshow,” Patihis and colleagues noted in the PNAS study. “The answer to this may be that they may extract some personally relevant meaning from only some trivial details and weave them into the narrative for a given day.”
  • For all of us, the stronger the emotion attached to a moment, the more likely those parts of our brains involved in memory will become activated.
  • “Why did evolution do that?” McGaugh said. “Because it was essential for our survival.
  • We now know animals are likely susceptible to memory distortions too, as MIT researchers recently were able to successfully plant false memories in mice.
  • “We’re all creating stories. Our lives are stories in that sense.”
  • “but you as the writer have the obligation to get as close to the truth as you possibly can,” Meyer said
  • The mind and its memory do not just record and retrieve information and experiences, but also infer, fill in gaps, and construct, wrote Bryan Boyd wrote in On the Origin of Stories. “Episodic memory’s failure to provide exact replicas of experiences appears to not be a limitation of memory but an adaptive design.”

How Do Children Learn to Regulate Their Emotions? | Kenneth Barish, Ph.D. - 0 views

  • But the correct answer is almost always, "He behaves this way because he is caught up in the emotion of the moment."
  • A child's increasing ability to "regulate" her emotions -- to express her feelings in constructive rather than impulsive or hurtful ways -- is now recognized as a critical factor in children's psychological health.
  • Children who are able to regulate their emotions pay more attention, work harder, and achieve more in school. They are better able to resolve conflicts with their peers and show lower levels of physiological stress.
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  • Emotion regulation means being able to think constructively about how to cope with feelings. We want children to have their feelings, but not be overwhelmed by them
  • When a child expects that her feelings and concerns will be appreciated and understood, her emotions become less urgent

The Science of Emotion in Marketing: How Our Brains Decide What to Share and ... - 0 views

  • A new study says we're really only capable of four "basic" emotions: happy, sad, afraid/surprised, and angry/disgusted.
  • He found that an article was more likely to become viral the more positive it was.
  • the emotions of sadness and sorrow light up many of the same regions of the brain as happiness.
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  • . Later, those who produced the most oxytocin were the most likely to give money to others they couldn't see.
  • "Our results show why puppies and babies are in toilet paper commercials," Zak said. "This research suggests that advertisers use images that cause our brains to release oxytocin to build trust in a product or brand, and hence increase sales."
  • A study published in the Journal of Consumer Research demonstrated that consumers who experienced fear while watching a film felt a greater affiliation with a present brand than those who watched films evoking other emotions, like happiness, sadness or excitement.
  • The rude comments made participants dig in on their stance
  • That emotions are critical -- maybe even more than previously thought -- to marketing.
  • In an analysis of the IPA dataBANK, which contains 1,400 case studies of successful advertising campaigns, campaigns with purely emotional content performed about twice as well (31 percent versus 16 percent) as those with only rational content (and did a little better than those that mixed emotional and rational content).
  • The emotional brain processes sensory information in one fifth of the time our cognitive brain takes to assimilate the same input
  • we're not just sharing the object, but we're sharing in the emotional response it creates."

How Men And Women Process Emotions Differently - 0 views

  • Previous research has shown that women generally experience higher levels of emotional stimulation than men. Now, a new large-scale study from the University of Basel suggests that gender differences in emotion processing are also linked to sex variation in memory and brain activity.
  • finding that women rated these images as more emotionally stimulating than men, particularly in the case of negative images. When presented with emotionally neutral imagery, however, the men and women responded similarly.
  • After being exposed to the images, the participants completed a memory test. The female participants were able to recall significantly more of the images than their male counterparts.
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  • Then, fMRI data from 700 participants suggested that womens' stronger reactivity to negative emotional images is linked with increased activity of motor regions of the brain.
  • The findings may help scientists to come to a better understanding of gender differences in neuropsychiatric conditions, which may pave the way for improved treatment options.
  • "Women are more likely to develop major depression, anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder, all of which are related to emotional dysregulation," Milnik said. "We hope that understanding the neural correlates of sex-specific emotional processing will be an important step towards elucidating the mechanisms linked to sex-dependent emotional dysregulation."

How Culture Shapes Our Senses - - 3 views

  • social psychologist Daryl J. Bem described the knowledge we gain from our senses as “zero-order beliefs,” so taken for granted that we do not even notice them as beliefs. The sky is blue. The fan hums. Ice is cold. That’s the nature of reality, and it seems peculiar that different people with their senses intact would experience it subjectively.
  • sensory perception is culturally specific.
  • . But more and more are willing to argue that sensory perception is as much about the cultural training of attention as it is about biological capacity.
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  • That’s why we think of scent as a trigger for personal memory — leading to the recall of something specific, particular, uniquely our own.
  • When the research team visited the Jahai, rain-forest foragers on the Malay Peninsula, they found that the Jahai were succinct and more accurate with the scratch-and-sniff cards.
  • The team also found that several communities — speakers of Persian, Turkish and Zapotec — used different metaphors than English and Dutch speakers to describe pitch, or frequency: Sounds were thin or thick rather than high or low. In later work, they demonstrated that the metaphors were powerful enough to disrupt perception.
  • younger Cantonese speakers had fewer words for tastes and smells than older ones, a shift attributed to rapid socioeconomic development and Western-style schooling.

Brain treats real and imaginary objects in the same way -- ScienceDaily - 0 views

  • There are close parallels, for in the same way as we can preferentially process external stimuli, we are also able to concentrate on the memory content that is currently the most important.
  • However, this increased activity also extended to the areas in the brain that represent the relevant associated position of the same object, despite the fact that the subject was not concentrating on it. Peters explains the results of the experiment by saying: "It is remarkable that this effect was observed in regions of the brain that are normally involved in perception, despite the fact that here, objects and positions were only maintained in memory."

How Pattern Recognition Gives You an Edge | Anna Clark - 0 views

  • Although pattern recognition is commonly associated with computer science and engineering, it also applies to nature, people and social systems. In fact, even animals and babies are born with the ability to recognize patterns. Sharpening our pattern recognition ability helps us cultivate vision, which is crucial for gaining an edge in a rapidly changing world.
  • (Unfortunately, technology also allows powerful interests to recognize patterns in big data to manipulate voters and consumers, but that's another story.)
  • We can become slaves to patterns. Extrapolate this tendency broadly and you can see how a society becomes fixed in its ways.
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  • Pattern recognition only serves as an edge when you know how to use it to your advantage.
  • A kaleidoscope of perspectives also adds luster to life, which sometimes gets dulled by the force of our own habits.

How Technology Is Warping Your Memory - 0 views

  • Take a moment to think about the last time you memorized someone's phone number.
  • a growing body of research has suggested that it may have profound effects on our memories (particularly the short-term, or working, memory), altering and in some cases impairing its function.
  • "The depth of our intelligence hinges on our ability to transfer information from working memory, the scratch pad of consciousness, to long-term memory, the mind’s filing system," Nicholas Carr
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  • new research has found that taking photos -- an increasingly ubiquitous practice in our smartphone-obsessed culture -- actually hinders our ability to remember that which we're capturing on camera.
  • most of us aren't able to effectively manage the overload of information we're constantly bombarded with.When the working memory is experiencing digital overload, it's like a glass of water overflowing.
  • when we know a digital device or tool will remember a piece of information for us, we're less likely to remember it ourselves.
  • He explained that an over-reliance on technology has a tendency to encourage us to isolate pieces of information without fitting them into a broader cognitive schema.
  • A 2013 Trending Machine national poll found that millennials (aged 18-34) are more likely than those over the age of 55 to forget what day it is (15 percent vs. 7 percent) and where they put their keys (14 percent vs. 8 percent).

Why Communication Fails and How to Fix It: The Perception Gap | Anne Loehr - 0 views

  • While communicating a step-by-step list would work well with a logical-mathematic communicator, the conversation has a high probability of being misunderstood by a spatial communicator, who leans heavily on interconnected ideas.
  • Every person has a different primary and secondary communication form in which they best grasp and retain information. Consequently, you may run into trouble when your communication style strays far from another's primary and secondary communication style.

The Link Between Multitasking And Brain Size - 0 views

  • "The way we are interacting with the media might be affecting how we think, and this link seems to have a biological basis,” wrote lead researcher Kep Kee Loh of Singapore's Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School in an email to The Huffington Post.
  • While Loh’s study doesn’t establish whether media multitasking caused diminished brain matter, or if people with smaller ACCs are more prone to multitasking, Loh notes that previous studies have linked media multitasking to a diminished ability to control emotions and thoughts, and smaller ACC regions have also been linked to that same inability.
  • Loh plans to expand on the findings by conducting a longitudinal study on the relationship between multitasking and brain matter, which would evaluate the association over a longer period of time, but would still not establish cause. Meanwhile, study co-author Ryota Kanai is taking on a research project about how computer exposure might change brain structure.
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  • While the findings aren’t enough to conclude that media multitasking causes brain shrinkage
  • Psychologist and author Guy Winch, Ph.D., argues that a more accurate term for multitasking would be “task switching,” because you’re going to and from one action to another instead of truly doing two things at once, which wastes energy on transitions and slows you down.

Languages Are Going Extinct Even Faster Than Species Are - 0 views

  • The world's roughly 7000 known languages are disappearing faster than species, with a different tongue dying approximately every 2 weeks.
  • Certain aspects of geography seemed to act as a buffer or threat, Amano says.
  • It’s well known that economic growth or the desire to achieve it can drive language loss, he notes—dominant languages such as Mandarin Chinese and English are often required for upward mobility in education and business, and economic assistance often encourages recipients to speak dominant languages.
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  • researchers have identified the primary threat to linguistic diversity: economic development.
  • More research is necessary to determine precisely what it is about economic development that kills languages, he adds. Figuring out how growth interacts with other factors such as landscape is the next step, he says.
  • Economics is far from the whole story, however, she says.
  • Generations of disease, murder, and genocide—both historic and present, in some regions—have also played an important role and were not included in the new study's analysis, she says.

Brain Processes Music Much Like Spoken Language, New Study Shows - 1 views

  • "The areas of the brain related to language ramped way up when the musical behavior was spontaneous between the two musicians,"
  • "During the improvised exchanges, the parts of the brain that interpret the meaning of language — semantics — were completely deactivated,"
  • This could suggest there is a fundamental difference between how the brain processes meaning for music and language.
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  • "Until now, studies of how the brain processes auditory communication between two individuals have been done only in the context of spoken language," Limb said in a statement. "But looking at jazz lets us investigate the neurological basis of interactive, musical communication as it occurs outside of spoken language."

Are We Really Conscious? - - 1 views

  • Third, what is the relationship between our minds and the physical world? Here, we don’t have a settled answer.
  • I believe a major change in our perspective on consciousness may be necessary, a shift from a credulous and egocentric viewpoint to a skeptical and slightly disconcerting one: namely, that we don’t actually have inner feelings in the way most of us think we do.
  • The brain builds models (or complex bundles of information) about items in the world, and those models are often not accurate.
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  • In the attention schema theory, attention is the physical phenomenon and awareness is the brain’s approximate, slightly incorrect model of it.
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