Instructional Technology - Grand Island Public Schools - 1 views
Lauri Brady on 13 May 11"Grand Island Public Schools recognizes the critical role that technology plays in educating children for the future. In order to be productive citizens in society, students must possess the skills to be contributing members in an information-rich technology environment. In accordance with state and national instructional technology standards, Grand Island Public Schools learners will be provided the skills and implementation opportunities which will enable them to: 1. use a variety of information technologies and applications. 2. develop positive attitudes toward the social impact of technology and apply ethical and legal principles to the use of information technologies. 3. develop strategies to utilize information technologies to search for, locate, and access information. 4. use a variety of media to communicate, collaborate, publish, and interact with experts, peers, and other audiences. 5. organize, prepare and present ideas and information utilizing information technologies. 6. solve problems utilizing a variety of information technologies "