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Marge Runkle

Quickly Grade Quizzes With Flubaroo - 0 views

    Google DOC quizzes and grading how-to!
karen sipe

Create Great-Looking Interactive Quizzes (in minutes) - embed in any website / blog! - 4 views

    "Create great-looking quizzes for your website or blog. (It´s FREE!)"
    "QuizRevolution offers a rich FREE solution to create online quizzes . Embed a great looking quiz widget in any website or blog without programming."
Ann Baum (Johnston)

socrative quizzes - 3 views

    Shared quizzes through Socrative - google spreadsheet
Marge Runkle

Kubbu - Make Educational Games, Online Activities and Quizzes - 1 views

    Kubbu is an e-learning tool designed to facilitate teachers' work and enhance the learning process *Free Teacher Account *Create games, quizzes, or crosswords *Make available to students or groups *View and analyze results
Marge Runkle

Free Math worksheets, Free phonics worksheets, Math Games and Online activities and Qui... - 1 views

    Provides free math worksheets, free math games, grammar quizzes and free phonics worksheets and games. Worksheets and games are organized by grades and topics. These printable math and phonics worksheets are auto generated.
John Sengia

That Quiz - Math Test Activities - 4 views

  • Math test activities for students and teachers of all grade levels
    Awesome site for Math
    Math, science, world language, and geography test activities for students and teachers of all grade levels. Quizzes and tests can be browsed by topics, need a free account to create.
Marge Runkle

ClassMarker - 3 views

    The ClassMarker online testing website is a professional, easy to use, online quiz maker that marks your tests and quizzes for you. ClassMarker saves you time normally spent marking test papers.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Google Forms - Kern Kelley - 4 views

    Google form templates for tests and quizzes, administrative forms, and more.
Marge Runkle

Time For Kids - 0 views

    Check out the left hand column - Teaching Resources. Worksheets, Printable Quizzes, and Graphic Organizers by grade level. Grades K - 6.
karen sipe Create interactive flash tools / games for education - 1 views

    Create free educational games, activites and diagrams. Host them on a blog, or website for free. Customizable flash templages
    Create free educational games, quizzes, activities and diagrams in seconds! Host them on your own blog, website or intranet! No signup, no passwords, no charge!
    Site looks very interesting. I like the variety of activities available including diagrams.
karen sipe - 1 views

    This is an online learning environment dedicated for educators and students to learn how to effectively use Google Apps in an educational context.
    Free google apps training.
    Google Apps Education Training Center is a new online learning environment designed for educators and students who want to effectively use Google Apps in an educational context. The site offers six modules, including Google Apps Education Edition, apps Mail, Calendar, Docs, Sites, and other tools. The training will cover customizing apps for individual schools; organizing e-mail effectively; creating shared calendars; collaborating with others online; using documents, presentations, and spreadsheets; delivering and collecting surveys, quizzes, and feedback; developing media-rich websites; and setting up internal video portals for schools.
Marge Runkle

News English Lessons - 1 views

    FREE Handouts, Listening & Quizzes in Simple English - Printable Lesson Worksheets, Podcast and RSS Feed.
Vicki Barr

Rader's BIOLOGY 4 KIDS.COM - 1 views

shared by Vicki Barr on 06 Jan 10 - Cached
    Cells, microorganisms, plants, invertebrates, vertebrates, animals systems; quizzes
Aly Kenee

Spicing Up Your Posts: Part I PhotoPeach | The Edublogger - 2 views

    use Photopeach to create a multimedia quiz -- it shows a slideshow with music, poses a question and offers multiple choices. You click on the answer and after a countdown, you see the answer.
    use Photopeach to create a multimedia quiz -- it shows a slideshow with music, poses a question and offers multiple choices. You click on the answer and after a countdown, you see the answer.
karen sipe

Google Voice - One phone number, online voicemail, and enhanced call features - 0 views

    Google Voice can be used by students who are hearing impaired can use this tool to take advantage of text-messaging features to participate in activites that require oral communication. Google Voice will let them view text transcripts of voice-mail messages. Any student can post audio files or podcasts using google voice. Google voicemail and text message communications are archived so there is a running record of all activities and progress. A teacher could make oral quizzes into podcasts by uploading them to a podcasting service, such as ITunes, and students could subscribe to the podcast.
karen sipe

STUDYBLUE | Make online flashcards & notes. Study anywhere, anytime. - 2 views

    Studyblue is a free tool that allows users to create flashcards, quizzes, and lecture notes and share them with others. Teachers can set up a "class" and give students a code, and everyone with the code can create collaborative study materials. There are mobile phone apps that the students can use to take their flashcards and notes anywhere. They can access their files offline. StudyBlue also sends helpful test and study reminders via email and text message.
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