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smenegh Meneghini

Collaborative Research | Piktochart Infographic Editor - 2 views

    I created this Infographic to explain a move from cooperation to collaboration in group research, and also support a rubric I am discussing with the Library on individual formative assessment in group research. I am sharing here as we still do not have a clear spot on a hub for this.
smenegh Meneghini

ASCD Express 9.19 - Instructional Coaches as Wellsprings of Innovation - 1 views

  • Instructional coaches, who work closely with classroom teachers to improve their practice, are an important source of school leadership, but teachers often don't know how to capitalize on this relatively new position in education.
  • If coaches approach teachers collaboratively and with set relationship parameters, present technological changes as support for existing lessons, and use their position and skills to advocate for teachers' needs, they can establish themselves as a strong resource for educational innovation.
  • They should also clearly define the distinction between coaching and supervising.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Furthermore, because instructional coaches work closely with building administrators, they can serve teachers as liaisons to administration. If teachers feel uncomfortable bringing issues, such as scheduling changes, directly to administrators, they can filter such problems through the instructional coach.
  • Resistance to change presents a daunting problem in successful implementation of programs and the educational growth of students
  • Because technology is an ever-changing medium, busy teachers cannot be on top of its innovations. By showing veteran teachers how a new website, educational app, or other technology can enhance an existing lesson, coaches can start a professional dialogue about innovation in a nonthreatening way. Once the strong-minded teacher sees the benefits that technology can bring to their lessons, the barr
  • Today's classrooms are driven by data, but teachers often lack the time and resources to thoroughly analyze data and identify areas of need.
  • Instructional coaches have the time, resources, and ability to look at the big picture in identifying the changes needed to make all students successful.
Aaron Van Borek

Adaptive Schools Seminars - 2 views

    A great way to prepare for supporting PLCs and a culture of collaboration. There's a workshop in Caracas in October.
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