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gabriela ortizmichel

De la letra impresa al byte. ¿Internet está reprogramando nuestro cerebro? Jo... - 0 views

    Artículo periodístico "De la letra impresa al byte. ¿Internet está reprogramando nuestro cerebro?" de Jonathan Lomelí López en Magis, Iteso. Diciembre 2012-Enero 2013. Pp 38-44 En este texto Jonathan Lomelí aborda temas que "preocupan a todos". O al menos a los "no jóvenes", maestros, padres, empleadores: las formas en las que los jóvenes usan las tecnologías y las diferencias (con las de los "no jóvenes") en sus formas de aproximarse a la información, de leer, de concentrarse, de comunicarse. Se recomienda porque pone sobre la mesa un tema de nuestro interés: la tecnología y el aprendizaje, sobre el que más que bordar en su discusión (será breve) abordaremos desde el lado práctico al desarrollar y valorar nuestro PLE (ambiente personal de aprendizaje).
gabriela ortizmichel

Our Work in a Changing Economy / Martín Carnoy (2000) - 0 views

    ¡Un clásico! Capítulo 1: "Our Work in a Changing Economy", del libro de Martín Carnoy (2000). Sustaining the new economy. Work, Family, and Community in the Information Age. Harvard University Press. Pp 1-13 El libro de Martín Carnoy aborda la relación entre la era de la información (que tiene base tecnológica) y economía, con énfasis en los cambios en el trabajo y de ahí en la familia y la comunidad. El capítulo uno que se propone leer es una introducción al libro muy sencilla y potente: desde la historia de un "Alan Burke" y sus condiciones laborales, familiares, sociales en esta era de la información, presenta los temas claves de su texto. Me parece que la historia de "Alan Burke" puede llegar a ser muy similar especialmente para los que trabajan en áreas electroinformáticas (las formas de contratación, los modelos de las empresas, etc). Es por ello que se recomienda esta lectura, porque puede ser muy cercana a su realidad inmediata.
gabriela ortizmichel

Comunidad Virtual (Virtual Community) / wikipedia - 0 views

    Comunidad Virtual (Virtual Community) / wikipedia Entradas respecto del concepto comunidad virtual en la wikipedia. Incluyen referencia al concepto comunidad, a la historia de las comunidades virtuales, sus propósitos, tipos, problemáticas, etc.
gabriela ortizmichel

Libro: The Virtual Community / Rheingold - 0 views

    Libro: The Virtual Community / Rheingold Versión electrónica del libro "The Virtual Community" de Rheingold. Un libro que fue pionero en su época por introducir el concepto de "comunidad virtual". Rheingold ha seguido produciendo documentos de vanguardia. A los interesados en el mundo de lo virtual y del enredarse puede interesare seguirlo (está en google+ y otros sitios de red social)
gabriela ortizmichel

Red social (Social Network) / wikipedia - 0 views

    Red social (Social Network) / wikipedia Entradas respecto de red social en la wikipedia, que abordan el concepto y el análisis de las redes sociales. La versión en español incluye una sección sobre las redes sociales en internet.
gabriela ortizmichel

Sitios/servicios de red social (Social Networking Sites/Services) / wikipedia - 0 views

    Sitios/servicios de red social (Social Networking Sites/Services) / wikipedia Entradas respecto de los servicios para redes sociales en línea. Incluyen el concepto, la investigación, las aplicaciones, la privacidad, los debates.
gabriela ortizmichel

Artículo: Social Network Sites / boyd y Ellison - 0 views

    Artículo: Social Network Sites / boyd y Ellison Artículo "Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship" de boyd y Ellison. Un documento que marcó la definición de "sitio de red social" más popular en el campo de la investigación. Provee también una historia del desarrollo de sitios de red social a la fecha. danna boyd (así en minúsculas) es famosa por sus estudios en torno a los jóvenes y los sitios de red social, en muchas de sus dimensiones. Tiene amplias publicaciones y también puede seguírsele, por ejemplo, en su blog.
gabriela ortizmichel

Online reputation management / wikipedia - 0 views

    Online reputation management / wikipedia Entrada de la wikipedia sobre el monitoreo de la reputación en línea, simplemente con los básicos.
gabriela ortizmichel

Online Reputation Management Guide / outspoken media - 0 views

    "The Online Reputation Management Guide". Una guía muy completa y sencilla para la gestión de la reputación, con tips, ideas, recursos. Es la que más me gusta.
gabriela ortizmichel

How to manage your online reputation / Sarah Perez - 0 views

    How to manage your online reputation / Sarah Perez Herramientas tecnológicas para el monitoreo de la reputación en línea. Como el texto es del 2008, algunas herramientas pudieran ya no estar funcionando, pero siempre se pueden buscar equivalentes.
gabriela ortizmichel

Online profiles for Job Searching / Alison Doile - 0 views

    Online profiles for Job Searching / Alison Doile Una guía sobre la gestión de perfiles profesionales para conseguir trabajo. Incluye recomendación de sitios en donde tener un perfil profesional, varios ejemplos y liga a artículos relacionados.

La Internet - Discovery Channel - 0 views

    Todo sobre la revolución tecnológica, cultural, comercial y social que cambió nuestras vidas y lo cambió todo
gabriela ortizmichel

12 Most Picture Perfect Ways To Ensure You're Legally Using Online Photos - 1 views

    "3. Attribution does not make it right Taking another person's image or graphic and giving them a "shout out," linkback, or any other type of attribution does not negate copyright infringement. Common sense may say that an artist wants exposure for their work, but we're talking about the law here and common sense doesn't always parallel. Copyright law gives the copyright holder the right to decide where their work is published and maybe they don't want their work on your site, in your book, included in your newsletter or distributed to your social media network. It's not for us to question why they wouldn't want "exposure.""
gabriela ortizmichel

Creative Commons Licenses Explained In Plain English - 1 views

    "Many people who find works that are covered by one of the following license want to do right and not upset the original creator of the work. Few people purposefully ignore a license and just do whatever they wish. But what do the little icons mean? And once I understand the icons, are there certain rules I need to follow?"
gabriela ortizmichel

Asimov's Predictions from 1964: A Brief Report Card - 0 views

    "Asimov's predictions illustrate three lessons for those who would predict the future [...]. Second, you'll never hit all the big ones; the history of technology is framed by enormous zigs or zags-consider, for instance, the Internet-that not even Asimov saw coming. [...]"
gabriela ortizmichel

Plagiar: la simulación del aprendizaje - 0 views

    ...para discutir
gabriela ortizmichel

"Ubiquitous social networks - opportunities and challenges for privacy-aware user model... - 0 views

    S ̈oren Preibusch / Bettina Hoser Seda G ̈urses Bettina Berendt Abstract: Privacy has been recognized as an important topic in the Internet for a long time, and technological developments in the area of privacy tools are ongoing. However, their focus was mainly on the individual. With the proliferation of social network sites, it has become more evident that the problem of privacy is not bounded by the perimeters of individuals but also by the privacy needs of their social networks. The objective of this paper is to contribute to the discussion about privacy in social network sites, a topic which we consider to be severely under-researched. We propose a framework for analyzing privacy requirements and for analyzing privacy-related data. We outline a combination of requirements analysis, conflict-resolution techniques, and a P3P extension that can contribute to privacy within such sites. Keywords: World Wide Web, Privacy, Social Network Analysis, Require- ments Analysis, Privacy Negotiation, Ubiquity, P3P"
gabriela ortizmichel

Engineering Privacy by Design - 0 views

    Seda Gurses, Carmela Troncoso, and Claudia Diaz Abstract: The design and implementation of privacy requirements in systems is a dicult problem and requires the translation of complex social, legal and ethical concerns into systems requirements. The concept of \privacy by design" has been proposed to serve as a guideline on how to address these concerns. \Privacy by design" consists of a number of principles that can be applied from the onset of systems development to mitigate privacy concerns and achieve data protection compliance. However, these principles remain vague and leave many open questions about their application when engineering systems. In this paper we show how starting from data minimization is a necessary and foundational rst step to engineer systems in line with the principles of privacy by design. We rst discuss what data minimization can mean from a security engineering perspective. We then present a summary of two case studies in which privacy is achieved by minimizing dierent types of data, according to the purpose of each application. First, we present a privacy-preserving ePetition system, in which user's privacy is guaranteed by hiding their identity from the provider while revealing their votes. Secondly, we study a road tolling system, in which users have to be identi ed for billing reasons and data minimization is applied to protect further sensitive information (in this case location information). The case studies make evident that the application of data minimization does not necessarily imply anonymity, but may also be achieved by means of concealing information related to identi able individuals. In fact, di erent kinds of data minimization are possible, and each system requires careful crafting of data minimization best suited for its purpose. Most importantly, the two case studies underline that the interpretation of privacy by design principles requires speci c engineering expertise [...]
gabriela ortizmichel

Privacy design in Online Social Networks: Learning from Privacy breaches and community - 0 views

    Abstract: The objective of this paper is to systematically develop privacy heuristics for Online Social Network Services (SNS). In order to achieve this, we provide an analytical framework in which we characterize privacy breaches that have occurred in SNS and distinguish different stakeholders' perspectives. Although SNS have been criticized for numerous grave privacy breaches, they have also proven to be an interesting space in which privacy design is implemented and critically taken up by users. Community involvement in the discovery of privacy breaches as well as in articulating privacy demands points to possibilities in user-driven privacy design. In our analysis we take a multilateral security analysis approach and identify conflicts in privacy interests and list points of intervention and negotiation. In our future research, we plan to validate the usefulness as well as the usability of these heuristics and to develop a framework for privacy design in SNS"
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