I found this blog under the list of Edublog award winners and thought it was really interesting. It has posts everyday for new ideas for using technology in the classroom. For example, for today there is a post about Gapminder, a type of graphing technology that can be used for lesson plans, quizes, and animations. I also really like this blog because it gives links to each application and then has a whole section on how it can be realistically applied in the classroom.
Unfortunately we won't always have access to BYU's amazing resources. This blog gives ideas for ways to use technology in the classroom free of charge! Woohoo!
a website of ideas, resources, and lesson plans especially for homeschooling parents, but it could also be extra resources for parents with kids in public schools.
A student found this website. As long as you focused on the content, and not just the animations, it could be a fun way for students to represent things they have learned in much the same way that they normally give presentations.
I don't know if anyone else has had trouble finding out what you need to do if you are planning on teaching in another state. This site is the test that Utah uses, but it also lists the requirements for other states' tests and has links to their licensing websites.