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Cara Whitehead

Busting the Myths of Digital Learning - 2 views

    Survey from JogNog reveals schools unprepared to support digital learning - EdTech Times
Martyn Steiner

Eduteka - Learning Projects - 2 views

    Spanish guide to PBL
Tiffany Hoefer

Emerging Perspectives on Learning, Teaching and Technology - 2 views

    Wiki page housing an entire textbook on learning, teaching and technology. Focus placed on emerging perspectives. Covers traditional, socially oriented, direct instruction and learner-centered theories. Provides strategies for teaching from project based learning to the mind of the learner. Links to modeling, scaffolding, and other learning tools.
Teachers Without Borders

AIESEC - 1 views

    AIESEC is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential to have a positive impact on society.
Teachers Without Borders

A Talking Book for Africa | A World Bank Blog on ICT use in Education - 1 views

  • The 'Talking Book' is a low-cost audio device device with recording capabilities -- imagine a rubbery MP3 player about the size of a grapefuit -- rather ingeniously engineered (and re-engineered) to meet specific needs and usage scenarios in very poor communities in Africa.  It is designed for use in local languages, using locally produced content, as tool to promote literacy among primary school children (to cite just one goal and target group). One way to think of the device, Cliff said, is as a  'small portable computer without a display'.  While the project is still in its pilot stages, it is notable for its express interest in investigating solutions that are low cost and scalable from the beginning, and in rigorously monitoring and evaluating the impact of its interventions.
  • Literacy Bridge began, he said, with the idea that the most effective approach towards ending global poverty requires empowering people with better access to knowledge, and that those in greatest need are impeded by illiteracy, disability, and inadequate infrastructure. (Here's video from a talk Cliff gave at Google about the project's goals and approach to development.) The project is operationally very lean, supported financially by hundreds of individual donations and by thousands of volunteer hours. 
  • I have never heard a presentation from a project proponent about the development of an ICT device (of whatever sort) meant to be used by poor people that contained so many comments like what I heard from Cliff: "our users told us"; "we learned from our users that ..."; "what we found out when speaking with and observing our users caused us to radically change how we were thinking, and so we re-designed ..." etc.  The iterative, user-centric design process the Literacy Bridge has been engaged in to develop the Talking Book stands in stark contrast to that demonstrated by most (almost all?) of the 'ICT for development' initiatives in the education sector that come through our offices here at the World Bank. 
Voytek Bialkowski

Bibliographies - 1 views

    Tool for searching annotated resources produced for UN Decade for Human Rights Education.
Voytek Bialkowski - 1 views

    A number of different activities aimed at various groups -- of particular interest are those for College/Adult. A fairly limited scope of human rights education, dealing mostly with race & genocide.

Encyclopedia of Peace Education - 1 views

    The Encyclopedia of Peace Education provides a comprehensive overview of the scholarly developments in the field to date as well as new insights from across the globe from the  various actors involved in advancing peace education internationally. Thus, this online resource serves as a living reference guide that traces the history and emergence of the field, highlights foundational concepts, contextualizes peace education practice across international and disciplinary borders, and suggests new directions for peace educators
Teachers Without Borders

8.8 million children die as world spends billions on pet food - - 1 views

  • Despite a decade-old commitment by world leaders to tackle the crisis, some 8.8 million children still die annually before they reach the age of 5. Nearly all of these needless deaths are easily preventable at little cost. Consider that number, 8.8 million. That is more than all Canadians aged 19 or younger. And that's how many young children die every year. It works out to 24,000 children per day. Seventeen per minute. Or 400 school bus loads every day, 365 days a year. All dead.At the same time, 500,000 mothers die annually in childbirth or from other pregnancy-related causes. In other words, simply being pregnant can kill you, depending on where you live. As the mother of a nearly 2-year-old child, I am reminded daily how fortunate I am to live in Canada. It is unimaginable to me that my child could die, as 1 million do every year, from the lack of a $10 bed net to protect him from malaria-carrying mosquitoes.
  • Diarrhea kills 1.5 million children annually. It is easily treated. So is malaria. Also, child blindness, too common in the developing world, can be prevented by just two vitamin A pills per year. Total cost: 4 cents. Better nutrition and safer birth conditions would annually save the lives of several hundred thousand pregnant women. Ten years ago, the nations of the world pledged to reduce hunger and death from a lack of basic health care. In one of their UN Millennium Development Goals, leaders committed to reduce maternal mortality rates by three-quarters and child mortality rates by two-thirds within 15 years. But, sadly, neither will be achieved by that target date, just five years away, unless donor countries like Canada reinvigorate the initiative.
  • Today, the world spends $49 billion (U.S.) on pet food every year. If half of that amount were added to current annual spending on maternal and child health, the child death rate could be cut nearly in half.
Jason stewart

Odegaard Writing & Research Center: Writing Resources - 1 views

    A fantastic resource for writing, writing, writing. It is based out of the US so it reflects writing genre there.
Jason stewart

Democracy and Education : an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education / by John Dewey. - 1 views

    Democracy and Education : an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education By John Dewey, ebook
Teachers Without Borders

Zimbabwe: Deteriorating education system and political tensions have led to severe teac... - 1 views

  • Zimbabwe: Deteriorating education system and political tensions have led to severe teacher shortage
  • Incentives that parents can pay to improve teachers’ salaries have become one of the most controversial issues facing the education unions of Zimbabwe. It is dividing teachers and has incapacitated access to education by the most vulnerable groups of our society, said ZIMTA President Tendai Chikowore in her opening address.
  • ZIMTA estimates that in the past decade more than 20,000 teachers have left the country. In 2009, according to Chikowore, 35% of the teacher posts in primary education and 33% in secondary education were vacant.She noted that “teachers' morale sank to its lowest ebb since independence” and that any form of support for the reconstruction of Zimbabwe should recognize the need for support to teachers.
Meghan Flaherty

Education for International Understanding and Sustainable Development - 1 views

    page 9-10 on gender equality
Teachers Without Borders

Save the Children releases The Future is Now report - 1 views

  • Children and school buildings are increasingly becoming targets in conflicts across the world, warns Save the Children as one of the key findings of a report published today.
  • The organisation finds that the risks of violence to schoolchildren in conflict-blighted areas are on the rise as schools are increasingly used as symbolic, easy targets by armed groups. These risks to children will continue to grow unless the international community takes urgent action to protect them from attack.
  • The report - The Future is Now - points out that civilians now make up more than 90% of casualties in the world's conflicts and about half of those are children. It warns that education is under attack by armed militias, criminal groups and even governments through the bombing of schools and is threatened by military interference in humanitarian work - all of which put children's lives in danger.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Among the most dangerous countries is Afghanistan where between 2006 and 2009 there were 2,450 attacks on schools - in recent weeks, 50 schoolgirls in northern Afghanistan were reportedly left unconscious and sick after poison gas attacks by the Taliban. In the war-torn Helmand and Badghis provinces 80% children are out of school.
  • In Liberia 73%of primary-aged children are out of school. • In Somalia, 81% of school age children have no access to education.
  • They can and must be protected - in Nepal, where schools were being targeted by armed groups, Save the Children's introduction of schools as ‘Zones of Peace' directly led to a rise in attendance.
  • "Children in conflict zones should not have to forgo an education. Their schooling is crucial not only for their personal health and development but for the future peace of their communities - with every additional year of formal schooling, a boy's risk of becoming involved with conflict falls by 20%.
Voytek Bialkowski

Sudan VoteMonitor - 1 views

    Another deployment of the Ushahidi platform, used for monitoring votes in the Sudanese election.
Teachers Without Borders

Welcome - Millennia 2015- ©® Institut Destrée / The Destree Institute - 1 views

  • The stark reality is that when an Afghan widow and mother of eight is approached by a Taliban member offering her a sack of rice every month with a promise to put the boy through school in return, she is forced to choose between knowing her son's fate and feeding the rest of her children.

Teaching for a Better World - 1 views

    For students and educators interested in a global perspective, futures orientated thinking and education for sustainability.
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