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Cathy Oxley

Copyright Kids! - Getting Permission - 37 views

    Unless you use images or music from a copyright-free site, you will need to obtain permission from the copyright owner to reuse/ remix them in the format you would like. Often the hardest part is finding who the copyright owner is. This site gives the contact details for many music and movie companies, as well as sample permission letters for you to use and adapt.
jenibo - Scan your Permissions... Find out who gained access to your personal info. - 12 views

    A useful tool for anyone to get automatic alerts when apps access your private data and remove those permissions.
beth gourley

Fair use and transformativeness: It may shake your world - NeverEndingSearch - Blog on School Library Journal - 0 views

  • copyright is designed not only to protect the rights of owners, but also to preserve the ability of users to promote creativity and innovation.
  • the critical test for fairness in terms of educational use of media is transformative use
  • adds value to, or repurposes materials for a use different from that for which it was originally intended, it will likely be considered transformative use; it will also likely be considered fair use
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • BGA filed suit against DK for copyright infringement.  The courts threw the case out, agreeing with DK's claim of fair use. The posters were originially created to promote concerts.  DK's new use of the art was designed to document events in historical and cultural context. The publisher added value in its use of the posters. And such use was transformative.
  • The fact that permission has been sought but not granted is irrelevant.  permission is not necessary to satisfy fair use.
  • What is fair, because it is transformative, is fair regardless of place of use.
  • One use not likely to be fair, is the use of a music soundtrack merely as an aesthetic addition to a student video project.
  • adding value, engaging the music, reflecting, somehow commenting on.the music
  • photocopying a text book because it is not affordable is still not fair use
    a discussion to "develop a shared understanding of how copyright and fair use applies to the creative media work that our students create and our own use of copyrighted materials as educators, practitioners, advocates and curriculum developers."
    This seems like an obvious share. An important discussion because it also opens more collaboration with colleagues. I have found that some colleagues want to avoid the gatekeeper because of the conservative nature of understanding copyright and fair use. This has been even more difficult while being in an international school.
Donna Baumbach

I Like Sprixi - 0 views

    "search engine for images, mostly ones that have a Creative Commons license. It's design is very attractive and easy to use. The key reason I like it, though, is because when you want to use one of their photos, it automatically shows whatever permissions are required."
vicky stanford

Home - Kindles at The Unquiet Library - LibGuides at Creekview High School - 0 views

    permission forms -kindle info

Migrate Office 365 Mailbox - 2 views

You can easily Office 365 Migrate Mailbox using EdbMails Office 365 Migration tool which allows you to migrate mailboxes form Office 365 to Office 365 / Live Exchange Server. It also supports Offi...

started by georgepaul123 on 07 Jan 20 no follow-up yet
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