If you didn't get to ALIA Information Online conference - maybe you'll find something of interest in the notes / blog of Mal Booth, UTS' University Librarian.
Videos are becoming such important tools for teachers, but one thing that stops many of us from using videos is making them: With all the other things we have to do, there's very little time to find the right video creation tool, learn how to use it, then actually create the videos.
The Common Core Standards (CCS) are at hand! They are often referred to as National Standards and they carry impact for student learning, teaching, and school librarians. But how? What is the real story?
Well Come To Kapoor Study Circle's Helpline For Nios (National Open School) Admission For Class 10th And 12th. Established In 1987 Our Main Motto Is To Help Those Students Who Are Failed From Regular Schools Or Who Are School Dropouts Earlier Due To Their Personal Reasons But Now Want To Complete Their School Education Of Class 10th And 12th.We Encourage The Students And Guide Them To Acquire Higher Education With Confidence With Opportunities For Their Admission In Class 10th Or 12th To Continue Their Education Even After Failures Or Dropouts From School. Contact Kapoor Study Circle Immediately to know NIOS Board Admission 2017-18 Last Date.