"Welcome to Serendip's Exchange! Glad you stopped by.
Looking for "the answer" to a question? There are plenty of websites out there which will tell you what to think. Serendip instead aims at helping you to think for yourself, and in the process of discovery to formulate new questions and new explorations.
Nothing on Serendip is "authoritative", but there is lots here that you can learn from and contribute to. See (and click on) the material below and to the right for recently added discussions. Click here for publishing guidelines."
The Center for Social Media has created a set of teaching tools for professors who are interested in teaching their students about fair use. The tools include powerpoints with lecture notes, guidelines for in-class discussions and exercises, assignments and grading rubrics. We hope you'll find them useful!
These powerpoints with lecture notes were designed to help professors teach students the basic information they need to understand how to use fair use when making documentary fllms and online videos
Fair Use Scenarios: (To be used with the Documentary Filmmakers' Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use) Here are 4 filmmaking scenarios where students are called upon to determine whether they have a fair use right to use certain copyrighted footage, and if there are limits to that right.
Here are two sets of fair use clips for professors to use for in-class discussio
Here are guidelines for a short video production assignment that requires students to incorporate copyrighted material into a video and defend the decisions they make using the Code of Best Practices in Online Video.
Additionally, here is an assignment, similar to the discussion prompts above, that requires students to articulate why a video clip is fair use.
Here is a collection of videos that do a good job of explaining the Codes of Best Practices and the idea of Fair Use:
United Kingdom -
Logos and branding- download our logos and brand guidelines
Projects - literacy programmes to provide inspiration and support for your work
Wikireadia - a shared resource for professionals supporting reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Reading ideas - practical ideas for different audiences including children and adults
Reading garden - a toolkit to help you create outdoor reading spaces
Teachers TV Reading Week - Information about programmes broadcast on the digital channel for everyone who works in schools
just released its standards-aligned Here in Chicago, AASL's Best Websites for Teaching & Learning Committee 2013 list. Sites, apps, and tools are selected because they engage users through innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. Honored websites, tools, and resources will provide exceptional value to inquiry-based teaching and learning.
In the category of Media Sharing,among the selections in AASL's Best Websites for Teaching and Learning are:
Pinterest http://pinterest.com/
Create connections, encourage collaboration, ignite discussions, or simply share mutual interests through Pinterest. Uploaded or "pin" images and videos from websites, blogs, or your own computer, smartphone, or tablet to create boards. These boards can be private or public, and others can be invited to pin on any of your boards. Any "pin" can be "repinned", and all pins will link back to their source. Grades 6-12.
smore https://www.smore.com/
Flyers and newsletters become a snap with Smore! Design and create professional online flyers by choosing from an array of templates, styles, and colors to compliment your individual style and audience. With Smore you can embed links, audio, video, pictures, and text into your flyers and newsletters and then publish instantly to get your message and information out quickly. Grades 6-12.
Here is a Pinterest board of Library Smores: http://pinterest.com/cshinn4/library-smores/
Teacher librarians may find tips to help with design of library web pages as well as guidelines to help with the selection of web resources to offer students.
Free School Library Journal Online Event promoted on a Smore flyer
Smore is found in the category of Media Sharing,among the selections in AASL's Best Websites for Teaching and Learning:
smore https://www.smore.com/
"Flyers and newsletters become a snap with Smore! Design and create professional online flyers by choosing from an array of templates, styles, and colors to compliment your individual style and audience. With Smore you can embed links, audio, video, pictures, and text into your flyers and newsletters and then publish instantly to get your message and information out quickly. Grades 6-12."
Here is a Pinterest board of Library Smores: http://pinterest.com/cshinn4/library-smores/
The 2013 Best Websites for Teaching and Learning foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. They are free, Web-based sites that are user friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover.
The following table contains the names of over 100 companies and organization that have published their Employee Social Media Policies or Guidelines online... The left side column is the name of the organization, and it is linked to their organizational or corporate home page. The right side column displays a link to the actual document of policy web page for you to either download or review.
Ralph can be reached by email at RPaglia@gmail.com on Twitter @RalphPaglia and LinkedIn at http://LinkedIn.com/in/RPaglia
Overall an informative page with some good guidelines. I especially appreciate the comments about keeping the maintainance work load low. Creating a blog is a good idea, but it has not been practiclal here in China since free services like blogger and edublogs are blocked. Adding wordpress to the ISP is the best solution. I tried this at one point and the server lost the wordpress download. Time and frustration has not allowed me to try it again, but I know it will work.
I'm surprised there is not a suggestion for wiki links. J. Valenza has shown that this is an easy and possibly effective collaborative process.