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Can We Talk About the MLS? | Editorial - 0 views

  • Public libraries in rural areas really don’t have a large enough donor base to make extensive fundraising worthwhile. The other problem public libraries have with outside fundriasing is that if you start taking in a lot of major gifts and donations, then your steady stream of revenue, the local government, may just wind up cutting your funding.
    • Celia Emmelhainz
      True with school libraries as well; can't fundraise because can't lose current funding, but then feel sense of lack of control over revenue streams? = ick.
  • “Students who pick their major based solely on postgraduation salaries, as opposed to passion for a field, will in all likelihood struggle in both school and career.”
  • would agree that public librarians questionably need a library specific degree, or a degree at a graduate level anyway, as evidenced by the wealth of paraprofessionals who often do at least as good a job in that setting, though for management I think you would want someone trained in public management with library experience. In an academic setting, there is a credibility issue that begs credentialling in the areas of research and education, and credentialling to a higher standard than is now present in library schools, hence the inadequacy of the degree university libraries particularly, or at least that degree alone. The degree needs to be reinvented and would best partner to at least confer joint degrees in librarianship and business, education, and other disciplines
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • The piece I was missing was how to develop workable ideas that were well researched and aligned with the basic tenants of Librarianship.
  • philosophy and values of librarianship. It also grounded me in supervisory skills, in library management, and collection development.
  • Paraprofessionals here have been the ones leading the discussion on topics such as fair use, copyright, RDA, cataloging standards, FERPA, etc. There are several levels of paraprofessionals from pages/shelvers, circulation desk workers, catalogers (copy & original), acquisitions, IT Systems, ILL , etc. MLS Librarians are mostly reference & instruction positions, collection development and/or managers. Education is absolutely needed for some positions, but experience should be recognized as well. Our newly hired MLS people would be lost try to perform original cataloging, acquisitions/budget or ILL just as the paraprofessionals may lack the knowledge in instructional pedagogy, management/leadership, etc.
  • Much of my practical learning during grad school came from my classmates that had worked in libraries for years and were just then getting the degree. They had a MUCH better context for what was going on than I did at 23 and straight out of my undergrad
  • Require the masters in a specialized field rather than the MLIS. That could definitely work in academia. And you can require directors and managers to have the MLIS, but not necessarily the librarians at the reference desk or running a department like circulation.
  • But why do acquisitions, CD, or e-resources librarians need the degree? Those are practical jobs, that you do need practical experience for.
  • Any self-starter with a library job could easily supplement training and hands-on experience with reading books from leaders in the field on the subject, starting a blog, getting involved in conversations in the library community.
  • But for colleges, this becomes a game of perpetual growth – to secure funding and improve programs, we need more students, more alumni to donate! Job markets shrink, shift and dry up all the time, but rarely does a degree program shrink proportionately
  • Why I couldn’t pick up a book here, attend a webinar there, and get the same place eventually through grit and dedication like the librarians just a generation before me.
  • I am a Library Director in a hamlet (pop 3,000) in NH. The likelihood of my ever advancing to a larger library is categorically denied by that degree requirement. It doesn’t matter what experience I bring. Paying for another degree (I have a B.A. and an M. Div.) is out of the question for me, and, certainly, out of the question for the trustees of the library I serve
  • Laura is correct – being in a rural library is actually very challenging. There are far fewer resources for our patrons – so good luck directing them to the resources they need.
  • The public school teachers (including the school librarians) in my area have a starting salary that is about $10,000 higher than the starting salary of the public library system. Yet only the school and (some) public librarians are required to have a Masters before applying for their jobs
  • They are responsible for recruiting too many librarians, and the schools need to take responsibility for over saturation. If not, how are they any different than for-profit colleges or career colleges.
  • This is a women’s profession. Women are not valued. Hence any professional education we may have is useless in the eyes of…. us. Ah, feminism we’ve come so far. I realized when I went to library school that it was merely a sham union card for a lowly paid job.
  • Library school does need to emphasize more about management – not just one class. This is what will make us more useful. The best library directors are those who kept their libraries afloat during the economic downturn. This is because they have the fundamental ethics of a librarian coupled with mad management skills.
  • This isn’t just in the public sector. Academic librarians have crazy politics to wade through as do school librarians.
  • What if we migrated from our current degree to a B.A. in Education (with a focus on libraries); an M.A. in Education (with a focus on a particular library type or area); and a Ph.D. in Education (with a narrow focus on a particular library type or area)? This would also serve to define who we are (educators) and what we do (education: through self-directed, research assistance & instruction, instructive & enlightening experiences
  • Honestly, I privately refer to this as my fake master’s degree.
  • There is no unified body to convince that the MLS is somehow superfluous to needs; you have to convince these individuals, 99% of whom have an MLS and probably can see the value in it.
  • When I first became a librarian, I found that my past experience working in a bookstore was far more valuable to me than my MLS program.
  • For many, it clearly does not provide necessary or useful theory and practice opportunities.
  • I think some programs, like the one I attended, relied a lot on theory, and that meant that my dream, of creating better technology, was not quite realized as I needed the practical skills at building technology
  • A classmate of mine jumped ship and attended a business school in New York, and now works at Goldman Sachs…I stayed on board hoping to do meaningful work; that hasn’t quite happened yet, really because of the emphasis on theory..I think my classmate saw the writing on the wall and made a smart calculated move; I do not like to start something and leave it unfinished,

'Collected' Online Magazine - SLANZA - 38 views

    Cathy, thanks for bookmarking this. The SLANZ journal is great reading and the issuu format is very cool. The articles on 'Content Curation' are all interesting to me, esp Judy Connell's. I'm not sure that content curation is the new black, rather a rebranding of what librarians and TLs have traditionally done. A paper based 'pathfinder' may seem anachronistic but they still have a place as tool to conmunicate / market/ educate. Of course, I also support Judy's position on the opportunity to for Web 2.0., apps and a range of digitals tools to curate content to communicate / market/ educate our students in developing 21st century skills. I'm not sure that 'content curation' the new black but it most definitely has synergy!

educational-origami - Bloom's Digital Taxonomy - 1 views

  • Blooms Domains of learning. Made with C-Map
  • ... communication skills. Marshalling and understanding the available evidence isn't useful unless you can effectively communicate your conclusions.”
  • Bloom's Digital Taxonomy isn't about the tools or technologies rather it is about using these to facilitate learning
  • ...42 more annotations...
  • Collaboration is not a 21st Century Skill, it is a 21st Century Essential.
  • In a recent blog post from the official google blog, Google identified the following as key traits or abilities in 21st Century Employees:
    • Cindy Galpin
      Digital taxonoy rocks
  • The digital additions and their justifications are as follows:
  • Learning to know Learning to do Learning to live together Learning to be
  • Anderson and Krathwohl's taxonomy – Remembering 1. Remembering: Retrieving, recalling or recognising knowledge from memory. Remembering is when memory is used to produce definitions, facts or lists, or recite or retrieve material.
  • Advanced and Boolean Searching
  • Bullet pointing
  • Highlightin
  • Bookmarking or favouriting
  • Social networkin
  • Social bookmarking
  • “... team players. Virtually every project at Google is run by a small team. People need to work well together and perform up to the team's expectations. ”
  • Understanding: Constructing meaning from different types of function be they written or graphic. The digital additions and their justifications are as follows
  • Searching or “googling
  • Blog Journallin
  • Categorising & Taggin
  • ommenting and annotating
  • Subscribin
  • Linking
  • Running and operating
  • Playin
  • Uploading and Sharin
  • Hacking
  • Editing
  • Analysing: Breaking material or concepts into parts, determining how the parts relate or interrelate to one another or to an overall structure or purpose. Mental actions include differentiating, organizing and attributing as well as being able to distinguish between components. The digital additions and their justifications are as follows:
  • Mashing
  • Applying: Carrying out or using a procedure through executing or implementing. Applying related and refers to situations where learned material is used through products like models, presentation, interviews and simulations. The digital additions and their justifications are as follows:
  • Reverse-engineering
  • Cracking
  • .Evaluating: Making judgements based on criteria and standards through checking and critiquing.. The digital additions and their justifications are as follows:
  • Blog/vlog commenting and reflecting
  • Posting
  • Moderating
  • Collaborating and networking
  • Testing (Alpha and Beta)
  • Validating
  • Creating: Putting the elements together to form a coherent or functional whole; reorganising elements into a new pattern or structure through generating, planning or producing. The digital additions and their justifications are as follows:
  • Programming
  • Filming, animating, videocasting, podcasting, mixing and remixing
  • Directing and producing
  • Publishing
    education bloom's taxomony
    Bloom's Digital Taxonomy; 21st Century Learning and digital connections

The Future of Reading and Writing is Collaborative | Spotlight on Digital Media and Lea... - 19 views

  • “I think the definition of writing is shifting,” Boardman said. “I don’t think writing happens with just words anymore.”
  • In his classes, Boardman teaches students how to express their ideas and how to tell stories —and he encourages them to use video, music, recorded voices and whatever other media will best allow them to communicate effectively. He is part of a vanguard of educators, technologists, intellectuals and writers who are reimagining the very meaning of writing and reading.
  • The keys to understanding this new perspective on writing and reading lie in notions of collaboration and being social. More specifically, it’s believing that collaboration and increased socialization around activities like reading and writing is a good idea.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • “We find when writing moves online, the connections between ideas and people are much more apparent than they are in the context of a printed book,”
  • transmedia work
  • The MIT Media Lab tagged collaboration as one of the key literacies of the 21st century, and it’s now so much a part of the digital learning conversation as to be nearly rote. In his new book, “Where Good Ideas Come From,” Stephen Johnson argues that ideas get better the more they’re exposed to outside influences.
  • Laura Flemming is an elementary school library media specialist in River Edge, N.J. About three years ago, she came across a hybrid book—half digital, half traditional—called “Skeleton Creek” by Patrick Carmen. “The 6th graders were running down to library class, banging down the door to get in, which you don’t often see,” Flemming said.
  • It is not only the act of writing that is changing. It’s reading, too. Stein points to a 10-year-old he met in London recently. The boy reads for a bit, goes to Google when he wants to learn more about a particular topic, chats online with his friend who are reading the same book, and then goes back to reading.
  • “We tell our kids we want them to know what it’s like to walk in the shoes of the main character,” Flemming said. “I’ve had more than one child tell me that before they read ‘Inanimate Alice,’ they didn’t know what that felt like.”
  • Stein says it’s better to take advantage of new technologies to push the culture in the direction you want it to go. Stein is fully aware of the political and cultural implications of his vision of the future of reading and writing, which shifts the emphasis away from the individual and onto the community. It’s asking people to understand that authored works are part of a larger flow of ideas and information.

Mashups - Ideas and Inspiration for Libraryhack - 41 views

    This is awesome Cathy! Thanks for sharing - the whole mashup idea as a way to make library materials more accessible is definitely worth pursuing! I would love to see more of the "Flip Explorer" interface but I can't get the links to work... Thanks for any guidance around this... Rene

Mesothelioma Symptoms - 0 views

    Mesothelioma is one kind of cancer disease. In initial stage it show very few symptoms that's why it harder to detect this disease. But in late stage symptoms if we detect it then also we are very much late to save our life, because in that time in many cases this is out of reach for the right treatment.

The 10 Commandments of Internet Research - 92 views

    A definitive guide to conducting Internet research
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