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Cathy Oxley

'Collected' Online Magazine - SLANZA - 38 views

    Cathy, thanks for bookmarking this. The SLANZ journal is great reading and the issuu format is very cool. The articles on 'Content Curation' are all interesting to me, esp Judy Connell's. I'm not sure that content curation is the new black, rather a rebranding of what librarians and TLs have traditionally done. A paper based 'pathfinder' may seem anachronistic but they still have a place as tool to conmunicate / market/ educate. Of course, I also support Judy's position on the opportunity to for Web 2.0., apps and a range of digitals tools to curate content to communicate / market/ educate our students in developing 21st century skills. I'm not sure that 'content curation' the new black but it most definitely has synergy!
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