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kathleen dubovsky

4D RLA Homework Reading Share - Day 1 - 2nd Trimester - 120 views

4D RLA Day 1 - 2nd Trimester

started by kathleen dubovsky on 01 Dec 14
  • kathleen dubovsky
    What connections to yourself, the world or other texts did you come across in your reading? Write 5 sentences or more explaining text-to-self, text-to-world, or text-to-text connections.
    Remember to check your spelling, capitalization and punctuation.
  • Kalani M
    Last night I read Diary Of A Wimpy Kid. Greg's mom was telling him to go outside in the summer because it's so warm. He wanted to stay inside and play video games. Me and my mom always get in conversations about going outside.I like to stay inside and have fun.
  • Annabelle A
    I found a text-to-self connection in the book The Hunger Games MockingJay. The self to self connection was, Kattniss likes to be very tuff and sometimes I like to be tuff too. There was also another part when she went to go save her sisters cat. And Kattniss is a lot like me in a lot of ways. Like when she always try's to do stuff when she can't do it.
  • Sam J
    Last night I read the book Stink and the incredible super galactic jawbreaker. I found som text to self connections with Judy. I think that Judy and I are alike because we both like to boss are little siblings around and we both are very curious. I left of on page 106.
  • Whitley Y
    I read the mr.poppers penguins. Something that was text to world was When mrs. Popper was sad because in the winter nobody wanted their houses to be painted so they would be running down on money. Also when mr.popper made a mistake the owner of the house liked it.
  • kathleen dubovsky
    A text-to-self connection Kalani! Who wins the discussion? Do you go outside for your mom or do you get to stay inside?
  • Davis H
    Last night I read a book called Happenstance Found. It is in the Books of Umber series. Some text connections are: The kid Happenstance is like Percy Jackson and Jason because Percy and Jason lost there memories in the Percy Jackson series and Happenstance lost his memory to
  • Ellie S
    On thanksgiving holiday I finished Harry Potter and two books of the Warriors series. Then I started A Wind In The Door a sequal to A Wrinkle In Time. I noticed that in the Warriors series they are sort of in the same situation as Harry Potter!
  • Caroline S
    I read and finished the 14th goldfish. It reminds me of some shows I watch because in that show and in my book they get married. Another way it reminds me is there is a problem that reminds me of other books I have read that have problems. This book was very good with words. The book had 190 pages.
  • Kelsey P
    In my book I feel that there is something that is going that is like what is going on in the real world. It is that there is little wars going on and there is a big world. Also there is place that is controlling all the other places and they are not treating them fairly and that is also going on in the real world. I am reading Mocking Jay by Suzanne Collins and am on page 339 and there is 398 pages in the book.
  • Mac M
    Last night I read "The Hobbit". One connection is that's few nights ago Thorin and co. were in murk wood and they had gon of the trail and then they had remembered Gandalf's advice "stay on the trail or there is a 1000 to1 chance that you will never get out Of murk wood" and now they are heading to "The Lonley mountan". That means that never give up and stay on track
  • Jack V
    I read big Nate I can't take it! Last night and a text to text that i saw was when Nate got sent to detention it reminded me that that same thing happened to Rafe in my middle school book.
    A text to self I saw was when Nate fell asleep in class that happens to me to. Another text to self is when Nate draws comics I draw comics a lot also.
  • Lauren M
    I'm reading the sixth book of Harry Potter and it's reminded of a movie about nuns because the school that Harry goes to is very strict and fun. It connectes me because my house is a fun and strict house. It connectes to the world because the world is hard and exciting too.
  • Zoe V
    I just started reading Emily Windsnap today. And I found some text-text things from Philippa Fisher. The Author is the same person and she seems to use the same techniques. For example the characters in both books parents were weird.and both characters were girls.
  • Asa C
    I have text to text connections with Julie. She is cautions and is not always as brave as Lydia who is always "jumping in the game." Sometimes I am not up to a big adventure. Also I connect to Lydia because she loves acting and singing. I absolutely love preforming. FIN.
  • Julio F
    I have a connection with someone named Jordon, everybody has a different magic talent and Jordon's is he can heal himself and I seem to heal scratches quickly and skin peels off like crazy and when I wake up the next day about 50% of it is back, but he can heal if his face was bitten off and his guts were riped out. And any normal person would die from that.I also have one with somewon named Ivy she thinks her parents don't pay attention to her, but there having a baby and my brother has nomonia and his lung collapsed.So he's still in Mexico. Also with Good Magician Humphrey he knows everything like everything, and sometimes I Learn the meaning of a word then It's used by somewon else.
  • Jack D
    I am reding Kingdom Keepers book three(Disney in shadow). I read a text to self connection.
    Here it is... Wanes eyes were wide open. You could have told that he was terrified. Because his eyes were wide open and he was slightly pale. One time I was like that. It was when I came to this school I was terrified. I did not know more thn one persone in the whole school. And it was sooooo big. I was so frightening I knew no one. But know that is different. But back to the story. If I were there I could tell he was frightened. The reasone he was frightened because he was tied to a chair and he had a towel over his mouth. His eyes were also bulging with fright. And I am three Quarters of the way of the book.
  • kathleen dubovsky
    Can you tell me something specific? How are the two stories connected? You have me curious.
  • kathleen dubovsky
    What other book is the series connected to? Those are interesting ideas, but you forgot to name the connection.
  • kathleen dubovsky
    I also am not always up for a big adventure. I wonder what book you are reading that you are connecting to?
    Mrs. D.
  • kathleen dubovsky
    I have not read Mocking Jay, but I have heard that other people have seen the same text to world connections that you are seeing! Should I put it on my reading list?
    Mrs. D.
  • Caroline S
    I am reading Frindle. I am on page 72. I found aText to text ivy and bean because there is a problem in Frindle that reminds me of ivy and bean. I am going to read another book by this author after I finish Frindle.
  • Kalani M
    Last night I read Diary Of A Wimpy Kid The Third Wheel. Greg found a date to the Valentines day dance and he needed a suit. He looked everywhere until he finally found one in his brothers closet. I've found a suit that I wore to church one day in my brothers closet two.
  • Sam J
    Last night I read the book Hoot. I think I have text to self connection with Beatrice Leap (the bear) because we both play soccer. We both are in fourth grade. And we both ride horses. I left of on page178.
  • Davis H
    Last night I read the New York Giants. Some text to text connections are that in the New York Giants other teams are a iota like them for example they have won 3 Super Bowls and that is the same as other teams. And they have lost a Super Bowl like other teams. Those are my text to text connections.
  • Julio F
    I have a connection with someone named Threnody. I would not want to go with somewon that came back to life twice. Also with Jordan like when he didn't do the obvious. And last the old gnome magician who was born at 100 years old Humphrey. I don't like to be disturbed when I'm working on something I don't or do like.
  • Mac M
    Last night I read "The magician's Elephant". One of the connections is that Peter had thought that his sister was dead but he enstead of using money for food he used it for a fortion.
  • Whitley Y
    Last night I read mr. Poppers penguins. some self connections I read we're that at first you might not like a pet at first and then start to like it also you might be scared it won't survive in a certain kind of habitat.
  • Annabelle A
    I found a text-to-self connection in The Hunger Games MockingJay. My text-to-self connection is, Kattniss is tying to help her family survive, I like to help my family too. I also found that Kattniss likes to take responsibilities, so do I. I also found one that goes with my dog. Prim's cat likes to be cute and snuggle,my dog likes to do that do.
  • Kelsey P
    Last night I read The House Of Hades and I found a book to book connection that it is sort of like the Mark Of Athena in a way that is like that the books sort of have similar plots both of the books they have to get something or someone or go somewhere with a time limit. I am almost at the end of the book.
  • Asa C
    I am reading The Land of Stories, The Wishing Spell. I've noticed that Alex and Conner disagree and argue a lot. Me and my big brother always are doing that. I've also noticed that Alex and Conner are opposites. If one likes one thing, the other won't. Just like my brothers and I.
  • Jack D
    I am read kingdom keepers book three they thought Wayne was killed and but he was not. In a nother book I read where they thought the persone was dead but was not. I am glad that he is not dead because he was one if my favorite carectors. He was locked up in a box and stuck there because it was locked. I just finished the book last night and it was really good. If you read it I hope you like it.
  • Zoe V
    Last night I read the sequel to the tail of Emily Windsnap . I found a text to text connection with Lemony Snicket for the writing. I am at the part were Emily almost gets eaten by an octopus!!!!!! She also meets a new character.
  • Jack V
    Last night I read big Nate makes the grade. A text to self was when Nate and Francis go back to school shopping and Nate didn't like it. I don't like back to school shopping either. A text to text is when Nate fell in love with a new girl. That happened in my middle school book. And a text to world Is when Nate thought his teacher was boring. believe me. You don't want to know how many times that's happened.
  • Ellie S
    Mrs. D. It sort of connects because at the end of Harry Potter he has to things on his own.Last night I read the second series of Warriors! But it is with a different character Brambleclaw, He is going to go on a adventure to the "place where the sun drowns"(the ocean) with one warrior of each clan. Feathertail, Gorsepaw, Tawnypelt and Stormpaw (Feathertails brother) and also Squirrelpaw if he follows (Firestars son also a VERY! Curious cat) Brambleclaw is very scared I would be to! :)
  • Lauren M
    Last night I read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. A self to text that I found is.......He was a yellowish green color and screaming with fright. The author could have told me that he was feeling scared or nervous. One time I was feeling like that because somebody was being men to me. The reason he was scared is somebody was being mean to him.
  • Sam J
    Last night I read stink. I found text to self connections with stinks friend Sophie of the elves, because we both play soccer. We both like science. And we both do gymnastics. I finished the book.
  • Caroline S
    I just started FLUSH. Some contentions that I made where from police shows I saw because there was a criminal. Another connection was I saw a show that also had a boy born on the highway. I am on page 6. There're 263 pages in the book.
  • Whitley Y
    I read mr.poppers penguins. Some connections were the cab driver didn't want animals in the car. Another thing was that the penguins were doing something that you would think would only happened in there real habitat. Also the theater owner didn't want penguins to be a distraction to the performers and audience.
  • Davis H
    Over the break I read The Books of Umber Happenstance found. A text to text connection was that Happenstance did not know what was happening and I sort of feel that same way some times. I just finished the book and it was really good!
  • Ellie S
    During brake I finished the second series of Warriors. After that I started the Percy Jackson series I was on the third book . Then I started the third series of Warriors. In the second series of Warriors the clans have to move to a new home, and I am pretty sure some people in the world had to move to a new home awhile ago.
  • Annabelle A
    Last night I read Listen To The Moon. I found a text-to-self connection with Mary. My text-to-slef connection with Mary is that she likes horses. I also found a text-to-world which is that Mary's friend lives on a boat and some people like to live on boats. I am on chapter 2.
  • Kelsey P
    Last night I read The Blood Of Olympus. A text to self connection is how some of the people in my book are ADHD witch mean that they are always fiddling around with stuff and they can keep track of a lot of stuff. And sometimes I feel like a lot of stuff is going on and I can still keep track with it all. I am on page 431.
  • Julio F
    Last night I read The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker HD. It's a guide to the video game. It has every character and enemy in the game. I have a connection to Link since we both over sleep.also with Joel since his brother Zill and mine are both very annoying.
  • Zoe V
    Last night I read the missing heir. I found that it was a little bit similar to Nancy Drew because the writer had the same type of far I an about half way through the book. I am wondering if the characters Xina and Xander will solve the mystery of the missing princess.
  • Mac M
    Right now I am reading "A Snicker of Magic".
    Right now Felicetey (Aka Flea), and Jonah are trying to fix Flea's curse; she has a rambling heart.
    The text-to-world connection is that some people don't have a home and I think that that is a problem.
    Right now they had saw a bird tattoo (That had mysteriously had appeared on her left forearm) fly away.
    i DEVENINTLY recommend this book
  • Jack V
    Last night I read weird but true. There where a lot of crazy things in that book. There was one where there was a electric car. I've seen a bunch of them. There was one where there was a two story doghouse with a heating and cooling system! I remember when John tried to build in my book. I forget the name though.

    By: Jack.V
  • Asa C
    Last night I read Dear Dumb Diary, Nobody's Perfect, I'm as Close as It Gets. I feel connected to Jamie Kelly, the main character. I connect to her because she is a girl with exciting storys and a funny personality you just can't miss. I feel that sometimes I can be that third person MAIN character and the layed back CHARACTER.
  • Lauren M
    Last night I read gathering blue. Kira just met her dad and her dad is telling the story about how somebody tried to kill him. Here is a self to text form earlier in the book "if I get you a gift will you take great care of what gift I give you" said Matt "yes" said Kira. Most of the time when I get a gift I take great care of it.
  • Kalani M
    Over the break I read Divergent. Tris the main character had a test to see what tribe she would be in. She was Divergent. That is bad because nobody likes Divergent. they are smarter then them. So she had no faction those are like tribes. She had to choose and that was hard because the test is what tells you which faction you choose . That is a hard a
    Chose because the tribe she pick is the one she will spend the rest of her life in. Read the book to find which one she chooses selfless brave honest peaceful or intelligent. I half to make hard chooses all the time.
  • Jack V
    Last night I read a origami Yoda book princess labelmaker to the rescue. A text to text was when princable rabaski and dwite and lance and Amy where at the school board meeting and rabaski put on a princess labelmaker puppet and stood up at the podium and stood up for the schools rights. Rafe did that in middle school get me outa here! But without the puppet.
  • Caroline S
    Last night I read JUST GRACE. A text to text that I made was I saw a movie that they toke a picture and they made it cardboard. I am on page 78. Their are 137 pages. This book is by CHARISE MERICLE HARPER.
  • Sam J
    Last night I read the fourteenth goldfish.I found text to self connection with Ellie because, we are both very curious. We both love science. And we both to go to the movies.I left of on page 93.
  • Annabelle A
    Last night I read The Fourteenth Goldfish. I had a text-to-self connection with Ellie. My text-to-self connection with Ellie is that she likes to wear pajama shorts. I like to wear pajama shorts too. I am on page 27.
  • Kalani M
    Last night I read Insurgent. Tris and Four were mad at each other because she kept on risking her life when she didn't half to. Four said he wanted her to be safe and he didn't want to loose her. And she got defensive because she hates to be told what to do. This always happeneds to me because I like to be right. So me and my brother always get mad at each other because we both like to be right. Just like Tris and Four.
  • Kelsey P
    Last night I read The Hobbit. A text to self connection was Biblo loves maps and I do to. The book is really good so far! I am at the part were they are staying at the elves house and they are talking about moon letters. The kind you would write on paper not the letter you would send. Moon letters are letters on a map that you can only see when you hold it up to the window when the light of the moon is shining. I am on page fifty one.
  • Jack D
    Last night I read Hatchet. It is so amazing. I wonder is it a true story? It has a text to world connection... It is mistakes. It is important to watch for mistakes. Brian did not watch for mistakes and some happened. Some were painful some were not. A painful one was the bow and arrow. A non painful one was the bear. The bear did not hurt him but it scared him half to death.
  • Jack V
    Last night I read Hatchet. A text to self was when Brian said that he heard about missing planes on the news. I've heard about missing planes on the news. A text to world is that plane crashes happen a lot every year.
  • Mac M
    Last night I read "the Lightning thef".
    One connection is that my mom and I usually get into these long talks that we are talking about one thing then the next thing ect.
    So in the book Percy is having a talk with Chiron just the same way.
    They are talking about having a quest with Grover and ??? they don't know who is going with them.
    I reccomend this book because it is my favorite book in the first series.
  • Ellie S
    Last night I finished the fourteenth Goldfish. Okay, if you are in the book club don't even GLANCE at this! The fourteenth Goldfish is about a girl named Ellie just like me. But one day her mom shows up at house with her Grandpa only a teenage version of him! Then it turns out that her grandpa, a mad scientist turned him self into a teenager! It is a very interesting book! You should read it Mrs. D!
  • Julio F
    Last night I read the legends of Zelda Wind Waker. I have a similarity with Link I am very tired all the time and am pretty BRAVE. Also Zelda, I'm pretty SMART and secretive. My brother has a connection to Ganondorf, he wants POWER and to hurt people. And with Obli, I like to mimic things.
  • Lauren M
    Last night I read the School of Good and Evil. A text to text was when Sophie got dropped into the tower of Evil and Agatha got dropped into the tower of good but it was suppose to be the other way around. Baby Mouse got into the wonge school that she did not apply for. Another text to text was when this girl named Maria got into a camp but it was for people with disabilitys and she did not have a disability.
  • Asa C
    Last night I read The Hostile Hospital, by Lemony Snicket. Some connections I made occurred with Klaus. The first connection I made was with Klaus. If I were trying to run away from V.F.D, and the cops who wanted them arrested, and the people who had read the false newspaper, I really wouldn't have thought about my self being in grave danger. FIN...
  • Davis H
    Last night I read Hatchet and Brian the boy built a new shelter and it is much better than the first one because he can store his food in the new shelter.And he caught a Foolbird and a rabitt for his first time and that is his first meat.
  • Caroline S
    Last night I started JUST GRACE. I am on page 20. She is still very annoyed by her name I saw a movie that also had a character who was annoyed by her name.
  • Sam J
    Last night I read the thirteen story treehouse. I found some text to self connections with terry exhausted we both love to draw. We both love monkeys. And we both don't like bananas. I left of on page 249.
  • Whitley Y
    Last night I read Sheila the great some connections were she got really mad and wanted to though something across the room and so she did and had to fix it.
  • Zoe V
    Last night I read the mocking bird. I see some text to text connections with a book called cicada summer because in both book the older brother dies. It is sad because there is a lot of crying and sadness.
  • Kelsey P
    Over the weekend I read The Fourteenth goldfish end again . What really happened was Ellie told her grandfather that he would not show the world his cure to old age because everybody wants to live a full life. What is the point of starting over so soon. Her Grandfather decided that it was time to leave. I finished the book. A world to text connection was that it is true that some ideas you have to wait to show.
  • Davis H
    Over the weekend I read Hatchet and Brian is drinking and eating things from the safety packet on the plane. And there is a really good smoothie that he is drinking,then all of a sudden a rescue plane came and came into his camp.And a man asked him if he was Brian and Brian said yes and Brian was rescued and taken to his Dad's house finally I just finished Hatchet.
  • Kalani M
    Last night I read INSURGENT. Tris and Four had to escape from erudite compound as fast as they could. Tris fell and hurt herself. When ever I'm in a hurry or I'm going very fast I hurt myself. Because I'm not paying attention just going as fast I can.
  • Ellie S
    Last night I finished Warriors Long Shadows. In the book I am reading now I read that somebody killed Ashfur and they suspect it was Sol that killed him. So they are now on the way to the sun-drown place where he lives, to find him. My connection is that in the world now, there are people having to go on long journeys knowing that they might not come back.
  • Julio F
    Last night I read the Wind Waker. I have a connection with Fado I sort of like music. And with Makar of overreacting. Also with Tetra I just really want to do fun things. I also have a similarity with Links sister Aryll of being curious.
  • Jack D
    I am reading The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader. I am surprised that the people who caught people and used them as slaves. I am suprised they did that to a king! One who bought a slave said he looked a lot like king Caspian. I am said Caspian. There was a text-to-world connection. There sadly is slavery. Not in the U.S.A. But in other country's. That is the same in Narnia. No slavery but there is slavery in other places that king Caspian rules.
  • Jack V
    Last night I read hatchet. A text to self was the day the tornado hit the animals where acting all weird. I've heard that animals act weird when something bad is about to happen. A text to world is that tornados wipe out everything in there path. Brian's camp and everything around it was wiped out.
  • Lauren M
    Last night I read the school for Good and Evil. One self to text was when Agatha had to help Sophie with her homework. I have to help my friends with their homework. One text to text was when Sophie got tossed out of her tower. Baby mouse got tossed out of her bedroom.
  • Asa C
    Last night I read The Carnivorous Carnival, by Lemony Snicket. I made a connection with Hugo, the hunchback. My connection with Hugo is that I would be extremely afraid and nervous if someone told me I was going to be fed to a pit of raging lions. In fact I think I would run far, far, far away from that person as possible and never ever see them again.
  • Annabelle A
    Last night I read The Fourteenth Goldfish. I found a text-to-self connection with Ellie that she doesn't like to get in trouble. I found another text-to-world with Ellie's grandpa that a lot of teenagers eat a lot. I found another text-to-world with Ellie's grandpa that teenagers also sleep a lot. I finished The Fourteenth Goldfish.
  • Mac M
    Last week I read "A Tangle of Knots".
    One is that Toby and I have a same connection that I don't want everybody in the world to know my talents. (But most of St. Anne's Belfield knows my talents). So Toby is at the local orphanage and Miss Malory suddenly askes quote: "That is why you came isn't it? She asked. To adopt Cady?
    I recommend this book for readers that like talents and mystery.
  • Caroline S
    Last night I read just grace and the flower girl power. Some connections I had was when I really wanted to be the flower girl at my cusions wedding but I didn't get to. I will read another just grace book next. I am on page 170. There are 185 pages in the book.
  • Sam J
    Last night I read because of Mr. Terupt. I found text to self connections to Jessica because we are both very shy. We both love to read. And we both love school. I left of on page 107.
  • Whitley Y
    Last night I read because of mr.turrpt ( the book club book) some connections was the moms rembering each other.
  • Zoe V
    Last night I read because of Mr. Terupt. I am at the part were Jessica the new kid ,is about to make a new friend. I am wondering if the new friend will tun tout to be that nice , because she did not seem all to nice.
  • Kalani M
    Last night I read Michael Vey 4rth book. Micheal and the electro clan are having a lot of trouble breaking into the electric base. The Elgen are evil and they are making sure that it is easy for them to take over the world. Michael and friends finally found a way in but they need help from someone who can not be trusted. They don't want to do it but it is the only way read th book to see what happens. I have had to do stuff that I don't want to but I do it anyway because that is what's right.
  • Kelsey P
    Last night I read Cinder by Marissa Meyer. A connection that I notice is that this book is in the future and I see some connections from back then. Like there is a plague, and Kings, Queens, Princes. It takes place in the U.S. It is about a girl named Cinder which is a cyborg because she has metal parts. I am on page 200.
  • Jack V
    Last night I read spy school. A text to text is when I read spy camp it's the same type of thing that there doing In the book. A text to text is that when Erica and Ben sneak in to the principles office and log in to the princable a computer it's like middle school when rafe sneaks in to the principles office and changes his grades on the principles computer.
  • Davis H
    Last night read True Legend and the main character named Drew Robinson is playing a basketball team that his team has never won against,and they are trying to beat them.Drew is the best player on his team and a player named King Gadsen is the best player on the other team. And in the game King played way better than Drew and Drew shot a game winning shot and he missed and his team lost the game! A text to text connection is that I play basketball to. I am on pg.138
  • Julio F
    Last night I read "Vale of the Vole". And Ivy, Chet and The Gap Dragon showed up. I have a connection with the Vole named Volney, I sometimes talk horribly wrong or weird. And Stanley (The Gap Dragon) because I like to fight and normally loose. I think more people should read this series.
  • Annabelle A
    Last night I read Flora And Ulysses. I have a text-to-self connection with Flora. My connection with flora is that she doesn't like to be called Flora Belle. I don't like to be called different names. I have another text-to-self with Flora. Her mom calls her Flora Bell and my mom calls me Bell sometimes.
  • Jack D
    Last night I read Flora&Ulysses. I was really getting worried about Ulysses. I think a text-to-world connection is sadly there is kidnapping. Another one is that there are evil people in the world (Flora's Mom). And kind people ( Flora's Dad, Dr. Meescham etc.) I think a good thing about this book is it very nice. I recommend it.
  • Mac M
    Last night I read seven wonders lost in Babylon.
    One text-to-world connection is that when you travel to a different place in the world you don't know there language. Right now Jack, Cass, Aly and Marco are going to the hanging gardens . The next locust (a elemental orb of power made by the adlantians) is at the ancient city of Babylon. I recommend this book to readers who like surprises.
  • Lauren M
    Last night I read Just grace. I found a text to self connection with Grace, she had to take pictures for a postcard. I also found a text to text connection with Grace and Sophie they both had to take out the trash at there house.
  • Ellie S
    Last night I read the House of Hades. Percy and Annabeth fell into Tartarus and they are trying to close the doors of death. I read that a goddess named Akhlys tricked them into becoming death mist, (long story) which is a stage before death. This book conects with the other Percy Jackson books because they all have a extreme part in the middle of the books.
  • Asa C
    Last night I read Because of Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea. I have lots of connections with these characters. I think that if I picked a true friend from this book I would want Anna, Jessica, or Danielle to be my friend. Jeffrey really reminds me of a character from Wonder because he had a brother with Down syndrome and he always had to look out for him. Like Auggie's sister in Wonder. My last connection connects Alexia ( Lexie ) with one of my best friends. At first my friend was really unstable but then she realized that everyone liked her how she really was and so now she is really nice. I think Lexie will evolve into a nicer person and people will like her because she is her self.
  • Lauren M
    Last night I started Flora and Ulysses. I found a text to text connection with Flora and Agatha
    Flora hates romance novels so does Agatha. I found another text to text connection with Ulysses and Sophie, Ulysses feels more powerful and so does Sophie.
  • Whitley Y
    Last night I read the Miraculous journey of Edward Tulane. Some connections were when I was little I would loose my blanket and so did Abilene.
  • Zoe V
    Last night I finished reading Inside out and back again. Some connections were that Há got teased.
  • Jack V
    Last night I read mr terupt falls again! A text to text is rafe from the middle school series makes a lot of trouble so does peter!
  • Zoe V
    Last night I read the land of stories.some connections are text to self, I used to read fairy tales too. So far this is one of my favorite books.

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