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SPRINGHILL GROUP COUNSELLING: Engaging NK only option to resolve nuclear program: ex-US... - 0 views

    A policy of engagement with North Korea is the only viable option to resolve the North's nuclear weapons programs, but Seoul and Washington must set "strict standards" to prevent Pyongyang from backsliding and repeating its nuclear hide-and-seek, a former U.S. point man on North Korea said Tuesday. Stephen Bosworth, the Obama administration's first special envoy for North Korea, also expressed skepticism that China, the North's key ally and economic benefactor, would wield an enough leverage to persuade Pyongyang to give up its nuclear ambition. Washington's policy of deterring North Korea did not work, as Pyongyang conducted its second nuclear test in 2009 and revealed a uranium enrichment program in 2010 that could give it another means of producing fissile material for nuclear bombs. In 2010, North Korea launched two military attacks on South Korea. "So, I think we have no choice but to re-engage ourselves (with North Korea)," Bosworth told a forum in Seoul. To bring about positive changes in Pyongyang's behavior, Bosworth said Seoul and Washington need "a very careful diplomacy, patience and willingness, not simply to give to North Korea, but to set strict standards." Bosworth was the top U.S. envoy for North Korea from March 2009 to October 2011. He also served as U.S. ambassador to South Korea and is now dean of the Fletcher School at Tufts University. Diplomatic efforts to resume the six-party talks on ending North Korea's nuclear ambition have been frozen since April, when North Korea defiantly launched a long-range rocket that failed moments after lift-off. The defiant launch drew strong condemnation from the U.N. Security Council as a disguised test of ballistic missile technology, and led to the collapse of the so-called "Leap Day" deal with the U.S., under which Washington would resume food aid to Pyongyang in return for a monitored shutdown of the North's nuclear activities. Although North Korea reneged on the deal, Bosworth expected Kore
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Springhill Group: DPRK jams GPS of ROK Airlines l Blogger - Zimbio - 0 views

    GPS jamming signals coming from North Korea has forced South Korea to order its military and civilian air transports to switch on alternative navigational devices to avoid disruption. A statement from the ministry has confirmed that they were able to warn airlines and pilots of the 241 affected South Korean flights along with the 11 foreign airlines like Thai Airways, AirPhil, FedEx, Japan Airlines and Cathay Pacific Airways. But even as the GPS jamming signals continued, South Korea sees no serious threat to navigational safety. Korea Communications Commission confirmed that the GPS jamming signals have been coming from a city on North Korea side of the border. "We've traced the jamming signals to the direction of Kaesong," a commission deputy director told Springhill Group. According to the transport agency, planes that suffered from GPS signal jamming were instructed to use the alternative navigation systems and were not delayed in their schedules. The signal jamming appears to be focused on air traffic at Gimpo and Incheon airports, both of which are around 30 miles from the border.
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Springhill Group Counselling | Yelp - 0 views

    1 Review of Springhill Group Counselling "Springhill Group Counselling believes it is significant that each of us needs to understand what counselling and psychotherapy is about and what they should anticipate from the procedure of therapy....
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Pak embassy provides career counselling to students l Livejournal | RedGage - 0 views

    Pakistan ambassador Jamil Ahmed Khan has extended career-counselling for the brightest of Pakistani students reserving first working day of the month for an advisory chat over a cup of tea. He made the announcement while addressing a ceremony organised at the embassy on Monday to present commendation certificates to 32 bright young UAE-based Pakistani students enrolled in various schools in the UAE, who clinched top positions in the Islamabad board's matric exams and Cambridge exams held in the country. The ceremony drew a jolly crowd comprising students, proud teachers and happy parents. Khan, who is the patron-in-chief of all Pakistani schools in the UAE, congratulated the high scorers for bringing joy and pride to the community and the nation and praised the parents and teachers for providing the enabling environment for the young minds to excel. The envoy cited examples from South Korea and recalled how enhanced school enrolment in the country led to the making of knowledge economy with higher per capita output. "Knowledge economies all over the world are propelled forward by their brightest, like the ones we have in our midst today," Khan added. He termed education as the best remedy to cure the menace of extremism and terrorism, plaguing the world peace and security. VISIT US AT:
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Uni keeps quiet on claim of warning by massacre suspect l Livejournal | RedGage - 0 views

    AURORA, Colorado: University of Colorado officials have faced questions about whether the suspect in last week's shooting rampage tried to warn a psychiatrist about his plan up to a week before the incident. The questions arose after Fox News reported that the shooting suspect, James Holmes, a graduate student, had posted to a university psychiatrist a detailed journal that foreshadowed a gun-blazing massacre - in a package that was not opened before the killings. University officials declined to provide details about a package seized from the campus by police on Monday, other than to say that campus mail was delivered promptly and no parcels would sit for a week in the university's mail room. On Wednesday The Denver Post quoted an unidentified law-enforcement official as confirming that Mr Holmes had mailed a notebook to the psychiatrist. The official told the paper he did not know what it contained. READ MORE AT:
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Springhill Group Counselling - 0 views

    In today's economic climate, who will help you protect your company and your clients from the devastating impact of fraud?Fraud can creep into your business in a number of ways.You may find you need an objective expert to deter potential problems, investigate allegations or provide resolution.A Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) offers anti-fraud knowledge and skills you need to: * Investigate allegations against one of your employees * Recommend strong anti-fraud internal controls * Conduct interviews related to sensitive issues * Provide assistance with financial dispute resolution * Resolve irregularities discovered during your company's audit * Provide expert testimony on financial and investigative matters A Unique Set of SkillsFraud Examiners have a unique set of skills that are not found in any other discipline; they combine knowledge of complex financial transactions with an understanding of law, criminology, investigation and how to resolve allegations of fraud.CFEs work in a variety of disciplines including accounting, auditing, fraud investigation and security, as well as in different industry segments including government, healthcare, financial services, manufacturing and retail distribution.
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South Springhill Korea Group: India becomes world's top spammer - 0 views

    If you've got a junk email folder full of spam, there's nearly a 10 percent chance it came from a computer in India, the world's new top spam producer. India claimed the unwanted crown from the U.S. in the security firm Sophos' most recent "Dirty Dozen" report of the top spamming countries between January and March. Rounding out the infamous top five are South Korea, which accounts for 8.3 percent of spam, and Indonesia and Russia, both of which distribute 5 percent of the spam clogging up inboxes. Trailing Russia are Italy (4.9 percent ), Brazil (4.3 percent), Poland (3.9 percent), Pakistan (3.3 percent), Vietnam (3.2 percent), Taiwan (2.9 percent) and Peru (2.5 percent).
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Shock therapy to avoid scams l Newsvine - 0 views

    The annual list of the top 10 consumer complaints is out, and it features familiar scams. Once again, the report is a good reminder to be careful. Some of the scams have become more sophisticated, with more high-tech ways of stealing your money. Topping the list are auto complaints, including misrepresentations in advertising or sales, faulty repairs, and leasing and towing disputes. In second place are complaints about credit and debt. The category includes mortgage modifications and mortgage-related fraud, credit-repair schemes, debt-relief services, predatory lending, and illegal or abusive debt-collection tactics. The five fastest-growing complaints are about fraud, debt-collection abuses, do-not-call violations, mortgage-related issues, and problems that people have had with both legitimate and sham home-improvement companies. New to the list this year are real-estate-related complaints. Hard times have left many people wanting to dump their timeshares, or at least get out from under yearly maintenance fees they can no longer afford. This desperation on the part of timeshare owners has been a boon to schemers. In one such swindle, "timeshare resellers" tell folks they can help them unload their unwanted properties and ask for an upfront fee for the service. I'm sure you can guess what happens. No buyers are found, no help is really offered and people are out of their money, stuck with a timeshare they can't afford. But then another timeshare crook swoops in to add insult to financial injury. Timeshare recovery companies offer to help owners get back the funds lost to resellers. They ask for an upfront fee. It's a double financial whack because this, too, turns out to be a scam.
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Stressed and Depressed, South Koreans Avoid Therapy l Newsvine - 0 views

    It can sometimes feel as if South Korea, overworked, overstressed and ever anxious, is on the verge of a national nervous breakdown, with a rising divorce rate, students who feel suffocated by academic pressures, a suicide rate among the highest in the world and a macho corporate culture that still encourages blackout drinking sessions after work. More than 30 South Koreans kill themselves every day, and the suicides of entertainers, politicians, athletes and business leaders have become almost commonplace. The recent suicides of four students and a professor at Korea's leading university shocked the nation, and in recent weeks a TV baseball announcer, two professional soccer players, a university president and the former lead singer in a popular boy band killed themselves. And yet Koreans - while almost obsessively embracing Western innovations ranging from smartphones to the Internet to cosmetic surgery - have largely resisted Western psychotherapy for their growing anxieties, depression and stress. Talk-therapy modalities with psychiatrists, psychologists and other types of trained counselors are only slowly being accepted, according to mental health experts here. "Talking openly about emotional problems is still taboo," said Dr. Kim Hyong-soo, a psychologist and professor at Chosun University in Kwangju. "With depression, the inclination for Koreans is to just bear with it and get over it," he said. "If someone goes to a psychoanalyst, they know they'll be stigmatized for the rest of their life. So they don't go." Mental health experts said many troubled South Koreans seek help from private psychiatric clinics (and pay their bills in cash) so their government-insurance records do not carry the stigma of a "Code F," signifying someone who has received reimbursement for such care. Even when Koreans do seek out counseling, the learning curve can be steep. A prominent psychiatrist with a practice in Seoul, Jin-seng Park, said it was not unc
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springhill group: Chhattisgarh docs protest govt action over uterus scam - cafemom/live... - 0 views

  • the state government of taking arbitrary action against doctors in a uterus removal scam and...
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Questions Raised About The Safety Of Natural Treatments For Menopause | Virtual-Strateg... - 0 views

    With the risks associated with hormone replacement therapy (HRT), many women have turned to natural menopause solutions. But these also can bring risks. New report documents risks and introduces a safe and reliable alternative for women going through menopause Santa Fe, NM (PRWEB) August 08, 2012 Today branded ingredient distributor Helios CORP/Sunbio released a special report on the risks women may face taking popular natural treatments for menopause. The report discusses data from studies on black cohosh, genistein and Amberen. It also introduces a new natural menopause ingredient, EstroG-100. EstroG-100 has a proven track record of safety and efficacy. "Menopause is tough enough as it is," says Michael Jeffers, Helios CORP/Sunbio CEO. "Women shouldn't have to put their health at risk to get through it with some comfort. A 2003 study shows that 80% of women turn to natural alternatives to help with the symptoms of menopause. Our goal in releasing the report is make sure women have the information they need to make a safe and reliable choice," says Jeffers. In 2002, the conventional treatment for menopause symptoms, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), came under fire when the Women's Health Initiative trial showed it increased women's risk for heart disease, breast cancer and stroke. Without this option, women have turned to natural alternatives. However § In 2006, the U.K. and Australia required labeling for black cohosh products warning about potential liver toxicity. In 2008, nonprofit standards and safety organization, US Pharmacopeia also made this recommendation. Denmark and Korea have banned its sale; § In 2007, a National Institute of Environmental Health study showed genistein, a soy isoflavone, to be carcinogenic in rats. Organizations like the North American Menopause Society and the Breast Cancer and Environmental Health Research Agency have called for more research on soy and genistein to clarify its efficacy and safety. § Rese
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5 warning signs of gaming addiction - 0 views

    (CNN) -- South Korea is perhaps the world's leader in terms of identifying and treating gaming and Internet addiction. After wiring the nation with the world's fastest broadband infrastructure, South Korea's government spends millions per year to identify and treat gaming and Internet addicts. About 8% of the country's population age 9 to 39 suffer from Internet or gaming addiction, according to a 2010 government study. Some see South Korea as a window into the future: Perhaps other nations, including the United States, will see a wave of gaming and Internet addiction when our technological infrastructure catches up. Others say it's too soon to know if gaming addiction is really its own disorder. In the United States, Internet and gaming addiction are not listed in the official Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In the next revision of that list, however, the American Psychiatric Association has proposed that "Internet Use Disorder" be listed as warranting further study. Open Mic: South Koreans take on gaming Some groups, however, have moved forward with treating Internet and gaming addiction. One of the leaders in that field is Dr. Han Doug-hyun, from Chung-Ang University Hospital in Seoul, South Korea's capital. Han's research lab treats people who are addicted to games using techniques similar to those used to treat alcoholics, including counseling and virtual-reality therapy (Check out this CNN video to see inside his research and treatment space). As part of CNN's feature on "Gaming Reality," Han gave us his list of the top five warning signs that a person should seek professional help for Internet or gaming addiction. Take a look at the tips and let us know what you think of them, and of the science of gaming addiction, in the comments. Here are Han's top 5 warning signs of gaming or Internet addiction: 1. Disrupted regular life pattern. If a person plays games all night long and sleeps in the daytime, that can be a warning he or she shoul
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SPRINGHILL GROUP: News Corp Splitting Into 2 Companies l Blogger - Zimbio - 0 views

    Embattled Rupert Murdoch's empire, News Corp. appears to be planning a spin-off of its core businesses. Its own flagship newspaper, The Wall Street Journal, has reported this week that the company's board is considering a proposal that will make its publishing arm into a separate company. Springhill Group Home analysts expect such separation of assets would appease regulators and could help it to avoid selling a USD 6.9 billion stake. Fortunately, the same became true for investors as the announcement was met with the rallying of News Corp's stock to 8.3% high - the highest level it has reached since 2007. "News Corp. has one of the best TV businesses, but some people like musty, dusty publishing companies that pay great dividends. It's a good thing for shareholders." said an analyst from Lazard Capital. The media conglomerate has not yet specified which business units would be grouped together but the company is reportedly mulling to separate the entertainment operations from the book and newspaper publishing one.
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Springhill Group Counselling | Facebook - 0 views

    Springhill Group Counselling believes it is significant that each of us needs to understand what counselling and psychotherapy is about and what they should anticipate from the procedure of therapy. Nurturing knowledge among community is a significant purpose for every organization. This website has been aims to help people find out more about counselling and psychotherapy, especially those who are considering therapy as an option for themselves or someone else, or for clients who are already involved in therapy.
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    Springhill Group Counselling believes it is significant that each of us needs to understand what counselling and psychotherapy is about and what they should anticipate from the procedure of therapy. Nurturing knowledge among community is a significant purpose for every organization. This website has been aims to help people find out more about counselling and psychotherapy, especially those who are considering therapy as an option for themselves or someone else, or for clients who are already involved in therapy.
springhill group


    Springhill Group Counselling believes it is significant that each of us needs to understand what counselling and psychotherapy is about and what they should anticipate from the procedure of therapy. Nurturing knowledge among community is a significant purpose for every organization. This website has been aims to help people find out more about counselling and psychotherapy, especially those who are considering therapy as an option for themselves or someone else, or for clients who are already involved in therapy. 5 Votes Tags: Counselling · Group · News · Springhill · Springhill Counselling · Springhill Group · Springhill Group Counselling
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Bing Link To Other Resources-Springhill Group Counselling - Webmaster Tools - 0 views

  • BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy - the guidelines for good practice which BACP members adhere to. The British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) - is a membership organisation and a registered charity that sets standards for therapeutic practice and provides information for therapists, clients of therapy, and the general public. news, Springhill Group Counselling, Springhill Counselling, Springhill Group, Group, Springhill, Counselling
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SPRINGHILL GROUP COUNSELLING (IN THE NEWS)-Conference on 'Achieving Better Parenting fo... - 0 views

    A RECOMMENDATION BY CHEEKYFREAK Recommended by: cheekyfreak First to recommend shgcounselling 'Parenting towards Resilience' was the main theme discussed during a conference held recently, organised by Agenzija Sedqa in collaboration with the Office of the Children's Commissioner. Ms. Sina Bugeja, Chief Executive Officer, Foundation for Social Welfare Services during her opening address explained that Parenting towards Resilience, was the main theme chosen by the Foundation to celebrate this year's Children's Day. Moreover, Ms. Bugeja mentioned the recent launch of the National Children's Policy that safeguards children's rights and ensures space for their opinions before decisions are taken. She mentioned that parents need to be kept abreast with changing parenting styles as well as with different influences which might affect children's development. Ms Helen D'Amato, Commissioner for Children, said that the inherent vulnerability of children requires not only a strong legal and institutional framework of protection but also the consolidated ability on the part primarily of parents to nurture their children in such a way as to instil in them the inner strength and will to overcome the challenges that come their way during their childhood. This is important, she said, as there is a limit to how far the legal and institutional framework can go to actually protect children in the context of an increasingly complex and challenging social and cultural environment, and also because the development of such inner strength and will is an integral part of children's gradual maturity into strong, independent and responsible adults. The development of this inner strength or resilience should be seen as a main goal of the child's upbringing. Ms D'Amato thus urged all parents to continue helping their children develop these inner qualities. During his closing address, Mr. Jesmond Schembri, Operations Director, Agenzija Sedqa said that since its incepti
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HEALTH BOARD- In The News - Springhill Group Counselling · Bookmark Details - 0 views

    HEALTH BOARD- In The News - Springhill Group Counselling | This url was saved by 2 users HEALTH BOARD- In The News - Springhill Group Counselling SYLVIA THOMPSON German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger has developed an approach to dealing with relationship problems, financial distress, addictions and career troubles that is based on the idea that self-limiting beliefs can be inherited from previous generations. Julie Williams will lead a worksh springhill group counselling, springhill, group, counselling More Tags by omarvelo | Dec 02, 2011 at 08:57 HEALTH BOARD- In The News - Springhill Group Counselling SYLVIA THOMPSON German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger has developed an approach to dealing with relationship problems, financial distress, addictions and career troubles that is based on the idea that self-limiting beliefs can be inherited from previous generations. Julie Williams will lead a worksh springhill group counselling, springhill, group, counselling More Tags by springhillgroup | Dec 01, 2011 at 17:42
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    IN THE NEWS-SPRINGHILL GROUP COUNSELLING Conference on 'Achieving Better Parenting for our Children' November 29, 2011 'Parenting towards Resilience' was the main theme discussed during a conference held recently, organised by Agenzija Sedqa in collaboration with the Office of the Children's Commissioner. Ms. Sina Bugeja, Chief Executive Officer, Foundation for Social Welfare Services during her opening address explained that Parenting towards Resilience, was the main theme chosen by the Foundation to [...] Spring Hill United Church of Christ to offer support group for people with HIV/AIDS November 29, 2011 By Gail Hollenbeck, Times Correspondent In Print: Saturday, November 26, 2011 Print Email Post Republish Story Tools Comments (0) Contact the editor Email Newsletters Social Bookmarking ShareThis ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Featured Syracuse Fires Assistant Basketball Coach Fine Bucs blow late lead, lose 23-17 to Titans Rewind: Admiral Farragut heads to state semis Armwood 23, Hillsborough 0 Pasco [...] Health Board November 29, 2011 SYLVIA THOMPSON German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger has developed an approach to dealing with relationship problems, financial distress, addictions and career troubles that is based on the idea that self-limiting beliefs can be inherited from previous generations. Julie Williams will lead a workshop in this approach on Saturday from 10.30am-5pm in Greystones Holistic Centre, Church Road, [...] Etiquetas: Counselling, Group, News, Springhill, Springhill Counselling, Springhill Group, Springhill Group Counselling entrada de tutchiegrant @ 01:31 0 comentarios SPRINGHILL GROUP COUNSELLING Authors shgcounselling Springhill Group Counselling believes it is significant that each of us needs to understand what counselling and psychotherapy is about and what they should anticipate from the procedure of therapy. Nurturing knowledge among c
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