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Contents contributed and discussions participated by springhill group

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Burnham: Mental Health Counseling On NHS Will Be A Right - 1 views

    Shadow health secretary highlights cuts and 'biggest unaddressed health challenge' as he pledges Labour solution A Labour government will preserve the right to counseling for mental health problems in the NHS constitution, same goes with people have a right to drugs and treatment for mental illness, Andy Burnham promise October this year. Burnham, the shadow health secretary, said at a conference on mental health and wellbeing in Shrewsbury, that mental health is the biggest unaddressed health challenge of the age, costing business £71m a day, or £26bn a year. He laid blame on and accused the government of lessening the mental health budget and abandoning the national survey of investment in adult mental health services, which showed how much was spent yearly. "There is growing evidence of highly vulnerable people being held in police cells and sleeping on camp beds in office space because no crisis beds are available," he will say. "The cost of living crisis is tipping many people over the edge and concerns have been raised over the suicide rate. It is imperative that the openness and transparency the secretary of state speaks of are brought urgently to mental health services so parliament can have a proper debate on what's happening to vulnerable people."
springhill group

Reinforcing Boundaries and Saying No - 1 views

    It is often discouraged in our society to set off boundaries, to say no or to prioritize our own needs but it is time to learn that doing these things are not selfishness. As we grow older from the time we were in our childhood, we were raised to be helpful and to look after others, repeatedly told 'don't be selfish' or to 'stop being so attention seeking, it's not all about you'. Self-sacrifice behavior is emotionally rewarding but can also be extremely damaging. Know your limitations and the limitations of being to compassionate and sensitive to other people's needs, you may end up straggling with your own identity, with what you want, need and what your boundaries are. Not reinforcing our boundaries may cost you of the feeling overloaded, resentful and unfulfilled. It is not healthy to say yes when really you want to say no. You must learn to prioritize things and you must consider prioritizing taking care of yourself, especially if you have other people relying on you.
springhill group

Mental Health Services Usage by People with Depression - 1 views

  • A new study has found more than half the people in Ontario who reported they had major depression did not use physician-based mental health services in the following year. "It's concerning to us that many Ontarians with mental health needs are not accessing clinician-based care," said Katherine Smith, the lead author and epidemiologist in the Centre for Research on Inner City Health of St. Michael's Hospital. "Some people may seek non-medical types of support or care, such as clergy, alternative medicine, psychologists or social workers. But we don't know for sure, so the gap remains of concern." The study used OHIP data from the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences. The findings appear in the journal Health. A predictable one in four people undergo at one point in their lives from depression, which lessens quality of life, is linked with amplified disability and lower productivity at work. More than twice as often as men women are diagnosed with depression. Smith had set out to see whether gender plays a role in seeking mental health care. As a general rule, about 10 per cent more than men women use mental health services, showing the fact they use health care services overall as much as than men. More than half - 55.3 per cent - of people in Ontario with self-reported major depression had no contact with physicians for mental health reasons in the following year. Additional research is needed to understand why, Smith said. She said some ethnic groups may not be comfortable accessing physician-based mental health services or may prefer to use non-medical services. Stigma around mental illness may also deter some people, she said. Men, as compared to women, have the tendency t
springhill group

Teach Our Children Well - 1 views

  • There would come a time when you wish that every aspects of life is as easy as arranging the lines of seven-year-old students. It is like kindergarten students are more behave than the outside world. Does school really affect the way we behave when we get older and done with school? Isn't the concept of lining up, or waiting your turn, or listening while someone else is speaking, something that is supposed to be hard-wired from the age of five onward, thanks to attending school should be a basic and common etiquette for adults? Are people "misbehaving" in the adult world was an effect of their schooling when they were younger. If schooling does indeed have a significant impact on us up until our adult years, how does it manifest itself in the everyday world of being a "grown-up"? And perhaps more importantly, are we thinking of education as a means to a positively practical end as we leave school behind us? Canadians were raising their children and how it was negatively impacting their ability to function once they'd left home to go to university or work. Do not "helicopter parent" your kid rather spend the entire time wondering if it was possible that some of the struggles being discussed weren't a result of an education that had misfired in shaping these youngsters' skills sets. Years back, things are better. Today, students were being pushed through despite not having passed exams then blames the education system for not being the same as it was years before is a bit too get-off-my-lawn. Before schooling seemed rigid and wildly archaic, meaning learning is far more than any generation. Perhaps it was just a case of an education still being a good fit for the society it hoped to produce at the time. Or maybe education is an organism in a constant state of flux, and sometimes the growing pains of one generation will greatly benefit the one coming up behind. It all co
springhill group

Teens with Social Anxiety Engage in Earlier Alcohol, Marijuana Use - 2 views

    According to a study conducted at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, among teens with substance use disorders, those who also have social anxiety disorder begin using marijuana at a mean age of 10.6 years - an average of 2.2 years earlier than teens without anxiety. "This finding surprised us," said principal investigator Alexandra Wang, a third-year medical student at the university. "It shows we need to start earlier with prevention of drug and alcohol use and treatment of social phobia [in children]." The study was consisting of 195 teens ages 14 to 18 which 102 of them or 52 percent \ were teenage girls. They met the current diagnosis of substance use disorder and had received medical detoxification if needed. The researchers evaluated the participants' history of drug and alcohol use and digged into whether they'd had any of three anxiety disorders: social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and agoraphobia. Out of 195 teens, 92 percent had marijuana dependence and the most disturbing part was it is starting at the age of 13 years. And on the other hand, 61 percent were alcohol-dependent, having started drinking at 13.5 years on average. This shows that marijuana was the most popular drug of choice. Teens with either social anxiety disorder or panic disorder were far more likely to have marijuana dependence, Wang said. Before marijuana dependence both of these disorders were more likely to occur. More or less 80 percent of teens suffering from social anxiety disorder and 85 percent with panic disorder had symptoms of that disorder previous to the onset of their substance abuse. In addition, panic disorder has a propensity to start before alcohol dependence and came about in 75 percent of alcohol-dependent adolescents. According to the authors, there was no clear evidence showing whether agoraphobia came before or after either marijuana use or the first drink. A limitation of the study, according to the research team, was that 12
springhill group

Anger Management: How To Deal With Anger - 2 views

    Everyone gets angry once in a while if we are mistreated or feel we have been "wronged" and it is a normal and healthy emotion, you have to handle it appropriately. What we need to emphasized on is what we do with this anger. It is time to seek help when you feel like your anger is not doing any good with your day to day life such as work, relationship, ability to achieve your goal and many more. Anger management's goal is to learn methods and new ways to control your anger. Many people who suffer from this condition come to seek help to deal with their problem but most of the time, fear, resentment, and unmet expectations that are the root causes for their anger. Trough counseling the problem is addressed and the anger soon dissipates. After, the client is able to be aware that they do not have to be controlled by their anger. One more thing is that they are not being the "victim" of others or society but rather they are responsible for their own actions and behaviors. Some people just wouldn't want to show their real self so they stick with the reputation of an angry person or sometimes it is their way to resent from other people from getting too close to them. This may result to people afraid of you or if not disrespectful of you. Communicating your needs and frustrations in an productive and respectful way people will tend to listen more just to learn about your needs and frustrations. As stated earlier, anger is a normal emotion. The objective is to deal with the underlying issues and feelings indentified with anger. And the next goal is to learn healthy ways to deal with this emotion. Some may think that letting the anger out is healthy until they realize that the have secluded themselves from the people around them like relationships to partners, children, co-workers and etc. Added the fact that this can have a very negative impact on the way others see and treat you. For some instances, this type of behavior might be modeled fr
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Anxiety and Stress Benefits From Forced Exercise - 2 views

    According to a new study by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder, being forced to exercise may still help reduce anxiety and depression just as exercising voluntarily does. People who exercises are more secluded against stress-related disorders even past studies have shown this. And scientists know that the perception of control can benefit a person's mental health. But an open question has been the topic of some debates whether an individual, who undergoes the feeling of a forced to exercise, getting rid of the discernment of control, would still gather the anxiety-fighting advantages of the exercise. Benjamin Greenwood, an assistant research professor in CU-Boulder's Department of Integrative Physiology said people who may feel forced to exercise could include high school, college and professional athletes, members of the military or those who have been prescribed an exercise regimen by their doctors. "If exercise is forced, will it still produce mental health benefits?" Greenwood asked. "It's obvious that forced exercise will still produce peripheral physiological benefits. But will it produce benefits to anxiety and depression?" To look for an answer to the matter Greenwood and his colleagues, as well as Monika Fleshner, a professor in the same department, designed a lab experiment using rats. Throughout a six-week period, a few rats stayed inactive, whereas some exercised by running on a wheel. The experiment went this way; the rats that exercised were divided into two groups that ran a roughly equal amount of time while one group ran whenever it chose to, at the same time as the other group ran on mechanized wheels that rotated according to a predetermined schedule. The motorized wheels turned on at speeds and for periods of time that mimicked the average pattern of exercise chosen by the rats that voluntarily exercised, for the study. Then six weeks after, the rats were exposed to a laboratory stressor prior to testing the
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Strengthening The Marriage - 1 views

    Couples with thriving young children and struggling marriages aren't a new sight in therapy office. It can be a real challenge to shift from a married couple to married couple with kids. Arguments and little fights can be healthy sometimes and couple without kids had the plenty of time to attend to their relationship while now that kid's are present, their needs alone can leave both parents drained and exhausted. This could mean that at the end of the day couples will feel tired and no time for each other. There are many reasons why divorce happen but one possible reason is parents tend to get overboard attending to their children while neglecting their responsibilities as a husband or wife. Most of the parents can only have their alone time after the kids are in bed. And what make things worse after your long day is both of you has barely the energy to even ask how each others day went because you cannot even pull up the covers. When you reach this point maybe you are in the edge of your relationship. It will help so much if couples will find time for each other; it is always a good idea to have a day for the parents alone. Weekend mornings can be a good time whereas stress of the work week recedes and before the daily demands of the children start stacking up, couples sometimes find their best opportunity to shift into a mode where they can focus on each other. It is also important to talk to your kids and explain that parents need time for each other too. To make them busy, think of possible and safe way to make use of their time. As soon as a couple acquires some uninterrupted time together, now other challenges appear to happen such as how are they going to use this alone time well. Try not to do the following: Never compare, do not weigh against whose life is harder Do not complain and tell your partner the s/he doesn't give you what you need Expect your partner to instantly feel like being sexual Give up on intimacy and plan the children's week
springhill group

Falling In Love Addiction - Springhill Group Counselling - 0 views

    Falling In Love Addiction Who among us isn't snowed under that feeling when someone is fluttering us and at the same time confusing us, that total fascination with the object of our desire, that faith that this time we've found the one we are looking for all along.
springhill group

Symptoms of Compulsive Eating - 0 views

    Symptoms of Compulsive Eating BED or "binge-eating disorder" or sometimes being referred to as "food addiction", Compulsive Eating or Overeating is distinguished by an obsessive-compulsive relationship to food. By the ingestion and longing for foods that are, in themselves, harmful to the individual, this state is not only apparent by irregular food intake in terms of amount.
springhill group

How to Have an Effective Counseling - 0 views

    How to Have an Effective Counseling You don't need a good counselor alone to make counseling effective, it's a two way street. The person receiving the counseling needs to be cooperative because a good counselor couldn't do his job if the person receiving the counseling wouldn't participate.
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Counseling for Trauma Victims - Springhill Group Counselling - 0 views

    Counseling for Trauma Victims Trauma is defined as "severe emotional shock and pain caused by an extremely upsetting experience" (The Cambridge Dictionary). But trauma is also an extremely subjective experience because what may be traumatic for one person may barely affect another.
springhill group

Counseling Help for the Depressed - 0 views

    Counseling Help for the Depressed People may often take this for granted, thinking depression is just a sad feeling or a depressed mood but it is more than that. Depression is a more serious condition that affects people differently.
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Six Things Women Firsts Notice About Men - 0 views

    Six Things Women Firsts Notice About Men According to Dr Gordon Patzer, author of Looks: Why They Matter More Than You Ever Imagined, and one of the world's leading authorities on physical attractiveness, a lot of what women notice in the first few minutes is appearance-based.
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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Reduces Depression - 0 views

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Reduces Depression A study in the Lancet says cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can reduce symptoms of depression in people who fail to respond to drug treatment. CBT is a kind of psychotherapy that was instituted to help nearly half of the 234 patients who underwent it added with normal care from their GP.
springhill group

Christian counselor's attempt to cure gay man was 'malpractice' - 0 views

    Christian counselor's attempt to cure gay man was 'malpractice' A gay man was tried to be converted to become heterosexual, his Christian psychotherapist found guilty of professional misconduct. Lesley Pilkington, a Christian psychotherapist, was condemned by the professional body for counselors subsequent to an undercover journalist posing as a patient furtively recorded her during a therapy session at her home.
springhill group

Universal Preschool, What High-Quality Education Really Means - In The News - Springhil... - 0 views

    Universal Preschool, What High-Quality Education Really Means "Make high-quality preschool available to every child in America", says President Obama in his recent State of the Union Address. This proposal he referred to research that has demonstrated long term positive effects of attending high-quality preschool programs. The early childhood community got excited in President Obama's support.
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Recalling Good Times May Reduce Depression - In The News - Springhill Group Counselling - 0 views

    Recalling Good Times May Reduce Depression There is a new strategy that was discovered to improve mood for the "depress", it is easier and costs nothing. This is easy just the recollection of positive day-to-day experiences. This can work for those who are not suffering from depression as well.
springhill group

Everyday Life's a Struggle for 25 Years and Younger - 0 views

    People under the age of 25 are 'struggling to cope' with everyday life, says the Prince's Trust. Their recent survey claims that one in ten young people are now struggling to deal with day-today life. Over 2000 16-25 year olds were surveyed by prince's trust across UK. They have discovered that those who are jobless and out of school are the most discontented. Due to this they are the most unhappy, these are the people who are likely to have grown up without anyone to talk to and converse their issues with. "I used to apply for jobs but after getting knocked back, it hit my confidence. I'd wake up and just not know what to do with the 24 hours in the day", says Leon White, 24. He is currently living with his family but his father passed away ten years ago and he left school without receiving any qualifications. He dreams of a career in music, but has only recently been able to secure a full-time job in a hotel, after taking a hospitality training course. The survey indicated that almost three out of ten people that were questioned said they felt their career prospects had been permanently damaged by the recession. Government said they are not satisfied with the rate of employment while the level of unemployment is at its lowest since 2009. A spokesman from the Department for Work and Pensions said: "Youth unemployment has fallen recently, and excluding full-time students, there are now 626,000 unemployed 16-24 year olds - the lowest figure since early 2009. But we are not complacent about the scale of the challenge we still face. "Through our Youth Contract we're offering nearly 500,000 work experience placements, wage incentives and apprenticeships over the next three years to help young people gain the skills and experience needed to get a job."
springhill group

SPRINGHILL GROUP COUNSELLING: Engaging NK only option to resolve nuclear program: ex-US... - 0 views

    A policy of engagement with North Korea is the only viable option to resolve the North's nuclear weapons programs, but Seoul and Washington must set "strict standards" to prevent Pyongyang from backsliding and repeating its nuclear hide-and-seek, a former U.S. point man on North Korea said Tuesday. Stephen Bosworth, the Obama administration's first special envoy for North Korea, also expressed skepticism that China, the North's key ally and economic benefactor, would wield an enough leverage to persuade Pyongyang to give up its nuclear ambition. Washington's policy of deterring North Korea did not work, as Pyongyang conducted its second nuclear test in 2009 and revealed a uranium enrichment program in 2010 that could give it another means of producing fissile material for nuclear bombs. In 2010, North Korea launched two military attacks on South Korea. "So, I think we have no choice but to re-engage ourselves (with North Korea)," Bosworth told a forum in Seoul. To bring about positive changes in Pyongyang's behavior, Bosworth said Seoul and Washington need "a very careful diplomacy, patience and willingness, not simply to give to North Korea, but to set strict standards." Bosworth was the top U.S. envoy for North Korea from March 2009 to October 2011. He also served as U.S. ambassador to South Korea and is now dean of the Fletcher School at Tufts University. Diplomatic efforts to resume the six-party talks on ending North Korea's nuclear ambition have been frozen since April, when North Korea defiantly launched a long-range rocket that failed moments after lift-off. The defiant launch drew strong condemnation from the U.N. Security Council as a disguised test of ballistic missile technology, and led to the collapse of the so-called "Leap Day" deal with the U.S., under which Washington would resume food aid to Pyongyang in return for a monitored shutdown of the North's nuclear activities. Although North Korea reneged on the deal, Bosworth expected Kore
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