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HOW TO 2008: How To Do Almost Anything With Social Media - 0 views

    Kokoelma vuoden 2008 parhaista Mashablen sosiaalisen median howto-oppaista.

Online v. print reading: which one makes us smarter? : Scientific American Blog - 0 views

  • The process involves so much physical manipulation of the computer that it interferes with our ability to focus on and appreciate what we're reading
  • multimedia features, such as links to videos and animations, leave little room for imagination, limiting our ability to form our own mental pictures to illustrate what we're reading.
  • The visual happenings on the screen… and your physical interaction with the device is distracting," Mangen says. "All of these things are taxing on cognition and concentration in a way that a book is not."
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • implications of digital technology should be considered when deciding whether to incorporate computer teaching tools into classroom instruction.
  • many older people may absorb more or learn faster by flipping through pages, because their brains have been trained to read hard copy, whereas younger readers may learn faster digitally, because they're accustomed to working online
    Anne Mangen heittää teorian, että tietokoneen käsittely tuottaa kognitiivista kuormaa ja siten voi haitata oppimista. Uutisessa on lainattu myös muiden tutkijoiden eriäviä mielipiteitä. Joka tapauksessa kannattaa miettiä, missä tilanteissa tietokoneen käyttö on perusteltua ja milloin pitäisi voida keskittyä materiaalin sisäistämiseen ilman häiriötekijöitä.
    Manipulating the terminal device may cause cognitive load, which interferes with the cognitive challenge of learning what you read.

YouTube vs. TeacherTube - 0 views

    Darren was asked why he chose to use YouTube instead of TeacherTube as a platform for his students to share their videos. Here's the answer.
    Kolme syytä, miksi YouTube on parempi kuin TeacherTube myös koulukäytössä.

A Minimalist's Guide to Using Twitter Simply, Productively, and Funly | Zen Habits - 0 views

  • I learned the secret of Twitter: don’t try to keep up.
  • Don’t follow a lot of people.
  • Don’t tweet too much.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Don’t be on Twitter all the time.
  • Make announcements.
  • Ask questions.
  • Tell people interesting things.
  • Jump into conversations sometimes.
    Ohjeita Twitterin käyttöön ilman, että se vie kaiken aikasi. Samat ohjeet pätevät pitkälti myös Jaikuun.
    Tips on using Twitter. "I learned the secret of Twitter: don't try to keep up."

E-Learning Journeys: Flat Classroom Project 2008 Awards - Student Achievement - 0 views

    Vuoden 2008 päätöstilaisuus Flat Classroom -projektissa. Oppijoiden tuottamia videoita, palkintoseremonian puheet ja vuoden päätöstunnelmat.

Christopher D. Sessums :: Blog :: Driven to Distraction: Notes on Young Adults Living a... - 0 views

  • This quote struck me on many levels. Specifically, the notion of being distracted in the "other features" seemed to be a loaded statement. Do students consider exploring outside the realm of what is defined as "learning" as a distraction? Isn't exploring different facets of an application just as important as using it for its intended purpose? This led me to consider how many educators have so poisoned students thinking that being "off-task" is even considered to be a bad thing. Have we so stymied students that they believe if they are not formally "learning," if they become "sidetracked," that they are wasting their time? When did curiosity become a negative thing? (When it killed the proverbial cat, I suppose.) As I think about it, if young adults find new media a distraction, then perhaps "learning" has become too narrowly defined. This then led me to wonder how we can "measure" self-directed learning in this new media context? In other words, how can we show the different levels of learning that takes place in these new contexts?
    Christopher Sessums pohtii, ovatko sosiaalisen median tarjoamat seikkailumahdollisuudet todella haitallisia oppimiselle, vai ovatko ne oppimisen ydintä.
    Do students consider exploring outside the realm of what is defined as "learning" as a distraction? Isn't exploring different facets of an application just as important as using it for its intended purpose? This led me to consider how many educators have so poisoned students thinking that being "off-task" is even considered to be a bad thing.

Cognitive Daily: Does mentioning SEX help students learn about other stuff too? - 0 views

  • Sexy examples, it seems, distract from the learning task. The researchers aren't suggesting that teachers start using boring examples, either -- what's best is to present only information that's relevant to what's being learned. Adding in irrelevant examples, especially the juicy ones, only makes learning more difficult.
  • In the study, the irrelevant materials were about 30 percent of the total material presented. Maybe if attention-getting examples could be reduced to, say, 10 percent of the total, they'd serve their purpose without getting in the way of learning.
    Luennon höystäminen mielenkiintoisilla asiaan liittymättömillä tarinoilla voi jopa haitata oppimista.
    Spicing up a lecture with irrelevant examples and anecdotes: Students can apply information better if the irrelevant sections are boring. If they are very interesting or sexy, they do worse.

How to Present While People are Twittering | Pistachio - 0 views

    Twitter, Jaiku ja monet muut välineet mahdollistavat yleisön osallistumisen esitykseen. Tässä käydään läpi backchannelin hyödyt sekä ohjeita esiintyjälle.

Facebook "Error Check System" Application Still Runs Rampant (Updated) - 0 views

    Facebookissa leviää "Error Check System"-nimellä kulkeva sovellus, joka huijaa käyttäjiä asentamaan sen profiiliinsa. Älä asenna. Ja yleensäkin kannattaa miettiä, mitä sovelluksia FB:ssä asentaa - sovelluksen tekijä kun saa täydelliset profiili- ja verkostotietosi omaan käyttöönsä.

wePapers - Creating the world's biggest study group - 0 views

    WePapers sisältää web-luettavia dokumentteja akateemisista oppiaineista.

100 Free and Useful Open Courseware Classes for Web Workers - Learn-gasm - 0 views

    Good collection of OCW courses for web professionals, mainly from MIT.
    Täältä voi löytyä hyviä kursseja webiin tutustuville opettajillekin.

Laptops in lectures | Tony Bates - 0 views

  • f most students have laptops, why are they still having physically to come to a lecture hall? Why can’t they get a podcast of the lecture? Second, if they are coming, why are the lecturers not requiring them to use their laptops for study?
  • So, yes, there are occasions when lectures work very well. But they should not be the default model for regular teaching in higher education. There are much better ways to teach that will result in better learning over the length of a course or program.
    Luennolla läppäriä käyttävät opiskelijat pärjäävät opinnoissaan muita huonommin. Miksi? Tässä artikkelissa on pohdintaa aiheesta.
    An article about students bringing lap-tops to lectures, with research indicating that students who use laptops in class do less well than students without laptops.

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Web 3D: Students using OpenSim Reflect on the Pressing Issues th... - 0 views

    Kokemuksia Second Lifen käytöstä opetuksessa, mukaanlukien oppilaiden omia videohaastatteluita. Käytössä on OpenSim, eli ei-kaupallinen virtuaalimaailma, joka toimii Second Lifen tavoin (ja samalla asiakasohjelmallakin tarvittaessa).
    Vicki Davis reflects on their students' use of Second Life (OpenSim), and related pedagogical concerns.

Why use WPMU in K12? at Bionic Teaching - 0 views

    Wordpressin MU-version käyttösyitä opetuksessa.
    Reasons for using Wordpress MultiUser in schools. MU allows you to host any number of wordpress blogs within a single installation, so maintenance and upgrading is a breeze.

10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know - 0 views

    Tärkeimmät yksityisyyssäädöt, joilla voit valita, mitä muut näkevät Facebook-profiilistasi. Käy läpi kaverilistat, kuvataggaukset, seinäkirjoitukset jne.

OpenID Explained - 0 views

    Sivu kertoo kattavasti mutta yksinkertaisesti, mistä OpenID:ssä on kysymys.
    An OpenID is a way of identifying yourself no matter which web site you visit. It's like a driver's license for the entire Internet. But, it's even more than that because you can (if you want) associate information with your OpenID like your name and your e-mail address, and then you choose how much web sites get to see about you. This means that web sites that take advantage of OpenID won't bother you for the same information over and over again.

Using Befuddlr in the classroom | ICT in my Classroom - 0 views

    Tom Barrett näyttää opetuksellisia esimerkkejä Befuddlr-palvelusta, joka tekee lähetetyistä kuvista palapelejä.

Facebook for Parents - 0 views

    Facebookin käyttöohjeet vanhemmille. 5 askelta, joilla pääsee alkuun.

10 Ways Social Media Will Change in 2009 - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

    10 ennustusta tämän vuoden trendeistä sosiaalisessa mediassa.

100 Interesting Ways | ICT in my Classroom - 0 views

    Odotin vihdoin näkeväni, mitä pedagogisesti perusteltuja uusia oppimistoimintoja smartboardilla saa aikaan. Mutta vinkit olivatkin enemmän teknisiä vinkkejä, eivät niinkään pedagogisia. Pari kiinnostavinta olivat #24 ja #38. Edelleen odotan, että joku kertoisi minulle, mitä hyötyä näistä kalliista leluista oikein on opetukselle.
    Tom Barrett kertoo 101 mielenkiintoista tapaa hyödyntää smartboardeja, Google Earthia, Google Docsia ja videokameroita opetuksessa.
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