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kuni katsuya

From Spring to Java EE 6 - Java Code Geeks - 1 views

  • prototyped application was designed as a standalone pure Spring applicatio
  • Spring v3
  • analyzed the interest of switching to a Java EE 6
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • can we do in Java EE 6 everything we can do in Spring ? can we do that as easy as in Spring ?
  • yes we can !
  • I am still - a real Spring fanboy (which I, historically speaking, discovered after having been literally disgusted by EJB's 1.0)
  • booting really fast
  • Spring has an outstanding JMS support
  • Conclusion
  • Arguing that things are in Spring much simpler, much lighter than in Java EE is not - more exactly, no more – true
  • Contexts & Dependency Injection Messaging Transaction management Web services
  • From Spring to Java EE 6
kuni katsuya

Services, practices & tools that should exist in any software development house, part 1... - 1 views

  • Services, practices & tools that should exist in any software development house, part 1
  • Code repository/Versioning system
  • Issue & Bug Tracker
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Corporate - central Wiki
  • Build Server (Continuous Integration)
  • Testing (tools and practices)
  • Code Coverage
  • Services, practices & tools that should exist in any software development house, part 1
kuni katsuya

Around the World in Java: JBoss AS 7: Catching up with Java EE 6 - 1 views

  • JBoss AS 7.0.2 (Full Profile)
  • JBoss AS 7, claiming to be lightning fast
  • Eclipse Integration
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • JBoss AS Tools
  • able to deploy my application directly from the workspace
  • bad news is that JBoss AS 7 does not currently support other persistence providers like Eclipselink, OpenJPA or DataNucleus
  • GlassFish and Resin, you can simply drop the JARs of your preferred provider and its dependencies in a designated folder of your server installation and edit your persistence.xml to override the default provider of the server
  • JBoss AS 7 appears to require an adapter per persistence provider, which to me looks like an unfortunate and unnecessary design decision
  • potential to take over the lead from GlassFish
  • documentation continues to be sketchy and far below the standard of JBoss AS 5
  • surprisingly lean and fast
  • top-level performance
  • classloader leaks
  • productivity issues of the Eclipse integration
  • lack of support for JPA providers other than Hibernate
  • Each of these is currently a blocker for using JBoss AS 7 in production
  • Redeployment
  • after a couple of redeployments, there was an OutOfMemoryError
  • new classloader leak
  • JBoss AS 7: Catching up with Java EE 6
  • Performance measurements
  • JBoss AS 7.0.2
  • GlassFish 3.1.1
  • Empty server startup time 1.9 s
  • 3.2 s
  • Empty server heap memory 10.5 MB
  • 26.5 MB
  • Empty server PermGen memory 36.3 MB
  • 28.4 MB
  • MyApp deployment time 5.8 s
  • JBoss AS 7 is now at a competitive level with Resin and Glassfish and actually outperforms Glassfish in almost all of these tests
kuni katsuya

Article Series: Migrating Spring Applications to Java EE 6 - Part 1 | How to JBoss - 1 views

  • In fact people still love those books without realizing that the world has changed dramatically ever since
  • The reality check here is to wonder whether the rhetorics set forth by Rod Johnson in his 2003/2004 books are still actual today
  • So if you still care about those books, the best way to show your appreciation is probably to use them as your monitor stand
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • The discussion whether or not to use Spring vs. Java EE for new enterprise Java applications is a no-brainer
  • Why migrate?
  • since then fallen a prey to the hungry minds of Venture Capitalists and finally into the hands of a virtualization company called VMware
  • While the different companies and individuals behind the Spring framework have been doing some work in the JCP their voting behavior on important JSRs is peculiar to say the least
  • outdated ORM solution like JDBC templates
  • some developers completely stopped looking at new developments in the Java EE space and might have lost track of the current state of technology
  • size of the deployment archive
  • fairly standard Java EE 6 application will take up about 100 kilobytes
  • comparable Spring application weighs in at a whopping 30 Megabytes!
  • Lightweight
  • Firing up the latest JBoss AS 7 Application Server from scratch and deploying a full blown Java EE 6 application into the server takes somewhere between two and five seconds on a standard machine. This is in the same league as a Tomcat / Spring combo
  • Dependency injection
  • Java EE 6, the Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) specification was introduced to the Java platform, which has a very powerful contextual DI model adding extensibility of injectable enterprise services
  • Aspect Oriented Programming
  • “AOP Light” and this is exactly what Java EE Interceptors do
  • common pitfall when taking AOP too far is that your code might end up all asymmetric and unreadable. This is due to the fact that the aspect and its implementation are not in the same place. Determining what a piece of code will do at runtime at a glance will be really hard
  • Testing
  • With Arquillian we can get rid of mocking frameworks and test Java EE components in their natural environment
  • Tooling
  • capabilities comparison matrix below to map Spring’s technology to that of Java EE
  • Capability Spring JavaEE Dependency Injection Spring Container CDI Transactions AOP / annotations EJB Web framework Spring Web MVC JSF AOP AspectJ (limited to Spring beans) Interceptors Messaging JMS JMS / CDI Data Access JDBC templates / other ORM / JPA JPA RESTful Web Services Spring Web MVC (3.0) JAX-RS Integration testing Spring Test framework Arquillian *
kuni katsuya

In Relation To...  Some tips on using Hibernate in JBoss AS 7.0.0.Final - 1 views

  • Some tips on using Hibernate in JBoss AS 7.0.0.Final
  • migrating Hibernate 3-based applications to JBoss AS7,
  • Container-deployed persistence units
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Application-created persistence units
  • Native Hibernate applications
  • native (i.e. non-JPA)
  • JPA applications that create an EntityManagerFactory on their own, either using the PersistenceProvider SPI directly or through an intermediary mechanism such as Spring's LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean
  • standard Java EE-applications may ignore the provider implementation and rely on the standard features provided by the container - JBoss AS7 supporting standard JPA 1.0 and 2.0
  • future versions of JBoss AS7 it will be possible to use alternative persistence provider implementations
kuni katsuya

CDIFeatures72 - NetBeans Wiki - 1 views

  • CDIFeatures72
  • CDI Enhancements Functional Specification
  • pre-planning purposes ONLY
kuni katsuya

Part 3 of dependency injection in Java EE 6 - 1 views

  • powerful way of formalizing the recurring bean roles that often arise as a result of application architectural patterns
kuni katsuya

Spring vs Java EE Web Dev: Using Shiro for Authorization via CDI Interceptors then Easi... - 1 views

  • Using Shiro for Authorization via CDI Interceptors then Easily Test with Arquillian Did you know Apache Shiro is an easy-to-use security
  • @Secured @NamedResource("contact")
  • Interceptors will be ignored by CDI container unless it is listed in beans.xml
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Tells the security interceptor to check the permission using "contact" as the resource name, not "contactmanager" inflected from the class name ContactManager
  • @NamedResource("contact")
kuni katsuya

Not able to set global mime-mapping | JBoss AS 7 | JBoss Community - 1 views

  • Not able to set global mime-mapping
  • mime-mapping is complex field and not resource. that is why it has its own operation handlers add-mime/remove-mime to handle its value. what are you trying to achive can be done by command:
  • /subsystem=web/configuration=container:add-mime(name=manifest,value="text/cache-manifest")
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Just bit of a warning when using this, there was a bug in 7.1.1 when you added mime type that prevented server to please use 7.1.2 or 7.2 nightly builds where this is fixed.
kuni katsuya

JBoss Web Configuration Reference - The WEB subsystem - 1 views

  • mime-mapping That is the mapping of file extension to the Content-Type mime header. Most of the current file extensions are already hard coded in the web subsystem, you only need to add a mime-mapping is you want to overwrite the default mapping for a file extension or add a new file extension to the mapping. See below for more. There could be more than one mime-mapping per configuration.
  • mime-mapping The mime-mapping of configurationWeb SubSystem supports the following attributes: AttributeDescriptionname File extension to map. value Value to use.
kuni katsuya

Refactoring Databases - Evolutionary Database Design - 1 views

  • Evolutionary Database Design
  • Refactoring Databases : Evolutionary Database Design
  • Recipes for Continuous Database Integration
kuni katsuya

checkstyle - Checkstyle 5.5 - 0 views

  • Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard
  • Checkstyle 5.5
kuni katsuya

Software Quality Environment: Wiki: Home - Project Kenai - 0 views

  • SQE attempts to provide first-class NetBeans IDE integration for different software quality tools.
  • Currently supported tools: FindBugs PMD CheckStyle Dependency Finder
kuni katsuya

FindBugs™ - Find Bugs in Java Programs - 0 views

  • FindBugs, a program which uses static analysis to look for bugs in Java code
  • Maven
  • Netbeans SQE: Software Quality Environment
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Hudson
  • FindBugs™ - Find Bugs in Java Programs
kuni katsuya

Best Practices - 0 views

  • Best Practices
  • start with some of the obvious rulesets - just run unusedcode and fix any unused locals and fields. Then, run basic and fix all the empty if statements and such-like. Then peruse the design and controversial rulesets and use the ones you like via a custom ruleset
  • Using PMD within your IDE is much more enjoyable than flipping back and forth between an HTML report and your IDE
kuni katsuya

Introduction - 0 views

kuni katsuya

Welcome to PMD - 0 views

kuni katsuya

Why I will use Java EE instead of Spring in new Enterprise Java Projects in 2012 - Java... - 0 views

  • J2EE was horrible
  • This is why the Spring framework was created
  • It was lightweight, easy to use, and applications could be deployed in a web container (such as Tomcat) instead of a heavy J2EE application server
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Pros and Cons of JEE and Spring
  • Advantages of JEE
  • set of standard specifications, thus it is vendor-independent
  • testing is possible!
  • Lightweight application servers and frameworks such as Arquillian arrived
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