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kuni katsuya

Chapter 15. Data Management - 1 views

  •  abstractEntity.uid();
    • kuni katsuya
      sets the uid before persist
  •  UUID.randomUUID().toString();
  • AbstractEntity 
  • ...70 more annotations...
  • @MappedSuperclass
  • Important things on ID/UID
  • entity lives in three layers:
  • Flex client
  • JPA persistence context
  • database
  • When updating existing entities coming from the database
  • id is defined and is maintained in the three layers during the different serialization/persistence operations
  • when a new entity is being created in any of the two upper layers (Flex/JPA)
  • new entity has no id until it has been persisted to the database
  • most common solution is to
  • have a second persisted id, the uid
  • which is created by the client and persisted along with the entity
  • recommended approach to avoid any kind of subtle problems is to have a real uid property which will be persisted in the database but is not a primary key for efficiency concerns
  • You can now ask Tide to
  • limit the object graph before sending it
  • Flex with the following API :
  • EntityGraphUnintializer
  • uninitializeEntityGraph
  • Person object will be uninitialized
  • uperson contains
  • only the minimum of data
  • to correctly merge your changes in the server persistence context
  • Tide uses the
  • client data tracking
  • to determine which parts of the graph need to be sent
  • Calling the EntityGraphUninitializer manually is a bit tedious and ugly, so there is a cleaner possibility when you are using generated typesafe service proxies
  • annotate your service method arguments with :
  • @Lazy
  • take care that you have added the [Lazy] annotation to your Flex metadata compilation configuration
  • in the Flex application, register the UninitializeArgumentPreprocessor component in Tide as follows :
  • [UninitializeArgumentPreprocessor]
  • all calls to will
  • automatically use a properly uninitialized version
  • of the person argument.
  • 15.4. Dirty Checking and Conflict Handling
  • simplify the handling of data between Flex and Java EE
  • Chapter 15. Data Management
  • Tide maintains a client-side cache of entity instances and ensures that every instance is unique in the Flex client context
  •  uid().hashCode();
  • Tide currently only supports Integer or Long version fields, not timestamps and that the field must be nullable
  • in a multi-tier environment (@Version annotation)
  • highly recommended to use
  • JPA optimistic locking
  • highly recommended to add a
  • persistent uid field
  • AbstractEntity
  • in general this identifier will be
  • initialized from Flex
  • @Column(name="ENTITY_UID", unique=true, nullable=false, updatable=false, length=36)     private String uid;
  • @Version     private Integer version;
  • uid().equals(((AbstractEntity)o).uid())
  • consistent identifier through all application layers
  • @PrePersist
  • 15.3. Reverse Lazy Loading
  • 15.4. Dirty Checking and Conflict Handling
  • 15.4. Dirty Checking and Conflict Handling
  • 15.4. Dirty Checking and Conflict Handling
  • Dirty Checking and Conflict Handling
  • entity instance can be in two states :
  • Stable
  • Dirty
  • property meta_dirty is
  • bindable
  • could be used
  • to enable/disable a Save button
  • correct way of knowing if any object has been changed in the context, is to use the property meta_dirty of the Tide context
  • tideContext.meta_dirty
  • reliable when using optimistic locking
  • check that its @Version field has been incremented
kuni katsuya

Spring Flex | - 0 views

  • Spring Flex
  • purpose is to make it easier to build Spring-powered Rich Internet Applications using Adobe Flex as the front-end client
  • providing first-class support for using the open source Adobe BlazeDS project and its powerful remoting and messaging facilities in combination with the familiar Spring programming model
kuni katsuya

In Relation To...  Bean Validation for Flex developers - 0 views

  • Bean Validation for Flex developers
  • GraniteDS have added support for Bean Validation into their project and hence Bean Validation is usable by all Flex users
  • Because they do not run on the JVM, they basically have reimplemented the full specification in Flex: you can annotate your ActionScript3 objects with constraints: it supports all the standard constraints and you can write your own constraints you can execute the validation logic and retrieve the error report you can make use of most of the feature including advanced ones like groups, group sequence etc
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • for GraniteDS users keeping their Java domain model and ActionScript3 domain model in sync via Gas3, the constraints are kept in sync
  • a couple of gotchas to be aware of
  • the constraint implementation is in the same class as the constraint declaration (not a problem in a dynamic language) @Pattern has a sightly different semantic because the regexp engine in Flex is a bit different. instead of the features provided by ConstraintValidatorContext, you can define a properties attribute in your constraints to make it belong to several sub-properties. not as flexible but good enough in many cases.
kuni katsuya

java - Flex+JPA/Hibernate+BlazeDS+MySQL how to debug this monster? - Stack Overflow - 0 views

  • Set break points in my Java code Start up the Java application server with the appropriate debug JVM properties set (e.g. -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n) From Eclipse, I attach a remote debugger to the app server on the default port 8000. The Java Debugger will open up when a break point is hit. Set breakpoints in my Flex application (or one of its modules). From Eclipse (with Flash Builder) I launch a debug configuration for my Flex app. The Flex Debugger will open up when a break point is hit. At this point I have two debuggers open and everything work great. Two other things I do: a) extend the transaction system timeout, so it doesn't get trigger while I am sitting there think for a few minutes b) use Charles Proxy (in reverse proxy mode) inbetween the client and server to watch the AMF traffic and view payloads, etc.
  • Flex+JPA/Hibernate+BlazeDS+MySQL how to debug this monster?
kuni katsuya

Chapter 15. Data Management - 0 views

  • Data Management
  • Tide provides an integration between the Flex/LCDS concept of managed entities and the server persistence context (JPA or Hibernate)
  • Tide maintains a client-side cache of entity instances and ensures that every instance is unique in the Flex client context
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • highly recommended to use JPA optimistic locking in a multi-tier environment (@Version annotation)
  • Tip The easiest and recommended way for getting Tide enabled managed entities is to generate them from Java classes with Gas3 or the GDS Eclipse builder using the tide="true" option.
  • In a typical Flex/app server/database application, an entity lives in three layers: the Flex client the Hibernate/JPA persistence context the database
  • only invariant is the id.
  • id reliably links the different existing versions of the entity in the three layers
kuni katsuya

8. Bean Validation (JSR-303) - Confluence - 0 views

  • "Bean Validation" specification (aka JSR-303) standardizes an annotation-based validation framework for Java
  • Flex doesn't provide by itself such framework. The standard way of processing validation is to use Validator subclasses and to bind each validator to each user input (see Validating data). This method is at least time consuming for the developer, source of inconsistancies between the client-side and the server-side validation processes, and source of redundancies in your MXML code.
  • GraniteDS introduces an ActionsScript3 implementation of the Bean Validation specification and provides code generation tools integration so that your Java constraint annotations are reproduced in your AS3 beans
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • GraniteDS validation framework provides a set of standard constraints
  • Constraint Description AssertFalse The annotated element must be false AssertTrue The annotated element must be true DecimalMax The annotated element must be a number whose value must be lower or equal to the specified maximum DecimalMin The annotated element must be a number whose value must be greater or equal to the specified minimum Digits The annotated element must be a number whithin accepted range Future The annotated element must be a date in the future Max The annotated element must be a number whose value must be lower or equal to the specified maximum Min The annotated element must be a number whose value must be greater or equal to the specified minimum NotNull The annotated element must not be null Null The annotated element must be null Past The annotated element must be a date in the past Pattern The annotated String must match the supplied regular expression Size The annotated element size must be between the specified boundaries (included)
  • Constraint annotations must be placed on public properties, either public variables or public accessors
  • -keep-as3-metadata+=AssertFalse,AssertTrue,DecimalMax,DecimalMin, Digits,Future,Max,Min,NotNull,Null,Past,Pattern,Size
  • must use
  • keep the constraint annotations in your compiled code
  • Error Messages and Localization
  • {name.notnull}
  • {name.minsize}
  • use the built-in ResourceBundle support offered by Flex:
  • to add support for different locales
  • follow the same principle:
  • create a for the new locale
  • translate all default error messages and add new ones for your customized message keys
  • Note that the bundle name must always be set to "ValidationMessages".
  • Using the FormValidator Class
kuni katsuya

Dragos Dascalita Haut » Flex - 0 views

  • 14 Jul How to build a Flex Mobile App with Maven
kuni katsuya

Lazy Loading with Flex, BlazeDS and Hibernate | RIA Zone - 0 views

  • Lazy Loading with Flex, BlazeDS and Hibernate
  • By using dpHibernate and lazy loading, none of this extra work is required
  • proxies are sent initially for collections and complex objects, and fetched on-demand when requested by the client
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Note that dpHibernate doesn't depend on Spring
  • entity classes must implement the org.dphibernate.core.IHibernateProxy interface, both on the Java and Actionscript classes
kuni katsuya

2. Flex application initialization - Confluence - 0 views

  • Application initialization
  • correct integration singleton for your application
  • depends on the server framework
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Spring, Seam, Ejb, Cdi
  • It's even possible to use the Tide framework if you don't use GraniteDS as the AMF remoting provider by initializing the application with the singleton Tide.
  • Client-side setup for remoting
  • initialize manually the Flex remoting channels that will be used by Tide
  • use the DefaultServiceInitializer component
  • of course don't forget to change the context root to your web app path
  • { contextRoot: "/my-app" }
kuni katsuya

[#SHIRO-160] Flex integration with Shiro - ASF JIRA - 0 views

kuni katsuya

Interview of GraniteDS founders | RIAgora - 0 views

  • explained the origin of GraniteDS and the differences with LiveCycle Data Services
  • ActionScript3 reflection API
  • GraniteDS 2.2
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • JSR-303 (“Bean Validation”) ActionScript3 framework for form validation
  • validation framework is a specific adaptation of the JSR-303 (Bean Validation) specification to Flex: like its Java counterpart, it relies on validation annotations placed on bean properties and provides an engine API that lets you validate your forms without writing by hand a specific validator for each of your input fields
  • code generation tools provided by GraniteDS so that when you write your Java entity bean with validation annotations, they are automatically replicated in your ActionScript3 beans
  • problem with LCDS is mainly that it promotes a strict “client / server” architecture, with – roughly speaking – a heavy Flex client application connected to a server almost reduced to a database frontend
  • big majority of  these organizations use BlazeDS, a free and open-source subset of LCDS
  • need more advanced mechanisms than just Remoting start looking for open-source libraries to enable deeper integrations with the Java business layer, and GraniteDS is for sure the most popular project
  • “Flex Data Services” (now renamed to “Live Cycle Data Services”)
  • Flex Data Services seemed too “client-centric”
kuni katsuya

Performance, Load and Stress testing of Flex applications - 0 views

  • NeoLoad
  • can create scenarios to test your Flex applications' behavior under stress and validate their performances, while pinpointing any weaknesses
  • Record the AMF traffic to be played back
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Extract/replace AMF data during the test in order to variabilize the calls
  • Automatically handle the session IDs used by AMF
kuni katsuya

FlexMojos | Sonatype - 0 views

  • What is flex-mojos? A collection of maven plugins to allow maven to compile, optimize, and test Flex SWF, Flex SWC, Air SWF, Air SWC and Air package The main goal is to provide full support to all mxmlc/compc options.
kuni katsuya

JBoss AS 7 | Granite Data Services - 0 views

  • JBoss AS 7 with GDS 2.3
  • JBoss AS 7 is its deep integration with Hibernate 4 which makes very painful to deploy Hibernate 3.x applications
  • recommended to upgrade to H4
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • GraniteDS now fully supports Hibernate 4
  • use the granite-hibernate4.jar instead of granite-hibernate.jar
  • Flex 4.5 broke a few APIs and there were two main issues with Tide : The client libraries crashed when run in a mobile application The PagedQuery was unusable
  • These two issues are now fixed
  • granite-flex45.swc
  • Flex SDK 4.5 here
kuni katsuya

flex - What are the drawbacks of using Spring BlazeDS Integration? - Stack Overflow - 0 views

  • It has no benefits unless you are using Spring on the server
  • What are the drawbacks of using Spring BlazeDS Integration?
  • starting a new project and would like to use Spring and Flex.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • In short, it provides much easier configuration of the backend infrastructure and services you want to expose to the client and it integrates perfectly with the Spring application contexts and the Spring programming model in general.
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