Chapter 15. Data Management - 1 views
kuni katsuya on 23 Apr 13sets the uid before persist
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id is defined and is maintained in the three layers during the different serialization/persistence operations
recommended approach to avoid any kind of subtle problems is to have a real uid property which will be persisted in the database but is not a primary key for efficiency concerns
Calling the EntityGraphUninitializer manually is a bit tedious and ugly, so there is a cleaner possibility when you are using generated typesafe service proxies
in the Flex application, register the UninitializeArgumentPreprocessor component in Tide as follows :
Tide maintains a client-side cache of entity instances and ensures that every instance is unique in the Flex client context
Tide currently only supports Integer or Long version fields, not timestamps and that the field must be nullable
@Column(name="ENTITY_UID", unique=true, nullable=false, updatable=false, length=36) private String uid;
correct way of knowing if any object has been changed in the context, is to use the property meta_dirty of the Tide context