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kuni katsuya

Overview of Interceptors - The Java EE 6 Tutorial - 0 views

  • Overview of Interceptors
  • allow developers to invoke interceptor methods in conjunction with method invocations or lifecycle events on an associated target class
  • logging, auditing, or profiling
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Interceptor classes and methods are defined using metadata annotations, or in the deployment descriptor of the application containing the interceptors and target classes
  • Interceptor Metadata Annotations
  • AroundInvoke
  • AroundTimeout
  • PostConstruct
  • PreDestroy
  • Interceptor classes must have a public, no-argument constructor
kuni katsuya

Extending the security interceptor for Weld/JSF2 @ Blog of Adam Warski - 1 views

  • Extending the security interceptor for Weld/JSF2
  • simple security interceptor, which checks conditions defined
  • using EL expressions
kuni katsuya

What Is The @Interceptors Overhead? : Adam Bien's Weblog - 0 views

  • What Is The @Interceptors Overhead?
  • two, empty, interceptors
  • TypeAverageMinMaxTransactions/Sec Plain EJB 3.11082833.66 Intercepted EJB 3.11092818.88
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Even applying two interceptors on a @Stateless EJB 3.1 does not make a significant performance impact. In worst case the performance difference is 1 ms and so negligible.
kuni katsuya

Spring vs Java EE Web Dev: Using Shiro for Authorization via CDI Interceptors then Easi... - 1 views

  • Using Shiro for Authorization via CDI Interceptors then Easily Test with Arquillian Did you know Apache Shiro is an easy-to-use security
  • @Secured @NamedResource("contact")
  • Interceptors will be ignored by CDI container unless it is listed in beans.xml
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Tells the security interceptor to check the permission using "contact" as the resource name, not "contactmanager" inflected from the class name ContactManager
  • @NamedResource("contact")
kuni katsuya

Transactional Interceptors (Linda DeMichiel's Blog) - 0 views

kuni katsuya

Dependency Injection in Java EE 6 (Part 6) - 0 views

  • one of the most important value propositions for frameworks like Spring has been the ability to easily extend the framework or integrate third-party solutions
  • SPI allows you to register your own beans, custom scopes, stereotypes, interceptors and decorators with CDI even if is it not included in the automatic scanning process (such as perhaps registering Spring beans as CDI beans), programmatically looking up CDI beans and injecting them into your own objects (such as injecting CDI beans into Spring beans) and adding/overriding annotation-metadata from other sources (such as from a database or property file)
  • SPI can be segmented into three parts. Interfaces like Bean, Interceptor and Decorator model container meta-data (there are a few other meta-data interfaces such as ObserverMethod, Producer, InjectionTarget, InjectionPoint, AnnotatedType, AnnotatedMethod, etc). Each meta-data object encapsulates everything that the CDI container needs to know about the meta-data type
kuni katsuya

Comparing JSF Beans, CDI Beans and EJBs | Andy Gibson - 0 views

  • differences between CDI beans and EJBs is that EJBs are : Transactional Remote or local Able to passivate stateful beans freeing up resources Able to make use of timers Can be asynchronous
  • Stateless EJBs can be thought of as thread safe single-use beans that don’t maintain any state between two web requests
  • Stateful EJBs do hold state and can be created and sit around for as long as they are needed until they are disposed of
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Stateless beans must have a dependent scope while a stateful session bean can have any scope. By default they are transactional, but you can use the transaction attribute annotation.
  • CDI beans can be injected into EJBs and EJBs can be injected into CDI beans
  • When to use which bean How do you know when to use which bean? Simple.
  • In general, you should use CDI beans unless you need the advanced functionality available in the EJBs such as transactional functions. You can write your own interceptor to make CDI beans transactional, but for now, its simpler to use an EJB until CDI gets transactional CDI beans which is just around the corner
  • Comparing JSF Beans, CDI Beans and EJBs
  • JSF Managed Beans
  • In short, don’t use them if you are developing for Java EE 6 and using CDI. They provide a simple mechanism for dependency injection and defining backing beans for web pages, but they are far less powerful than CDI beans.
  • JSF beans cannot be mixed with other kinds of beans without some kind of manual coding.
  • CDI Beans
  • includes a complete, comprehensive managed bean facility
  • interceptors, conversation scope, Events, type safe injection, decorators, stereotypes and producer methods
  • JSF-like features, you can define the scope of the CDI bean using one of the scopes defined in the javax.enterprise.context package (namely, request, conversation, session and application scopes). If you want to use the CDI bean from a JSF page, you can give it a name using the javax.inject.Named annotation
  • Comparing JSF Beans, CDI Beans and EJBs
  • Comparing JSF Beans, CDI Beans and EJBs
  • JSF Managed Beans
kuni katsuya

Article Series: Migrating Spring Applications to Java EE 6 - Part 1 | How to JBoss - 1 views

  • In fact people still love those books without realizing that the world has changed dramatically ever since
  • The reality check here is to wonder whether the rhetorics set forth by Rod Johnson in his 2003/2004 books are still actual today
  • So if you still care about those books, the best way to show your appreciation is probably to use them as your monitor stand
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • The discussion whether or not to use Spring vs. Java EE for new enterprise Java applications is a no-brainer
  • Why migrate?
  • since then fallen a prey to the hungry minds of Venture Capitalists and finally into the hands of a virtualization company called VMware
  • While the different companies and individuals behind the Spring framework have been doing some work in the JCP their voting behavior on important JSRs is peculiar to say the least
  • outdated ORM solution like JDBC templates
  • some developers completely stopped looking at new developments in the Java EE space and might have lost track of the current state of technology
  • size of the deployment archive
  • fairly standard Java EE 6 application will take up about 100 kilobytes
  • comparable Spring application weighs in at a whopping 30 Megabytes!
  • Lightweight
  • Firing up the latest JBoss AS 7 Application Server from scratch and deploying a full blown Java EE 6 application into the server takes somewhere between two and five seconds on a standard machine. This is in the same league as a Tomcat / Spring combo
  • Dependency injection
  • Java EE 6, the Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) specification was introduced to the Java platform, which has a very powerful contextual DI model adding extensibility of injectable enterprise services
  • Aspect Oriented Programming
  • “AOP Light” and this is exactly what Java EE Interceptors do
  • common pitfall when taking AOP too far is that your code might end up all asymmetric and unreadable. This is due to the fact that the aspect and its implementation are not in the same place. Determining what a piece of code will do at runtime at a glance will be really hard
  • Testing
  • With Arquillian we can get rid of mocking frameworks and test Java EE components in their natural environment
  • Tooling
  • capabilities comparison matrix below to map Spring’s technology to that of Java EE
  • Capability Spring JavaEE Dependency Injection Spring Container CDI Transactions AOP / annotations EJB Web framework Spring Web MVC JSF AOP AspectJ (limited to Spring beans) Interceptors Messaging JMS JMS / CDI Data Access JDBC templates / other ORM / JPA JPA RESTful Web Services Spring Web MVC (3.0) JAX-RS Integration testing Spring Test framework Arquillian *
kuni katsuya

Migrating from Spring to Java EE 6 - Part 4 | How to JBoss - 0 views

  • discuss the rationale for migrating your applications from Spring to Java EE 6 and show you real examples of upgrading the web UI, replacing the data access layer, migrating AOP to CDI interceptors, migrating JMX, how to deal with JDBC templates, and as an added bonus will demonstrate how to perform integration tests of you Java EE 6 application using Arquillian
  • EntityManagerClinicTest
  • There is also an interesting Arquillian Persistence extension that integrates DBUnit in Arquillian where you can define your test data externally
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • @RunWith(Arquillian.class)
  • JDBC Templates hardly give any abstraction on top of the database and you’re on your own for Object Relational Mapping. We strongly advise to use JPA wherever possible; it gives portability by abstracting most of the database specific SQL that you would need, and it does all the hard and painful work of object mapping
  • small part of your application
kuni katsuya

[#SHIRO-337] adding support for CDI - ASF JIRA - 0 views

  • Shiro SHIRO-337 adding support for CDI
    • kuni katsuya
      see attached patches until they're rolled into an official shiro release
kuni katsuya

Java EE 7 Roadmap (The Aquarium) - 0 views

  • Java EE 7 Roadmap
  • support for use in cloud environments
  • Web Sockets
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • JSON-P
  • we believe that providing solid support for standardized PaaS-based programming and multi-tenancy would delay the release of Java EE 7 until the spring of 2014
  • way too long
  • defer the remaining aspects of our agenda for PaaS enablement and multi-tenancy support to
  • Java EE 8
  • already laid some of the infrastructure for cloud support in Java EE 7
  • resource definition metadata
  • improved security configuration
  • JPA schema generation
  • Java EE 8 Platform release for the
  • spring of 2015
  • support for HTML 5 in the form of Web Sockets
  • JSON-P
  • simplified JMS 2.0 APIs
  • improved Managed Bean alignment, including
  • transactional interceptors
  • JAX-RS 2.0 client API
  • method-level validation
  • more comprehensive expression language
kuni katsuya

How To Deal With Interfaces In Java EE 6 (or no more Impl) : Adam Bien's Weblog - 0 views

  • How To Deal With Interfaces In Java EE 6 (or no more Impl)
  • In Java EE 6 interfaces became absolutely optional. Neither in EJB 3.1, nor CDI / JSR-330 you need interfaces. You can inject classes directly. They will be still proxied, so all aspects like persistence, transactions, interceptors, decorators are still available. So you are no more forced to implement interfaces by the container
  • used for: Strategy Pattern: there are already several implementations of an algorithm or concept Layering: there is a clear need to hide e.g. an ugly implementation of a legacy framework API (not very common): you have to expose a API, which gets implemented by SPI (e.g. JDBC)
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • If you introduce interfaces intentionally - and not as a general rule, you will considerably reduce the number of files. Your code becomes easier to understand and so maintain
  • Even for decoupling purposes, interfaces are no more needed
  • "Contract First", "Coding To Interfaces" or "Decoupling"
  • is not a reason to introduce an interface for everything
kuni katsuya

Why Service Isn't A ServiceFacade, But ServiceFacade Is Sometimes A Service... : Adam B... - 0 views

  • boundary, which main responsibilities are:Providing coarser granularityEnsuring consistencyProviding a defined entry point which can be easily decorated with aspects / interceptorsExposure of components (what components are we will cover later) functionality to remote clients via IIOP, REST, SOAP, JMS, Hessian etc...
  • ServiceFacade - the facade to Services. The Services just rely on a certain amount of cross cutting aspects and concentrate on the realization of business logic
  • only invokes Services in consistent way, mostly using transactions
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Services can remain independent
  • ServiceFacade combines them
kuni katsuya

JBoss Developer Framework - 0 views

  • migrating Spring Applications to Java EE 6 technology
  • rationale for migrating your applications from Spring to Java EE 6
  • examples of upgrading the web UI, replacing the data access layer, migrating AOP to CDI interceptors, migrating JMX, how to deal with JDBC templates
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • how to perform integration tests of you Java EE 6 application using Arquillian
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