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kuni katsuya

Fiddler Web Debugger - Configuring clients - 0 views

  • Debug traffic from another machine (even a device or Unix box)
  • Allow remote clients to connect
    "HTTP application to use Fiddler? You can either directly configure the WinHTTP application to point to Fiddler, in code, or you can use the following command at the command prompt to tell WinHTTP to use Fiddler: On XP or below: proxycfg -p http=;https= ...or this one to force WinHTTP to use WinINET's proxy settings: proxycfg -u On Vista or above, use an Elevated (admin) command prompt: netsh winhttp set proxy Note: On Windows 7 and earlier, netsh is bitness specific, so you may want to run the above command twice: first using the 32bit NETSH and then using the 64bit NETSH. This blog has more information. This issue was fixed in Windows 8; you can call either NetSh just once to set the proxy for both 32bit and 64bit WinHTTP hosts. Capture traffic from a different account, like ASP.NET on IIS or from a Windows Service? Trying to capture SOAP calls coming from ASP.NET or some background service process?  By default, Fiddler registers as the proxy only for the current user account (ASP.NET runs in a different user account). To get a background process (like the ASP.NET or IIS process) to use Fiddler, you must configure that process to use Fiddler. Typically, this is done by editing web.config or machine.config for the ASP.NET installation, or the configuration for the code running within the Windows Service. Please see or the section on .NET or WinHTTP, depending on which network stack the service is using. Configure Windows Phone 7 to use Fiddler? Please see for actual device hardware, or for the emulator. Configure Google Nexus 7 (Andoid 4.1 Jellybean) to use Fiddler? Please see this page. Configure Android Emulator to use Fiddler? Please see http://au
kuni katsuya

IRC FAQ - Eclipsepedia - 0 views

  • Where are Eclipse preferences stored?
  • Preferences are stored in various places (this applies to Eclipse 3.1)
  • for each installation (but this may vary for multi-user installations), in files stored in <eclipse_home>/eclipse/configuration/.settings/
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • for each workspace, in files stored in <workspace>/.metadata/.plugin/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings
  • for each project --for project-level settings -- in files stored in a .settings sub-directory of your project folder
  • Is there an UML editor for Eclipse? An Eclipse Modelling project-based UML editor can be installed from the Eclipse update site "Modelling > UML2 Tools SDK". See Creating UML 2 diagrams with Eclipse UML2 Tools - Tutorial for an introduction.
  • How do I debug Eclipse? How can I see what plug-ins are being started? Why aren't the plug-ins I installed showing up in the UI? How do I start the OSGi console?
  • Debugging OSGi Bundle Loading Issues There are a few flags you can pass to Eclipse on the commandline or in your eclipse.ini file that might help: -consolelog - log everything in workspace/.metadata/.log to the console where you launched Eclipse as well -debug - more verbose console output -console - start the Equinox OSGi console to interact with OSGi directly -noexit - when Eclipse closes, keep the OSGi console running until you type 'exit' or hit CTRL-C so you can keep debugging See Where Is My Bundle? for an overview of how to use the OSGi console for diagnosing problems.
  • Debugging Eclipse Using Eclipse You can also debug an Eclipse instance from another instance through remote debugging: Start the instance to be debugged with "-vmargs -Xdebug -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=8000". You should see a message like "Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000" Open Run → Debug Configurations... and create a Remote Java Application configuration with connection type "Socket Attach" and connecting to the client at port 8000. Set the project to a bundle project with the right dependencies for the bundles that you are trying to debug. Launch the configuration. The JDWP agent supports other useful arguments, like "suspend=n" so that the process does not suspend. For more details, see Oracle's Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP) connection docs.
  • I just installed Eclipse on my 64-bit system, but it does not start. What is the problem? Make sure that you have downloaded the 64-bit version of Eclipse (it should have x86_64 somewhere in its name) and have installed a 64-bit JVM. Likewise, if you run a 32-bit JVM, then you should use the 32-bit version of Eclipse.
  • When I start Eclipse it says "Workspace in use or cannot be created, choose a different one.", what should I do? There are a couple of things you can try. Delete the workspace/.metadata/.lock file. Check your running processes to make sure there aren't any remaining Java or Eclipse processes running. When in doubt, restart your computer. :) Try starting Eclipse on a different workspace (from the workspace selection dialog, or by using a command line argument like -data /home/user/tmp-workspace), then switch back to your original workspace.
  • How do I uninstall a plug-in? You can view your list of installed software by checking your installation details from about dialog. Help > About > Installation Details
  • I'm having memory, heap, or permgen problems, what can I do? FAQ How do I increase the heap size available to Eclipse? FAQ How do I increase the permgen size available to Eclipse?
  • Eclipse seems to be hanging on startup. How can I find out why? If none of the solutions outlined in this section reveal the problem, then you can try debugging an Eclipse instance as a debug target from another Eclipse instance. This is surprisingly easy: Start Eclipse in a "new" blank workspace (e.g., C:\TEMP\WS, or /tmp) Create a new Debug configuration: Run -> Debug Configurations; then click on "Eclipse Applications" and select the New Launch Configuration. If you believe it's something about a particular workspace, then set the workspace to your normal workspace. If you believe the hang is caused by a particular plugin, disable the plugin and verify. Launch and then see. Using this approach, you can break with the debugger to see where hangs are occurring. You can also change the selection of plugins that the instance is launched with.
  • I was working on a project and doing something or other does not work. Where should I start? Try refreshing your projects. Try cleaning your your projects using the menu item Project/Clean to trigger a rebuild. Try closing/reopening your projects. Try restarting Eclipse.
  • 4.2 Where are Eclipse's log files located?
  • Where are Eclipse's log files located? <workspace>/.metadata/.log You can view this workspace log as a view if you have PDE installed on your computer (which you would if you have downloaded the Eclipse SDK). You can open that view via Window -> Show View -> Other -> PDE Runtime -> Error Log. <eclipse install>/configuration/<sometimestamp>.log <eclipse install>/configuration/org.eclipse.update/install.log
  • Where are Eclipse preferences stored?
  • Where are Eclipse preferences stored?
  • Where are Eclipse preferences stored?
  • Where are update site bookmarks stored? It is within an XML file called <user_home>/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_3.1.2/configuration/org.eclipse.update/bookmarks.xml. Your Eclipse version may vary.
    Where are Eclipse preferences stored?
kuni katsuya

How do I migrate my application from AS5 or AS6 to AS7 - JBoss AS 7.0 - Project Documen... - 0 views

  • Configure changes for applications that use Hibernate and JPA
  • Update your Hibernate 3.x application to use Hibernate 4
  • Changes for Hibernate 3.3 applications
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • Changes for Hibernate 3.5 applications
  • if your application uses Hibernate 3 classes that are not available in Hibernate 4, for example, some of the validator or search classes, you may see ClassNotFoundExceptions when you deploy your application. If you encounter this problem, you can try one of two approaches: You may be able to resolve the issue by copying the specific Hibernate 3 JARs containing those classes into the application "/lib" directory or by adding them to the classpath using some other method. In some cases this may result in ClassCastExceptions or other class loading issues due to the mixed use of the Hibernate versions, so you will need to use the second approach. You need to tell the server to use only the Hibernate 3 libraries and you will need to add exclusions for the Hibernate 4 libraries. Details on how to do this are described here: JPA Reference Guide.
  • In previous versions of the application server, the JCA data source configuration was defined in a file with a suffix of *-ds.xml. This file was then deployed in the server's deploy directory. The JDBC driver was copied to the server lib/ directory or packaged in the application's WEB-INF/lib/ directory. In AS7, this has all changed. You will no longer package the JDBC driver with the application or in the server/lib directory. The *-ds.xml file is now obsolete and the datasource configuration information is now defined in the standalone/configuration/standalone.xml or in the domain/configuration/domain.xml file. A JDBC 4-compliant driver can be installed as a deployment or as a core module. A driver that is JDBC 4-compliant contains a META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver file that specifies the driver class name. A driver that is not JDBC 4-compliant requires additional steps, as noted below.
  • DataSource Configuration
  • domain mode, the configuration file is the domain/configuration/domain.xml
  • standalone mode, you will configure the datasource in the standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
  • MySQL datasource element:
  •         <connection-url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/YourApplicationURL</connection-url>        <driver-class> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver </driver-class>        <driver> mysql-connector-java-5.1.15.jar </driver>
  •        <security>            <user-name> USERID </user-name>            <password> PASSWORD</password>        </security>
  • example of the driver element for driver that is not JDBC 4-compliant. The driver-class must be specified since it there is no META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver file that specifies the driver class name.
  •  <driver-class>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</driver-class>
  • JDBC driver can be installed into the container in one of two ways: either as a deployment or as a core module
  • Install the JDBC driver
  • Install the JDBC driver as a deployment
  • In AS7 standalone mode, you simply copy the JDBC 4-compliant JAR into the AS7_HOME/standalone/deployments directory
  • example of a MySQL JDBC driver installed as a deployment:     AS7_HOME/standalone/deployments/mysql-connector-java-5.1.15.jar
kuni katsuya

Data Source Configuration in AS 7 | JBoss AS 7 | JBoss Community - 0 views

  • Data Source Configuration in AS 7
  • Using @DataSourceDefinition to configure a DataSource
  • This annotation requires that a data source implementation class (generally from a JDBC driver JAR) be present on the class path (either by including it in your application, or deploying it as a top-level JAR and referring to it via MANIFEST.MF's Class-Path attribute) and be named explicitly.
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • this annotation bypasses the management layer and as such it is recommended only for development and testing purposes
  • Defining a Managed DataSource
  • Installing a JDBC driver as a deployment
  • Installing the JDBC Driver
  • deployment or as a core module
  • managed by the application server (and thus take advantage of the management and connection pooling facilities it provides), you must perform two tasks.  First, you must make the JDBC driver available to the application server; then you can configure the data source itself.  Once you have performed these tasks you can use the data source via standard JNDI injection.
  • recommended way to install a JDBC driver into the application server is to simply deploy it as a regular JAR deployment.  The reason for this is that when you run your application server in domain mode, deployments are automatically propagated to all servers to which the deployment applies; thus distribution of the driver JAR is one less thing for administrators to worry about.
  • Note on MySQL driver and JDBC Type 4 compliance: while the MySQL driver (at least up to 5.1.18) is designed to be a Type 4 driver, its jdbcCompliant() method always return false. The reason is that the driver does not pass SQL 92 full compliance tests, says MySQL. Thus, you will need to install the MySQL JDBC driver as a module (see below).
  • Installing a JDBC driver as a module
  • <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="com.mysql">  <resources>    <resource-root path="mysql-connector-java-5.1.15.jar"/>  </resources>  <dependencies>    <module name="javax.api"/>  </dependencies></module>
  • jboss-7.0.0.<release>/modules/com/mysql/main
  • define your module with a module.xml file, and the actual jar file that contains your database driver
  • content of the module.xml file
  • Under the root directory of the application server, is a directory called modules
  • module name, which in this example is com.mysql
  • where the implementation is, which is the resource-root tag with the path element
  • define any dependencies you might have.  In this case, as the case with all JDBC data sources, we would be dependent on the Java JDBC API's, which in this case in defined in another module called javax.api, which you can find under modules/javax/api/main as you would expect.
  • Defining the DataSource itself
  •    <datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/MySqlDS" pool-name="MySqlDS">      <connection-url>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/EJB3</connection-url>         <driver>com.mysql</driver>
  •     <drivers>      <driver name="com.mysql" module="com.mysql">        <xa-datasource-class>com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlXADataSource</xa-datasource-class>      </driver>    </drivers>
  • jboss-7.0.0.<release>/domain/configuration/domain.xml or jboss-7.0.0.<release>/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
kuni katsuya

Externalizing Service Configuration using BlazeDS and LCDS - 0 views

  • Externalizing Service Configuration using BlazeDS
  • RemoteObject
  • *when* the configuration of your services is being read.
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • application stops working when you move it to another server
  • project in Flex Builder
  • check “use remote object access service”
  • This adds a compiler argument pointing to the location of your
  • services-config.xml
  • -services
  • services-config.xml
  • When you then
  • compile
  • your application, the required
  • values
  • of services-config.xml are
  • baked into the SWF
  • read at
  • compile time
  • not at runtime
  • {}
  • {server.port}
  • {context.root}
  • {} and {server.port} are replaced at
  • server the SWF was loaded from
  • {context.root} is still substituted at
  • compile time
  • Flex SDK provides an API that allows you to configure your channels at runtime
  • number of ways you can pass values to a SWF at runtime
  • read a configuration file using HTTPService at application startup
kuni katsuya

Chapter 3. Project Setup - 0 views

  • The configuration of a GraniteDS project will generally involve the following steps : Add the GraniteDS jars to the WEB-INF/lib folder of the WAR file or the lib folder of the EAR file Add the GraniteDS listener, servlets and filters in the standard WEB-INF/web.xml configuration file Define the internal configuration of GraniteDS in the WEB-INF/granite/granite-config.xml file Define the application configuration of GraniteDS (remoting destinations, messaging topics...) in the WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml
  • You will always need granite.jar
  • jar for your JPA provider (granite-hibernate.jar for Hibernate)
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • granite-beanvalidation.jar if you want to benefit from the integration with the Bean Validation API
  • configuration file declares 3 differents things
  • Channel endpoint
  • Service factories
  • Service/destinations
  • destinations using this factory will route incoming remote calls to EJB 3
  • endpoint
  • factory 
  • destination
  • channel 
  • factory
kuni katsuya

Chapter 6. Messaging (Gravity) - 0 views

  • Granite Data Services provides a messaging feature, code name Gravity, implemented as a Comet-like service with AMF3 data polling over HTTP (producer/consumer based architecture)
  • GraniteDS messaging relies on two main AS3 components on the Flex side: org.granite.gravity.Consumer and org.granite.gravity.Producer
  • 6.3. Common Configuration There are three main steps to configure Gravity in an application: Declare the Gravity servlet implementation for your target server in web.xml Declare a messaging service and destination in services-config.xml, mapped to a specific channel definition of type GravityChannel
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • org.granite.gravity.tomcat.GravityTomcatServlet
  • /gravityamf/*
  • 6.3.1. Supported Application Servers
  • GraniteDS provides a generic servlet implementation that can work in any compliant servlet container
  • blocking IO and thus will provide relatively limited scalability
  • GraniteDS thus provides implementations of non blocking messaging for the most popular application servers.
  • asynchronous non blocking servlets
  • JBoss 5+org.granite.gravity.jbossweb.GravityJBossWebServletOnly with APR/NIO enabled (APR highly recommended)
  • GlassFish 3.xorg.granite.gravity.async.GravityAsyncServletUsing Servlet 3.0
  • Tomcat 7.x / Jetty 8.xorg.granite.gravity.async.GravityAsyncServletUsing Servlet 3.0
kuni katsuya

Configuring Columns - GreenHopper 6.1 - Atlassian Documentation - Confluence - 0 views

kuni katsuya

Fiddler Web Debugger - Configuring clients - 1 views

kuni katsuya

4. Configuration for CDI - Confluence - 0 views

  • In order to initialize GDS/Tide for CDI and Hibernate, you must add granite.jar, granite-hibernate.jar and granite-cdi.jar to your WEB-INF/lib
  • The easiest way to add GraniteDS support to a CDI project in a Servlet 3 compliant container (currently only GlassFish v3) is by adding a configuration class in your project. This class will be scanned by the servlet 3 container and GraniteDS will use the annotation parameters to determine the application configuration
  • import org.granite.config.servlet3.FlexFilter; import org.granite.gravity.config.AbstractMessagingDestination; import org.granite.gravity.config.servlet3.MessagingDestination; import org.granite.tide.cdi.CDIServiceFactory; import org.granite.tide.cdi.Identity; @FlexFilter( tide=true, type="cdi", factoryClass=CDIServiceFactory.class, tideInterfaces={Identity.class} ) public class GraniteConfig { }
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • services-config.xml
  • define manually the endpoint for remote services
  • service initializer in a static block of the main mxml file
  • Cdi.getInstance().addComponentWithFactory("serviceInitializer", DefaultServiceInitializer, { contextRoot: "/my-cdi-app" } );
  • tideAnnotations
  • list of annotation names that enable remote access to CDI beans
kuni katsuya

How To Configure Java EE 6+ Applications ...Without XML : Adam Bien's Weblog - 0 views

  • How To Configure Java EE 6+ Applications ...Without XML
  • with @Inject:
  • See also page 98 "Configuration Over Convention with Inversion of Control" in Real World Java EE Night Hacks--Dissecting the Business Tier.]
kuni katsuya

Home - JIRA Linker Plugin - Confluence - 0 views

  • Configuring custom Confluence servers
  • Download and save
  • confluence.urls
  • ...5 more annotations...
    • kuni katsuya
      add as first url for confluence.urls property
  • Save the file into JIRA's WEB-INF/classes
  • Restart JIRA.
    "Configuring custom Confluence servers"
kuni katsuya

JBoss Web Configuration Reference - The WEB subsystem - 1 views

  • mime-mapping That is the mapping of file extension to the Content-Type mime header. Most of the current file extensions are already hard coded in the web subsystem, you only need to add a mime-mapping is you want to overwrite the default mapping for a file extension or add a new file extension to the mapping. See below for more. There could be more than one mime-mapping per configuration.
  • mime-mapping The mime-mapping of configurationWeb SubSystem supports the following attributes: AttributeDescriptionname File extension to map. value Value to use.
kuni katsuya

3. Configuration for EJB 3 - Confluence - 0 views

  • Configuration for EJB 3 In order to initialize GDS/Tide for EJB 3 and Hibernate, you must add granite.jar and granite-hibernate.jar to your WEB-INF/lib
kuni katsuya

Chapter 17. Configuration Reference - 0 views

  • <security>
  • custom security service that should implement
  • services-config.xml
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • contains all the remoting and messaging configuration of the application. There are three main sections: channels, factories and services.
kuni katsuya

DataSource configuration - JBoss AS 7.0 - Project Documentation Editor - 0 views

kuni katsuya

Plugins - Jenkins - Jenkins Wiki - 0 views

  • Git Plugin — This plugin allows use of Git as a build SCM
  • Subversion Plugin — This plugin adds the Subversion support (via SVNKit) to Jenkins
  • Subversion Release Manager — This plugin allows you to set up a job in Hudson for building specific revisions of a project.
  • ...77 more annotations...
  • Subversion Tagging Plugin — This plugin automatically performs subversion tagging (technically speaking svn copy) on successful build.
  • ViewVC Plugin — This plugin integrates ViewVC browser interface for CVS and Subversion with Hudson.
  • Source code management
  • Build Pipeline Plugin — This plugin creates a pipeline of Hudson\Jenkins jobs and gives a view so that you can visualise it.
  • Build tools
  • JBoss Management Plugin — This plugin allows to manage a JBoss Application Server during build procedure
  • Maven 2 Project Plugin — Jenkin's Maven 2 project type
  • Phing Plugin — This plugin allows you to use Phing to build PHP projects.
  • Post build task — This plugin allows the user to execute a shell/batch task depending on the build log output. Java regular expression are allowed.
  • Promoted Builds Plugin — This plugin allows you to distinguish good builds from bad builds by introducing the notion of 'promotion'.
  • Publish Over SSH Plugin — Publish files and/or execute commands over SSH (SCP using SFTP)
  • Selenium AES Plugin — This plugin is for continuous regression test by Selenium Auto Exec Server (AES).
  • Vagrant Plugin — This plugin allows booting of Vagrant virtual machines, provisioning them and also executing scripts inside of them
  • Unicorn Validation Plugin — This plugin uses W3C's Unified Validator, which helps improve the quality of Web pages by performing a variety of checks.
  • Build wrappers
  • Android Emulator Plugin — Lets you automatically generate, launch and interact with an Android emulator during a build, with the emulator logs being captured as artifacts.
  • Artifactory Plugin — This plugin allows deploying Maven 2, Maven 3, Ivy and Gradle artifacts and build info to the Artifactory artifacts manager.
  • AWS Cloudformation Plugin — A plugin that allows for the creation of cloud formation stacks before running the build and the deletion of them after the build is completed.
  • Build Keeper Plugin — Select a policy for automatically marking builds as "keep forever" to enable long term analysis trending when discarding old builds - or use to protect logs and artifacts from certain builds
  • Build Name Setter Plugin — This plugin sets the display name of a build to something other than #1, #2, #3, ...
  • SSH plugin — You can use the SSH Plugin to run shell commands on a remote machine via ssh.
  • SeleniumRC Plugin — This plugin allows you to create Selenium server instance for each project build.
  • Vagrant Plugin — This plugin allows booting of Vagrant virtual machines, provisioning them and also executing scripts inside of them
  • Timestamper — Adds timestamps to the Console Output.
  • VirtualBox Plugin — This plugin integrates Jenkins with VirtualBox (version 3, 4.0 and 4.1) virtual machine.
  • Version Number Plugin — This plugin creates a new version number and stores it in the environment variable whose name you specify in the configuration.
  • VMware plugin — This plugin allows you to start a VMware Virtual Machine before a build and stop it again after the build completes.
  • AWS Cloudformation Plugin — A plugin that allows for the creation of cloud formation stacks before running the build and the deletion of them after the build is completed.
  • Desktop Notifier for Jenkins — This is useful for those who are looking for a Desktop Notifier for Jenkins builds to automatically notify you about failed builds directly from their desktops.
  • Email-ext plugin — This plugin allows you to configure every aspect of email notifications. You can customize when an email is sent, who should receive it, and what the email says.
  • Google Calendar Plugin — This plugin publishes build records over to Google Calendar
  • HTML5 Notifier Plugin — Provides W3C Web Notifications support for builds.
  • Jabber Plugin — Integrates Jenkins with the Jabber/XMPP instant messaging protocol. Note that you also need to install the instant-messaging plugin.
  • Build reports
  • Checkstyle Plugin — This plugin generates the trend report for Checkstyle, an open source static code analysis program. 
  • Clover PHP Plugin — This plugin allows you to capture code coverage reports from PHPUnit. For more information on how to set up PHP projects with Jenkins have a look at the Template for Jenkins Jobs for PHP Projects.
  • Crap4J Plugin — This plugin reads the "crappy methods" report from Crap4J. Hudson will generate the trend report of crap percentage and provide detailed information about changes.
  • Dependency Analyzer Plugin — This plugin parses dependency:analyze goal from maven build logs and generates a dependency report
  • Dependency Graph View Plugin — Shows a dependency graph of the projects using graphviz. Requires a graphviz installation on the server.
  • FindBugs Plugin — This plugin generates the trend report for FindBugs, an open source program which uses static analysis to look for bugs in Java code. 
  • Grinder Plugin — This plugin reads output result files from Grinder performance tests, and will generate reports showing test results for every build and trend reports showing performance results across builds.
  • JSUnit plugin — This plugin allows you publish JSUnit test results
  • Performance Plugin — This plugin allows you to capture reports from JMeter and JUnit . Hudson will generate graphic charts with the trend report of performance and robustness.
  • PerfPublisher Plugin — This plugin generates global and trend reports for tests results analysis. Based on an open XML tests results format, the plugin parses the generated files and publish statistics, reports and analysis on the current health of the project.
  • PMD Plugin — This plugin generates the trend report for PMD, an open source static code analysis program. 
  • Sonar plugin — Quickly benefit from Sonar, an open-source dashboard based on many analysis tools like Checkstyle, PMD and Cobertura.
  • testng-plugin — This plugin allows you to publish TestNG results.
  • Violations — This plug-in generates reports static code violation detectors such as checkstyle, pmd, cpd, findbugs, codenarc, fxcop, stylecop and simian.
  • xUnit Plugin — This plugin makes it possible to publish the test results of an execution of a testing tool in Jenkins.
  • Artifact uploaders
  • ArtifactDeployer Plugin — This plugin makes it possible to copy artifacts to remote locations.
  • Artifactory Plugin — This plugin allows deploying Maven 2, Maven 3, Ivy and Gradle artifacts and build info to the Artifactory artifacts manager.
  • Confluence Publisher Plugin — This plugin allows you to publish build artifacts as attachments to an Atlassian Confluence wiki page.
  • Deploy Plugin — This plugin takes a war/ear file and deploys that to a running remote application server at the end of a build
  • FTP-Publisher Plugin — This plugin can be used to upload project artifacts and whole directories to an ftp server.
  • HTML Publisher Plugin
  • Publish Over FTP Plugin — Publish files over FTP
  • Publish Over SSH Plugin — Publish files and/or execute commands over SSH (SCP using SFTP)
  • S3 Plugin — Upload build artifacts to Amazon S3
  • SCP plugin — This plugin uploads build artifacts to repository sites using SCP (SSH) protocol.
  • Hudson Helper for Android — Monitor your CI builds right from your Android device.
  • Hudson Mobi, the iPhone, iPod and Android client for Hudson CI — The iPhone, iPod and iPad client for Hudson CI monitoring on the road.
  • Hudson Monitor for Android — Monitor and display the status of your builds on your Android™ phone.
  • External site/tool integrations
  • Jira Issue Updater Plugin — This is a Jenkins plugin which updates issues in Atlassian Jira (by changing their status and adding a comment) as part of a Jenkins job.
  • JIRA Plugin — This plugin integrates Atlassian JIRA to Jenkins.
  • ChuckNorris Plugin — Displays a picture of Chuck Norris (instead of Jenkins the butler) and a random Chuck Norris 'The Programmer' fact on each build page.
  • UI plugins
  • Active Directory plugin — With this plugin, you can configure Jenkins to authenticate the username and the password through Active Directory.
  • Audit Trail Plugin — Keep a log of who performed particular Jenkins operations, such as configuring jobs.
  • JClouds Plugin — This plugin uses JClouds to provide slave launching on most of the currently usable Cloud infrastructures.
  • Checkstyle Plugin — This plugin generates the trend report for Checkstyle, an open source static code analysis program. 
  • FindBugs Plugin — This plugin generates the trend report for FindBugs, an open source program which uses static analysis to look for bugs in Java code. 
  • JIRA Plugin — This plugin integrates Atlassian JIRA to Jenkins.
  • M2 Release Plugin — This plugin allows you to perform a release build using the maven-release-plugin from within Jenkins.
  • PMD Plugin — This plugin generates the trend report for PMD, an open source static code analysis program. 
  • Meme Generator Plugin — Generate Meme images when a build fails (and returns to stable), and post them on the project page.
kuni katsuya

DataSource configuration - JBoss AS 7.1 - Project Documentation Editor - 0 views

  • /subsystem=datasources:read-resource(recursive=true)
  • /subsystem=datasources:installed-drivers-list
  • DataSource configuration
kuni katsuya

MySQL :: MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual :: Configurable InnoDB Auto-Increment Locking - 0 views

  • Configurable
    • kuni katsuya
      new and improved!(?)
  • table-level locks held until the end of a statement make INSERT statements using auto-increment safe for use with
  • statement-based replication
  • ...24 more annotations...
  • However, those locks limit concurrency and scalability when multiple transactions are executing insert statements at the same time
  • For INSERT statements where the number of rows to be inserted is known at the beginning of processing the statement, InnoDB quickly allocates the required number of auto-increment values without taking any lock, but only if there is no concurrent session already holding the table-level AUTO-INC lock (because that other statement will be allocating auto-increment values one-by-one as it proceeds)
  • obtains auto-increment values under the control of a mutex (a light-weight lock) that is not held until the statement completes, but only for the duration of the allocation process
  • innodb_autoinc_lock_mode = 0 (“traditional” lock mode)
  • special table-level AUTO-INC lock is obtained and held to the end of the statement
  • lock mode is provided for:
  • Backward compatibility.
  • innodb_autoinc_lock_mode = 1 (“consecutive” lock mode)
  • important impact of this lock mode is significantly better scalability
  • This mode is safe for use with
  • statement-based replication
  • innodb_autoinc_lock_mode = 2 (“interleaved” lock mode)
  • This is the fastest and most scalable lock mode
  • but it is
  • not safe
  • when using
  • statement-based replication
  • recovery scenarios when SQL statements are replayed from the binary log
  • Using auto-increment with replication
  • set innodb_autoinc_lock_mode to 0 or 1 and use the same value on the master and its slaves
  • Auto-increment values are not ensured to be the same on the slaves as on the master if you use innodb_autoinc_lock_mode = 2 (“interleaved”) or configurations where the master and slaves do not use the same lock mode
  • If you are using
  • row-based replication
  • all of the auto-increment lock modes are safe
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