Fiddler Web Debugger - Configuring clients - 0 views
Debug traffic from another machine (even a device or Unix box)
Allow remote clients to connect
"HTTP application to use Fiddler? You can either directly configure the WinHTTP application to point to Fiddler, in code, or you can use the following command at the command prompt to tell WinHTTP to use Fiddler: On XP or below: proxycfg -p http=;https= ...or this one to force WinHTTP to use WinINET's proxy settings: proxycfg -u On Vista or above, use an Elevated (admin) command prompt: netsh winhttp set proxy Note: On Windows 7 and earlier, netsh is bitness specific, so you may want to run the above command twice: first using the 32bit NETSH and then using the 64bit NETSH. This blog has more information. This issue was fixed in Windows 8; you can call either NetSh just once to set the proxy for both 32bit and 64bit WinHTTP hosts. Capture traffic from a different account, like ASP.NET on IIS or from a Windows Service? Trying to capture SOAP calls coming from ASP.NET or some background service process? By default, Fiddler registers as the proxy only for the current user account (ASP.NET runs in a different user account). To get a background process (like the ASP.NET or IIS process) to use Fiddler, you must configure that process to use Fiddler. Typically, this is done by editing web.config or machine.config for the ASP.NET installation, or the configuration for the code running within the Windows Service. Please see or the section on .NET or WinHTTP, depending on which network stack the service is using. Configure Windows Phone 7 to use Fiddler? Please see for actual device hardware, or for the emulator. Configure Google Nexus 7 (Andoid 4.1 Jellybean) to use Fiddler? Please see this page. Configure Android Emulator to use Fiddler? Please see http://au